Would you care?
So tell me…
If I were to die today, would you care?
Mom? Dad? Anybody?
You all would.
And that's why,
I'm going to die today.
Because I don't deserve it.
Forgiveness, light, family, love, friendship…
None of it.
Not happiness not anything.
So this is it.
My mind's made up.
I'm going to die today and that's it.
No more.
Good-bye forever
Riku paddled across the salty waters that separated the main Island from the remote smaller one he'd grown up playing on. And with each stroke he grew more and more tired. Not from lack of strength. Well not physical strength anyway…
He watched with detached interest as the paddles stroked across the water's smooth, flawless surface.
Riku was tired. Of everything. Guilt, shame… Trying to hold on even though he knew in the end he would end it all.
Trying to hold on for Sora and Kairi's sake.
Riku walked onto the sandy beach. Not even bothering to tie up his boat. He wouldn't need it anymore. Not where he was going.
Riku arrived at the little island with the demented Paopu tree shortly and when he did he took one last look at the sunset. Turning his attention to the tree he placed his palm on it. Ironically he'd miss the tree most of all, he realized.
Riku brought out a pocket knife and the piece of paper he'd written his last words on out. Riku stared at his reflection in the knife for a while.
'Just do it.'
'What? Don't you want this?'
'Then why wait? The sooner you end your pathetic existence, the sooner the world can move on.'
'Awww… Did I hurt your feelings?'
'No… You're right… I'll do it…'
'Well then get it over with!'
'Fine! I will!'
'Then why are you taking so long?'
'You… you can't rush these things.'
'Alright I'll be quiet…'
Riku continued to stare at the sun's glint in the steel. He stood for what seemed like hours. All the while wondering why he hadn't already killed himself.
'I'm waiting… What? What's taking so long this time?'
'I'm… not sure…'
'You're joking right? What reason have you got to stay?'
'Sora… and Kairi…'
'Pfft! Those two?! I wouldn't be surprised if they were making out behind your back right now!'
'Well… then Mickey… the king he'd-
'Oh please! He's got a kingdom to rule! He's not gonna care! In fact he'll probably be relieved…'
'R- relieved…?'
'Yeah. This way he doesn't have to worry about your butt all the time.'
'I guess… but my parents will-
'Your parents survived without you for a year.'
'There, see? Now if you're still unsure think of it this way; without you around pushing your troubles on them, everyone's better off. Think of it as your last pathetic attempt at self-redemption.'
'I gave up on redemption a long time ago.'
'Okay fine then… Your last good deed towards your friends.'
Riku didn't wait any longer. With that last thought he brought the blade down swiftly. It fell deft and sure. And it met its mark on Riku's pale exposed wrist.
It's over…
I'm finally going to stop troubling all my friends…
Back into darkness…
Riku's blank fading eyes watched emotionlessly as the sun glinted off the shore line.
Wow… it's so bright…
ChibiFrubaGirl: Well… that was certainly depressing… Please review! But keep in mind it's only my second fic! Also just so you know, this is not a one-shot. This is a two-shot.
So be on the look-out for my next update!