I don't own Inuyasha. Ms. Takahashi does!

"Worst Nightmare"
by Licentia poetica

"Damn you runt!" the hanyou cried
and Shippo ran until he spied
Kagome. Leaping in her lap
He sniffed and then he saw the trap!
Her hair, her clothes, but not her scent.
The smell of death, an arrow bent
On sealing him with human hate;
A taste of Inuyasha's fate.
And when the arrow pierced his heart
He woke up with a screaming start.
Kagome, wakened from her sleep,
Caressed the child and tried to keep
The worry from her voice and face
"Oh Shippo, were you in that place
again? Come on, go back to sleep.
It's just a dream, but you can't keep
On doing this." He struggled free
And ran up to the hanyou's tree.
"Oi runt! You got a problem now?"
"Can I come up? And tell me how
You stood the pain." He clambered up.
The hanyou frowned "What pain, damn pup?"
"She shot you and she didn't care."
"Hell pup, it's still my worst nightmare."