Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N: This is just the prologue. Don't worry! The next chapter will be much longer and less of a filler. This is basically the setting and a little overview about Shikamaru. I think it's still a little fun to read though.

Published November 1, 2006


If you say the name, Nara Shikamaru, a handful of girls would crowd around you and talk about how wonderful he was. Who could blame them? He had an IQ over 200 which spread across Konoha like wildfire. He was greatly known as the only genin to become a Chuunin when the exams included the prodigies, Sabaku no Gaara, Uchiha Sasuke, and Hyuuga Neji. Shikamaru was anything but a prodigy.

He may have been a genius, but you would have never noticed it. He was also known as the laziest ninja in all of Konoha. The boy who would sleep through class, only want to watch clouds all day, and have an average, easy, ninja life. He even had a life plan for when he got married. As quoted by Shikamaru himself, 'I was going to be a decent ninja, earn a decent salary, marry a decent woman who is neither beautiful nor ugly, and have two decent children. The first one would be a girl and the next be a boy. After the daughter got married and the son becomes independent, I would retire as a Ninja and spend all day playing Shogi and Go, and enjoy the retired life. And finally die before the wife, due to old age.'

Things have changed since Shikamaru was 12. He still thinks females are troublesome. He still likes to watch the clouds. He is still has his lazy attitude and overuses the word 'troublesome'.

He still has the same personality, but he's 16 now. He's still a Chuunin, but he rarely goes on missions ever since the Fifth Hokage transferred him to be a 'Special Chuunin' which was a new role made just for Shikamaru. He wouldn't go on missions unless needed; instead he would help Tsunade with paperwork. This was just an excuse to get Tsunade out of doing hard work like taxes and whatnot.

Things weren't getting any easier for Shikamaru though. He had a skylight (a window on the ceiling) in his office, but he was always too busy with paperwork to even glance up at it.

What was even worse about being a 'Special' was being ordered to do many odd jobs that Tsunade would only give to Shikamaru. The worst task had to be having to be a tour guide. He had to escort many Jounin around Konoha; most were liaisons that were going to see Tsunade for an ally agreement. There was something even worse than this. Shikamaru had to escort…her. Her name sent shivers up Shikamaru's spine…Sabaku no Temari. She just happened to be the liaison for the Suna. She was the most troublesome woman, even more troublesome than his own mother, Shikamaru had ever known.

That had started many rumors. Rumors had gone around saying that Shikamaru had dated Ino, Temari, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, and the Sound-nin Rin…at the same time. 'How could I date four Konoha girls who are somewhat friends, a girl I've never met or talked to until the Chuunin Exams and only the Chuunin Exams, and a girl from the Sand Village who was more troublesome than my mother?' Shikamaru would wonder many times as many random people would ask if this rumor was true. How anyone could think that was possible was crazy. What was even more ludicrous was when villagers thought Shikamaru was dating Tsunade. If you didn't think it could get more ridiculous than that, how about the fact that many soon gossiped that Shikamaru got Ino and Temari pregnant at the same time?! Sure Shikamaru had a tendency of being around females, against his will of course, but it didn't mean that he was bearing their children, dating them, or even thinking about having a relationship of more than friends with any of them.

This was the life of Nara Shikamaru. A 16 year-old, who wasn't very lucky when it came to women, one thing the genius couldn't understand, with a very troublesome life.

A/N: Yup, that was it…for now!