True Love Is Blind

MewIchigoPrincess: Hey guys! This is my third fanfic! Yay! This fanfic was inspired by JadenYukiAlexisRhodes. Well, they didn't just inspire this, they gave me the idea! Hey, thanks a lot babe! I owe ya! This is gonna be strictly romance. No action, no horror. Well, there might be a little bit of drama in here just because love can be pretty dramatic sometimes. Well… most of the time. Here are the characters:

Jaden Yuki

Alexis Rhodes

Atticus Rhodes

Aster Phoenix

Chloe Yuki

Chazz Princeton

Syrus Truesdale

Tyranno Hasselberry

And some OC's

Yes, this is a Jaden/Alexis fic and most of this story is going to be about them hooking up. Although, there's going to be a few chapters that I'm going to get everyone else hooked up. So, that's that! On with the first chapter!

Chapter One

The sun was beginning to rise on a brisk and cool spring morning over Duel Academy Island. Rays of sunlight tried to peak their way through Alexis' aqua blue curtains as she awoke with a start. Cold sweat ran down the side of her forehead as she got out of bed and got dressed in her uniform. She looked at the clock. 5:45. Even though it was early, there was no way Alexis could go back to sleep. The dream that she had just awoke from had disturbed her enough not to even close her eyes. She put on an Obelisk Blue jacket and quietly walked out of her room as to not to disturb her roommates, Mindy and Jasmine.

Alexis walked away from the Obelisk Blue girl's dorm and into the somewhat dark forest. She walked until she reached a cliff that overlooked the sparkling ocean. Alexis smiled. She had always loved the ocean and loved to live by it. It was her escape when things got rough at her house. Home. The one place she absolutely couldn't stand. A tear started to roll down her rosy cheek as memories of her home life came flooding back. She tried her best to push those memories to the very back of her head because she hated to think about that.

'No! C'mon Alexis! Pull yourself together! Don't let him control you! You have the power, not him!' Alexis thought to herself as she wiped the single tear from her light brown eyes.

Alexis convinced herself not to think about those memories and move on to new ones. She thought about her life here at the Academy and how happy she'd been. When she was with her friends, they made her forget her past and made her feel special… especially Jaden. Ah, Jaden, the only person to whom she felt a special connection to. The longer she got to know him, the more she felt connected to him. But… that's what had puzzled her. For the longest time she couldn't figure out why she felt that way… until one fateful day.

It was when she was being brainwashed by Sartorius and she dueled against Jaden. He had won against her which made her snap out of her dark haze. That night after the duel, she thought about the duel and her feelings toward him. She had discovered after hours of soul-searching that she was in love with him. As Alexis thought about this, her heart began to flutter. She loved this feeling, this feeling of love. Now, the only problem was, she needed to tell Jaden… but how? How would she tell him? Would he even return the feelings? Uh oh, another crossroad. Now, that's something that she didn't even think about. Would Jaden return her feelings? Alexis was starting to second-guess herself.

'What if I tell Jaden and he totally rejects me? My heart would be totally broken! Maybe… maybe… maybe I shouldn't tell him.' Alexis thought.

Alexis shook her head. 'No! You have to tell him! What if he feels the same way about you? You need to tell him! Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!' Alexis thought.

Alexis kept arguing with herself for the longest time until she made her final conclusion. She had to tell Jaden otherwise she would regret it for the rest of her life! She had made up her mind. She was going to tell Jaden today before sunset or she might as well forget it. Alexis looked at her watch. 7:45.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late!" Alexis yelled as she pivoted on the balls of her heels and ran as fast as she could to class.

In the classroom…

"Alexis Rhodes… Has anyone seen Alexis Rhodes?" Prof. Naomi Stone asked. Prof. Stone jumped as the door opened to her classroom. The woman with long, violet hair and aquamarine eyes turned to face Alexis as she walked in and bowed.

"I am so sorry I'm late, Prof. Stone! I totally lost track of time! It won't happen again, I promise!" Alexis said.

Prof. Stone sweatdropped at Alexis' method of apology.

"Alexis, Alexis! Slow down! It's okay! This is your first time that you were late so, I'll let it slide this time. Just don't let it happen again." Prof. Stone said in her soft and soothing voice.

"I promise Professor! It won't definitely happen again!"

Prof. Stone smiled gently at Alexis.

"Very well then, take your seat please."

When Prof. Stone said everything was going to be fine, you believed her. She just had a way of reassuring you and making your worries go away. How did she do it? Was it her soothing voice or her soft and caring aquamarine eyes? Well, whatever it was, that was one of the many reasons why she really liked Prof. Stone. Alexis smiled returned the same warm smile that Prof. Stone had gave her. She bowed one more time and then took her seat next to Jasmine and Mindy.

After class…

"Hey, Jaden! Wait up!" Alexis called after him.

Jaden turned around to see a very out of breath Alexis. He told Syrus and Hasselberry to go on without him and he'd meet them back at the dorm.

"Hey, Lex! What's up?" Jaden asked her.

"Um… well… we need to talk…" Alexis looked around at all the other students that passed by them and decided that this wouldn't be the right place to tell him.


"Okay. Hey, I have a place! What about the little oasis out in the middle of the forest?" Jaden said.

"Sure, Jay. I have no idea where you're talking about so, why not!"

"Great! Let's go!"

Jaden took Alexis' hand, (which made her blush), and he pulled her to the "little oasis" as he called it. As they ran into the forest, Alexis could see what looked like a waterfall where the trees started to clear. As they got closer and closer, she could see so much more than a waterfall. It was paradise. Flowers were blooming in and out of the trees. Roses, daffodils, tulips, you name it and it was there. And, of course in the center of it all was the miniature waterfall. It was so majestic and so symbolic of everything she believed in. It seemed to set the perfect calm and peaceful mood. Alexis felt much more relaxed about confessing to Jaden now.

"Oh my goodness, Jaden! It's so beautiful! How did you find this?" Alexis asked still in awe over the beauty of the oasis.

"I dunno. I was just walking around the forest one day, thinking, when I came across it. I was surprised that no one else had found it. But, then again, it is pretty deep in the forest."

"You? Thinking? Hahaha… that's almost too good to be true!" Alexis giggled.

Jaden looked surprised and almost hurt by this. Alexis wasn't usually the one who made fun of him. This was definitely something new. This made Jaden get even more suspicious than he was before. Something was up… major.

"Hey, it happens! But it only happens when I want it to… Alexis?"


"Is there something wrong?"

Alexis was shocked. Jaden knew something was going on. What gave her away? Oh, it was probably her making fun of him that threw him off. She didn't do it very often. It was only when she felt playful and wanted to have fun with Jaden. Or it was when she was sad and needed somebody to cheer her up. Jaden always managed to make her laugh and to feel good. That's one of the other reasons he made her heart melt. But, her favorite thing about Jaden was his eyes. Oh, those deep brown eyes. She had never seen such a rich color and a happy spirit. It made her want to faint. Alexis decided that now was the time to tell him. If she didn't do it now, she never would. She took a deep breath and began to explain.

"No Jaden, nothing's wrong. Jaden… I- I… I think… no, I know that I… am in love with you!" Alexis finally blurted out.

Jaden was shocked. This completely threw him off guard. He had no idea that she was going to say that! Nothing in her eyes told him that and it was usually her eyes that signaled something was going on. Jaden didn't say anything for what felt like an eternity to Alexis. She was starting to get scared. She had to have an answer from him or she would just die! Finally, just as Alexis was gonna make him speak, he, well, spoke.

"Alexis… look, you're my friend. And, in a way I love you too. But, that's only in a best friend sort of way. I'm really sorry. We can still be friends, right?" Jaden said, both hands on her shoulders, his voice gentle and calm.

Alexis' heart sank. She could feel tears starting to burn her eyes, threatening to fall down her now pale cheeks. She tried her hardest to keep back the tears but, in the end she failed.

Jaden felt guilty now. He had made her cry… and that was certainly the last thing that he wanted to do to her. Jaden pulled Alexis in his arms to try and comfort her but she pulled away. Jaden was shocked at first but he then saw the hurt in her beautiful light brown eyes.

"Alexis… I---"

Alexis wiped the tears off of her cheeks and tried her hardest to put on a smile that would convince him she was all right. Alas to no avail. Jaden could still see that she was hurting on the inside no matter how hard she tried to hide it on the outside.

"No Jaden. I'm okay. I'll be fine. I think I'd better go now." Alexis spun on her heels and ran as fast as she could away from the oasis. Away, she had to get away. She had to get way from that moment, that spot and him. The only person she had truly loved had rejected her and she just couldn't bear to look into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes ever again.

MewIchigoPrincess: Hey guys! What did you think of the first chapter? Was it sad? Review me and tell me what you think. No flames please! R&R!