Missing Elf and A Strange Spell

OK, This is my first FanFic so it might suck...Please read and review

I own NOTHING from Lord of the Rings


Chapter One

Aragorn sat on his throne in Gondor, his Queen, Arwen sat beside him in her own. Aragorn sighed for what must have been the hundredth time. Arwen looked over at him and smiled slightly "They will be here soon, Do not worry" she said quietly.

Aragorn sighed again and looked at his Queen "Arwen, They are all late. The Hobbits and Gandalf I can understand being a few hours late But Gimli and Legolas? Legolas is never late" he said throwing his arms up in the air. Arwen gave a small laugh and was interrupted from replying when the doors to the throne room opened and Boromir came running through with a smile on his face.

Boromir came up to the throne still smiling "Aragorn, five travelers have been spotted riding to Gondor. Four on ponies, and one on a white stallion."

Aragorn smiled and got up "Wonderful, the Hobbits and Gandalf are here" Arwen laughed again shaking her head slightly. Ever since the end of the war Boromir had been a lot friendlier. Arwen had herd about Boromir almost dieing at Amon Hen, and if Aragorn had gotten any later he would have.

About fifteen minutes later the doors to the throne room opened again and a guard came in and announced "My King, Your guests have arrived" and he stepped a side, letting Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin come in.

Aragorn and Boromir ran to the newcomers and greeted them. Boromir greeted Merry and Pippin by picking them up and giving them a huge hug "Hello again, Little ones" he said happily. Marry and Pippin laughed.

Aragorn greeted the others "Welcome, My Friends. Tell me why are you all so late?" he asked.

Merry answered saying, "Were late cause Pip here kept falling off his pony."

"I did not keep falling off my pony, you kept pushing me off"

"I only did that once, Pip"

"You still pushed me off, Merry"

Everyone around the two started laughing. Merry and Pippin looked at them and started laughing themselves.

About an hour later the guard came back and announced "My King, Another one of your guests has arrived" after he said that a short being with a long red beard came jogging in holding his hands apart with a large smile across his face "Hello, My Friends!" he greeted.

"Gimli!" said Frodo.

"Hello, My Friend" said Aragorn.

Sam tilted his head slightly "Hello Mr. Gimli. Where is Mr. Legolas, If you don't mind me askin?"

Gimli's smile faded slightly and everyone but Aragorn and Boromir got worried for their friend. Gimli seeing their faces spoke "Don't worry about the Elf, he's fine. He just went back to Mirkwood to see his family and another special thing"

No one noticed the knowing looks Gandalf and Arwen got at the last thing Gimli said.

Gandalf spoke up "Well he will be here when he comes, we cant just sit around and do nothing until he gets here. So lets get comfortable and catch up with each other."

Soon everyone was talking and laughing and for the moment forgetting about their Elvin friend.

A few hours after the sun had set Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin were still talking. Arwen had left the friends to talk on their own. Pippin looked out one of the large windows ad gasped "Hey look, It's dark out side." The others looked out the window as well and saw that the young Hobbit was right.

"Well time for bed" said Gandalf.

"Aw, Do we have to. I mean Legolas isn't even here" Pippin wined.

Aragorn shook his head "Pippin, If Legolas was going to be here today then he would have been here already. I'm sure he will be here tomorrow. Come now, lets all go to bed. I am positive Legolas will be here tomorrow"

Pippin nodded and he along with Merry, Sam, Frodo and the others stood and went to the rooms that Aragorn had given them two years ago, and fell into a restless sleep.

End Of Chapter One

AN- I Hope you all liked it.