Disclaimer : do not own Gakuen Alice cause I am a prefect who is waiting for an exam results!

Yo!! Good day today!! How are you? Fine? Good... Straight to the point, this is the last chapter and I hope you'll enjoy it! But before that, I want to really, really thank all the reviewers from chapter one until this chapter! Especially the regular reviewers! Thanks in a zillion! This chapter is for you all!!

Previous chapter recap

Natsume's POV

"Mikan, go in first. I'll take care of this guy." I hissed to her right ear. "But… " She started objecting. "Just go!" I said hastily, pushing Mikan's wheel chair towards the entrance.

"No, you're not going in, sister!" Minoru protested, throwing a long sharp stake at her. "Mikan!" I shouted, casting fire around the stake. Luckily, the ice melts before reaching Mikan's flesh. Mikan stiffed due to shockness.

"You…how dare you! She's your sister!" I shouted in anger. "Unofficial one though. How disgraceful." He corrected. "Direct that to your father, then!" I said, losing my temper. "It's the woman fault. She should agree to father. But I guess I will not be born if that happens…" The Ice Alice user said nonchalantly.

"You…!" I said in anger. Suddenly, I felt tremendous pain on my right shoulder. I glanced at my shivering shoulder. Blood dripped unstop from the wound.

I was stabbed by an ice stake.

End of POV

Chapter 12 – Last Chapter – The End

"Natsume!" Mikan ran towards the injured fire caster abandoning her wheelchair. He was lying helplessly on the ground. "Are you okay? Answer me, Natsume!" Mikan said, bursting into tears. "I'm sorry…" Mikan whispered, bending her body towards Natsume. "I'm sorry…" she repeated mournfully.

"Baka…your tears dropped in my mouth…" Natsume said weakly. "Natsume…sorry, I…I'll help you. You'll be okay." The brunette assured. Mikan nullified the ice stake stabbing Natsume's poor shoulder. More blood rushing out, inflicting tremendous pain on Natsume.

"Please hold on, Natsume…I'll stop the blood flow, now." Mikan said, using her Alice to stop the flowing of blood. She also increased the rate of plasma and platelets at the wound to change the soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin. The brunette let the fibrins increase its pace to form a network of fibres at the wound. A minute later, the blood cells trapped behind the fibres. The bleeding stopped but Natsume's still feeling unbearable pain.

Mikan laid Natsume on a grassy ground. Then, she turned to his younger 'brother', Minoru Yuki.

"You've crossed the line, younger brother…" she paused. "How dare you hurt Natsume!" Mikan snapped and used her Blood Controlling Alice to stop Minoru's blood from flowing. However, her attack getting weaker and the effect aren't as efficient as always.

Minoru launched his attack without any hesitation. Mikan clenched her teeth, glowing with determination or should we say…anger. "Warrgghh!" She nullified the ice stakes; all of them, leaving Minoru's eyes wide in shock.

"You…!!" Mikan muttered in threatening manner. "You shall pay!!"

"Mikan, no!" Natsume voiced echoed in the background which Mikan ignored it. She was too obsessed with anger to the state where she didn't care about herself or her surrounding anymore.

"I'll let you feel pressure, little brother…the pressure of your blood…"

Minoru was heard yelling hysterically in pain. But Mikan didn't care…

"How about we bring the pressure to your brain? It seems you hadn't experience enough pain as much as Natsume…" The brunette continues threatening. Minoru's voice rose to a higher pitch. He was yelling on top of his lung now. Real veins were seen popping out from his head in a ridiculous amount.

"Stop…Mikan…" Natsume muttered to no one. "You'll hurt yourselves…"

"Let's increase the pressure shall we, dear brother?" She said in monotone. Her face was twisted to an ugly scowl face. Her smile was nowhere to see.

Minoru cried at a maximum state before he collapsed, clearly unconscious.

Natsume turned his face to Mikan. She was facing the other side but her shoulder went up and down in an exceptionally rapid pace. Within another second, she fall onto her knee and then towards the Earth.

Natsume summoned all his strength to get up and used the remaining one to go towards the brunette. With his hand clutching his injured right shoulder, he walked slowly and weakly, advancing step by step unstably.

The Black Cat reached his destination only to see the hazel haired girl suffers. Mikan once again coughing blood but the blood was a bit different. The red liquid was more viscous. 'This is bad…the viscosity of her blood is abnormal. She'll find it harder to breathe this way.' Natsume thought examining Mikan.

Natsume's POV

"Are you okay, Mikan?" I asked although I already knew the actual answer. She used too much of her Alice. She reached her limit.

"I want my mom…" She said but it sounds more like pleading. I munched my lips, closed my eyes in deep thought. I stood up and had my hands reached for Mikan's wheelchair. I brought it to her and heaved her on. She was totally weak to even stir.

"I'll bring you to her, Mikan." I said. 'Even if it will be the last thing I'll do.'

"Thank you…"

End of POV


"How long are you planning to avoid my attack, Aoshi?!" A long haired woman called while directing her fiery phoenix-like attack towards the thin haired man. "You won't win against me."

Aoshi jumped from one tile to another, preventing the fire from getting to his flesh. "You can't escape!" Yuka threatened, controlling her fiery phoenix to follow the target.

Aoshi was seen smirking again. He advanced his steps to one point- Yuka Azumi. With the phoenix behind him, Yuka had no choice but to extinguish her fire or she would get burned as well. 'Damn him!' Yuka cursed.

Aoshi didn't slow down his pace. He was still advancing towards Yuka, stopping abruptly one foot from her. Yuka eyes dilated. Her mouth was locked, unable to react. Aoshi leaned closer, reducing the distance between them until the point where Yuka can see Aoshi's pores.

"Come to think of it, your right…There's no way I will win against you…" Aoshi hissed, brushing Yuka's smooth pointed chin. "How about you give up and be my second wife?" He suggested making Yuka's eyes twitched to it's maximum state. She was about to object…until Aoshi touched her face lovingly and brought her to his chest. "Let's live happily…together with Mikan."

Yuka stiffed, drained with reaction. "That's right, Yuka…we can live happily together with our only daughter. You don't want to give her a life without father's love do you?" he continued. Yuka was still speechless.

"Let's reconcile…You and your alice would be mine and together, we control the academy…for Mikan's sake." He muttered, trying to win Yuka's heart. "For Mikan?" she replied at last but with a stiffed voice, a voice that barely escape from her voice box. "Yes, Yuka dear…come to me…and be mine…" He said, smirking evilly while Yuka starts to give in. (Oh no!!)

"Mother, NO!!" a breathless brunette barged in with a certain raven haired boy causing Yuka to snap out of Aoshi's control. "Mikan…" 'What had happened?' Yuka questioned herself. Realizing that she was in Aoshi's embrace, she quickly pushed Aoshi away and trampled in process. Yuka stared at the no-smirking face of Aoshi, complaining mentally about her painful butt.

Then, it came to her mind. 'Damn, I let my guard down! He slipped into my emotion!' Yuka thought but her furiousness was cut by Mikan's sudden hugging. "Mom…I wanted to see you so much." Mikan exclaimed weakly. Yuka returned her big hug, smile plastered on her fair complexion. "How are you feeling, Mikan?" she asked softly. "Em, much better…" Mikan said breaking the hug.

Suddenly, the sound of someone clapping was heard in the deserted Faculty. "How touching…mother and daughter scene…oh, how I wish I could record them on tape." Aoshi said sarcastically, dying his meaningless clapping. "Aoshi!" Yuka barked out, getting up to her feet while Mikan remained where she is.

"Ne, Mikan dear…"He started smirking again. "Would you like to hug your mother again? Show her how much you love her." he said, directing to Mikan.

"I don't want" Mikan refused making Yuka's pair of hazel eyes widened. "I want my father…" she said monotonously like she was lifeless. "Mikan…" Yuka tried to reach to her daughter. "Don't touch me!" Mikan slapped Yuka's reaching hand away.

Yuka's face fell in despair…she felt like her heart has been stabbed by millions of spears and swords. A drop of water escaped from her widened teary eyes.

"Ohhh…it's looked like our daughter hates you…I wonder what you did to her…" Aoshi said in an annoying purposely-made childish tone. Mikan stood up, taking steps towards her so-called father. "Come here daughter…papa's waiting!!"

Yuka cried harder. She had her bangs covering half of her flooded face while another half was colonized by her hands. She was in kneeling position, crying as harder as she could.

"Snap out of it!" Natsume barked in. Yuka lifted, turning her face to the ruby eyed boy slowly. "Can't you see? Mikan was just being controlled!" He said. 'Yappari…after using that much of her Alice, she can't even activate the Nullification Alice to avoid Aoshi's pheromone.' He thought deeply.

'That's right…She's just being controlled. Mikan didn't really hate you, Yuka. Get yourselves together!' Yuka cheered herself up. "Last warning, Aoshi…Remove Mikan's Cursed Mark…" Yuka exclaimed threateningly while getting up to her feet steadily.

The tense flowing in the room was broken by laughter, an annoying one. "You sure don't understand me do you, Yuka?" Aoshi said between his made-up laugh. "I don't do something that won't bring any merit to me…"

"Teme…" Natsume cursed, gritting his teeth. However, his next action was cut by Yuka. The hazel haired woman took several swift steps towards her daughter. She nullified Aoshi's Alice leaving Mikan smiling subconsciously; she muttered "mom…"

Yuka had no choice but to smile. She turned to Natsume. "Bring Mikan to a safe place. I'm counting on you, Natsume-kun…" she said, handing her precious daughter to the man she had appointed.

"Ooo…want to escape?" Aoshi accused. "You stay here!" Yuka commanded to the corrupt Headmaster.

'I…I can't move.' Aoshi realized.

"I've put you under my Body Restriction Alice. You cannot move even one millimeter…and since you're so obstinate, may inform you that if you rebel against the Alice, you'll lose all your joints and tendons…" Yuka informed.

For the first time, Aoshi's confidence went absent. His face went pale with no annoying smirks plastered. "You'll become nothing but community garbage…so, still want to resist me?" she said coolly, with her bangs covering her startling hazel orbs.

"Release me now." Aoshi stated, twitching his eyes. "Remove the Cursed Mark on Mikan." Yuka importuned. "Never" was all the reply from the sadist. "That will cost your life." Yuka said mournfully.

"Natsume, I have request for you." Yuka said over her shoulder. Natsume waited for the next word patiently. "Please…take care of Mikan. She's all yours." Yuka smiled although her voice contained the sense of sadness. "Aren't you going with us?" Natsume asked. "I'll be right behind you…" she answered. Natsume nodded and carried Mikan out from the Faculty. "If…I could…" Yuka whispered softly to herself.

"So…are you going to kill me?" Aoshi asked with a scared smile.


"You couldn't right? Not me…your daughter's father, right, Yuka?"

Yuka clenched her fist. Her bangs were seen covering her face again.

"Aoshi…your pitiful shadow was cloaked in darkness…" Yuka took a step slowly towards Aoshi. "You've caused people great pain and suffering…" Yuka lifted her right hand up in the air. "Now…" she looked straight at Aoshi "I'll show you, what death is…"


A large flame was set on the Faculty Building. The block turned unstable and began collapsing.

In the raining stones, Yuka was seen breathing hard as an after effect of excessive Alice usage. However, she tried to summon all her remaining strength to stand up. She walked slowly towards the exit, clutching her left chest, where her heart located.

"Yuka…" a faint cried was heard. Yuka turned to see Aoshi lying helplessly on the cold tiled floor. His forehead was bleeding because of the falling structures. "Yuka…stay with me…" he pleaded. Yuka had her eyes widened. "Stay with me…please…this is my last demand…"

Yuka walked towards Aoshi then, she hugged him. "You sure are stingy you know…until the very last…but still…I…I love you…in the past, now and always…"

Aoshi's heart skipped one beat. His eyes dilated in pure shock. Then, he heaved a massive sigh and chuckled. "How stupid I am…I've lived for decades and not realize what I truly have…my mind was clouded with greediness…I'm sorry, Yuka." A drop of tears escaped from the couple. They tightened their hug, their last hug.

"I love you too…"



Another explosion filled the air. The flame grows bigger as time flows.

"Natsume…" A brunette muttered, regaining her conscious. "Where's mom? What had happened?" she asked, observing her red-orange surrounding. Not to mention the clumps of black smoke…

"Your mother is still in there…" he replied solemnly. "Then, let's save her!" Mikan said. "She asked us to stay out…" Natsume continued. "But—Mom will die!!"

Another bang was heard together with the scene of the Faculty collapse down completely. The fire was still growing…destroying everything that meets its path. The last was the scene where the roof falls apart crashing the collapse structure…


Mikan attempted to go into the roaring giant fire only to be stopped by Natsume. "Don't Mikan!"

"But mom—she's still in there!"

"It is too late…" Natsume said almost whispering but Mikan heard it. She was damn shock that she fell onto the solid ground. "Mikan!" Natsume called but Mikan didn't care to reply…her world slowly darkens. She slowly closed her eyes with no tears to flow out. She's dried with tears… 'It is the end…' Mikan thought.

"Mikan!" she heard someone calling. It wasn't Natsume; it was a girl voice. Soon, she saw Hotaru in front of her…offering her lap for Mikan to lay her head. "I'll always believe in you…baka." Mikan heard before falling unconscious.


Someone's POV

It's all ended…one week ago. Three corpses were found in the fire and the forensic had confirmed that one of them was the Middle School Headmaster while the other two was Yuka and Aoshi…they'd died…together…in each other's embrace.

At the end…Mikan's Cursed Mark are not removed…

It had ended…

End of POV


"Hoe? The story ended!" a girl voice was heard. "It is so sad…!" Another girl said, crying heavily. "What's the title?" This time, a boy said. "…It's untitled…" she replied confusingly. "Duh!! What kind of book that doesn't has a title?" He exclaimed. "Maybe the book is cursed!! I'm scared!!" The crying girl cried cowardly. "Then, I'll let it haunt you—Waarrgghhh!!" The boy shouted, trying to scare the crybaby who ran hastily around the room. "Hey, Akito! Don't bully her!" The other girl instructed to the boy.

Natsume's POV

I picked up the untitled book. It is Mikan's diary…telling all the events taken place in the past…

Ten years had passed since Mikan's death. She died after giving birth to our fraternal triplets. Since the mark can never be removed, Mikan said that she wants to at least have a child as the last thing to do in this living world. We got married and were blessed with two twin sisters and another brother.

Then, she died…leaving Haruhi, Akito and Fuyuri with me…although there're triplets, their personalities were different. Haruhi is more matured as the first child while Akito is a wild one. Fuyuri, the youngest is much of a crybaby. The four of us are living in Mikan's mother's mansion in Malaysia…

After Yuka's death, Mikan inherited all Yuka's fortune, you see…and she passed it to me and our children.

I walked towards the balcony together with Mikan's diary.

"Ruka, the chicken is scorched!" said a monotone voice. "Oh, sorry…but, I feel more sorry for the chicken!! How can you be so cruel at this innocent little cute chicken! To tore their flesh apart and had them roasted on a burning fire like this…" Ruka complained, feeling damn guilty for the chicken.

Baka! Baka! Baka!

Three consecutive shots hit Ruka's head. "Who are you calling cruel, huh?!" Hotaru asked threateningly. (Still in monotone…) "Sorry…sorry…sorry!!" Ruka apologized. "chicken…" he continued in whispers.

I grunted at the sight. Today, we are having a barbeque…so, Ruka, Imai and Yuu are tagging along. Ruka and Imai are a married couple now. They managed their own business and some of Yuka's corporation together with Yue and Shuu. Yuu works as a Film Director. His Alice is very useful in the field -to make special effect.

Oh, yeah…Naru, Reo, Shuu and Yue are here too. How they're doing? Well, Reo was still a celebrity while Naru are one of the academy's headmaster…he got the majority votes, you see…The academy is now a normal academy with no dark secret side. Just a bright honest one…

Oh, by the way, the Elementary Headmaster, Minoru Yuki…he got stroke and somehow caused him to lose all his memories. The academy took this advantage to raise him in an honest way.

I sighed. 'Who am I explaining to anyway?' (The readers of course!)

I stared at Mikan's memorial pictures.


"Mikan!!" I called beside her hospital bed. She had just given birth to three babies. "Natsume…my time in this world is not long…" she said weakly. "Don't say that…you'll be okay! If you're gone…I'll be lonely." I said, holding her sweating hand.

"That is why I leave our children for you. Ne, Natsume…can I name them?" Mikan asked which Natsume nodded in reply.

"I want to name them Haruhi (spring), Akito (autumn) and Fuyuri (winter)…it is the three seasons…and the forth one, Natsume (summer)" Mikan said, smiling all the way.


"See! You won't be lonely anymore…" Mikan said gleefully but I know, she's actually burdened by a lot of pain…from the birth and the mark. "Mikan…"was all I managed to say.

"Listen, Natsume…I lived a wonderful life meeting you and others. I have no regrets…uhh" Mikan said shakily, holding back her pain. "Take care…I love you, Natsume." That's Mikan's last words and with another single breath, she passed away; away from the living world.

'She's gone' Tears rolled down my cheeks. "MIKANNNNNN!!"

End of Flashback

'So, I don't want to feel lonely…that's Mikan's wish…her last wish…' I thought, sending my gaze at our children. I smiled.

"I love you too, Mikan…"

The End


Finished! Yay! Or maybe...aaa-- (pouting) TT

So...How was it? Is it okay? Or maybe too sad? But whatever it is, please tell me you don't really expect that kind of ending...hahaha...about Yuka and Aoshi reconciling just...before they die and about Mikan died too! But still...they manage to have triplets so it's kind of a happy ending right?! So, just clap!! Bwahahaha...

Okay, for the last time, I want to thank all the reviewers. Your reviews really cheered my holiday up! Since my family didn't really the type to go around the town...hohoho...so, thank you! (bow)

And I'm sure you know what to do next, but since I'm a prefect, it is my duty to remind people! So, please review!! I want at least 10! Or is it too many? Nah...it is okay...besides, this is the last chapter! So review, ne! Thanks in advance...for the last time...TT

- onore-sekai -