MewIchigoPrincess: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I was gone with my Youth Group all weekend to Manhattan, KS. It was a lot of fun and now I'm back and ready to jump into the next chapter! Thank you guys for such awesome reviews! I love reading them and I'm really glad you babes took the time to read my story! I would like to thank JadenYukiAlexisYuki, Syrus Fanatic 4-Ever, dark magician girl princess, dbzgtfan2004, Poison's Ivy, and Yami Amaya. You guys are so awesome! Now, sit back, relax and enjoy chapter two!

Chapter Two

Jaden had been in his room all day. After what had just happened between him and Alexis what was now 8 hours ago, he didn't want to leave his room. He felt so guilty. But, he didn't have any idea that Alexis liked him. And even if he did, he had no idea she would take it that hard. How could've he been so stupid? So blind? He hated to see Alexis like that and would do anything to make her feel better. If only he could talk to her and give him some sort of indication that she was alright. But, she hated him. There was no way in a million years she would ever talk to him again.

Jaden got up off of his bed and slowly walked to the cliff that looked over the ocean. He sat down on the edge of the cliff and let himself get lost in the beauty and calmness of the ocean. He loved to come out at night and look at the ocean. The bright, full moon shining down on the glistening and gentle water made him feel at peace. Jaden closed his eyes and deeply breathed in the fresh, ocean air. He thought about Alexis. He knew that Alexis loved the ocean too, and he loved it that the ocean reminded him so much of her.

The ocean was calm and beautiful and could take away all of your worries. Alexis was all of that and so much more. She was calm, fun to be around, strong. There was just something about her that Jaden couldn't help but… hold on. Why is he thinking like this? Alexis was his friend, and friends don't think about each other like that… or so he thought.

He was so confused! He had never been in this situation before. What could he do next? He needed some female advice… and he knew exactly who to talk to.

Back at the Slifer Red dorms…

"Syrus! Give me back my card!" Chloe said.

"Not until you give me back mine!" Syrus replied.

Syrus and Chloe had been dueling and had soon gotten into an argument about how the effect of "Triple Ecstasy Attack" (or something along the lines of that) worked. And then, that argument multiplied into a fight and Chloe decided to steal one of Syrus' cards and vice versa. They started punching, pulling each other's hair and everything else you could think of. And just because Chloe's a girl, doesn't mean she can't hold her own in a fight. She's one tough chic and there's no way she would ever back down from a fight. As Chloe and Syrus continued fighting, Jaden walked in. Chloe and Syrus paused in their fight to see a very wide-eyed Jaden.

Chloe and Syrus looked at each other and quickly let go. They laughed nervously and sweatdropped.

"Oh, uh… h-hey, Bubby! What's up, heh heh?" Chloe said while rubbing the back of her head.

"Yeah, Jay. What's up?" Syrus chimed in.

"Nothing. Why were you two fighting… again?" Jaden asked.

Chloe and Syrus looked at each other and then back at Jaden. They both put up their hands and said, "No reason!". Jaden raised an eyebrow and quickly put the situation at the back of his mind. He had more important matters to deal with.

"Okay, whatever. Ci Ci, can I talk to you alone?"

Chloe and Jaden both looked at Syrus. Syrus sighed and left the Slifer Red dorm room.

"Sure, Bubby. What's up?"

Obelisk Blue Girl's Dorm

Alexis awoke to a dark room with the only light being the illuminating rays of the moon shining through her window. Alexis got up out of her bed and walked to the window. She had had dreams about Jaden and they weren't pleasant, either. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about him. Alexis stared out into the vast forest and out into the horizon.

'What's the matter with me? Why can't I stop thinking about him?' Alexis asked herself. 'He rejected me… I just have to get over it and move on. But… it just hurts so much. Look at me! I'm acting like it's the end of the world! I'm sure there are other fish in the sea… no, I know there are other guys out there. But before I move on to another guy, I should take it slow and get over it gently. If Jaden doesn't love me, then there's no point on dwelling in the past.'

Alexis thought about this again. She didn't want to forget her feelings for Jaden, but she didn't have a choice. She would be miserable for the rest of her life if she didn't move on. Sure, she had cried and cried and cried and will probably cry again tomorrow, but she had to move on with her life. Maybe someday, she'll be with a guy who will love her and who she'll love back. But for right now, that's not going to happen. Alexis slowly walked back to her bed and went to sleep, hoping that her dreams would take her away into a land of love and peace, and hoping that the boy she used to love would be there.

Back in the Slifer Red Dorm…

Jaden had just finished talking with Chloe. He loved his sister a lot and was so glad he had talked to her. He had given her a lot of good advice and thought about it all. She had told him basically how a girl feels after she gets rejected and that after crying and being depressed for awhile, they move on to other guys. She had also told him that if he didn't act fast, Alexis would be gone and he would never be able to get her back no matter how hard he tried.

Jaden processed this information in his mind. She was right. Alexis wasn't the one to dwell in the past. But, what could he do? He had no idea how to get her back. The only way he could was if he fell in love with her. Jaden shook his head.

'Don't cross that line, Jaden! You know that Alexis is just your friend and that's how it's going to stay. Well… she was your friend, at least. Now she just hates you. There's no way she would even consider falling in love with you again, let alone become friends again.'

Jaden sighed. He closed his eyes and fell down on his bed. He let his mind wander and think some more about Alexis and his feelings toward her. When he reached a certain point in his thoughts, he shot up. No, no it couldn't be… could it? Could he actually be in love with Alexis?

MewIchigoPrincess: Well, that's it for chapter two! I hope you enjoyed it! Please review and tell me what I need to work on and I'll try my best to do it. Or, just tell me how much you liked it! But please, no flames! Please don't use that review button to bash mine, or other people's writings. We have the right to write whatever we want to just like you do. If you don't like it, don't read and write your own story about whatever and I won't bash you. Anyway, R&R!