Happy Halloween!!! This was just a random idea that came to my head out of no where. This will only be a one-shot and most likely will not turn into a story unless you guys convince me or I'm in a super happy and writey mood with nothing else to do, one day. I hope you guys like it!
Disclaimer: Same as all my other stories. I still sadly own nothing... Not even the precious Squall! tear
In the store Traverse Spirit, Yuffie and Kairi skimmed through the racks of costumes. It was the week before Halloween and Traverse Town was going to have a Halloween party. Everyone in town was excited about it since it's been a long while since they had some fun due to all the Heartless and Nobody invasion. Now that the Heartless and Nobodies were gone they were going to make up for all the time lost.
Something that everyone was even more greatful for was that it was not only Traverse residents that were invited. Everyone who wanted to come was invited. Not only were they going to be able to see Sora, Riku, and possibly Donald and Goofy but there was also a chance that they would see some of their past friends. Friends from before the attacks happened.
It thrilled Yuffie to no end knowing that there was a chance at hand where she could meet her childhood friends. Of course Yuffie was still a child when the invasion happened but she could still remember little memories of Hollow Hallow. Bit by bit more memories flooded back to her when she, Aerith, Cid, Merlin, and Squall went back to try and restore the city.
She remembered that after being there for a few weeks they all knew nothing was the same. The only reason they stayed was to fulfill the reason they were there, bring the cty back to life. After about a year or restoring the city they were finally done. They thought about maybe giving it another chance and see if it would somehow be like it was before but deep down they knew there was no way it would ever return. With that knowledge of change in everything, they decided that Hollow Bastion was the name of what it was before. The city of what it was now was known as Radiant Garden.
Yuffie shook her head to clear her memories. She continued searching through the rack she was at. After reaching the end she sighed and went to the next one. She looked over at Kairi a few racks away and saw that she had about ten costumes in her arms and was still looking for more. Yuffie groaned which made Kairi look over.
"What's-- Oh." she stopped as she saw Yuffie's arms empty. "Haven't you found anything you liked?" Kairi asked walking over to her.
"No... I mean there are some I like but they either cost too much or there's some little thing that I don't like about it" Yuffie replied. It was some-what easier when the Heartless were here... sure we had to fight but at least we got rewarded with loads of munny for it, Yuffie thought. Now, that Kingdom Hearts has been sealed and the Heartless were gone munny was a harder thing to get.
Kairi rolled her eyes with a smile, Yuffie had always been picky with everything but food. "Well do you like any of the things that I have?" Kairi inquired showing her the costumes she had picked out.
Yuffie looked through them and found nothing she was really interested in. She sighed, "I'm sorry, Kai but we don't have the same taste."
Kairi smiled gently, "Don't worry about it." Kairi stepped back from Yuffie and studied her a bit. "Hmm..." she muttered thoughtfully. "Do you have any idea on what you want to be?" Kairi asked.
"No..." Yuffie answered. She thought through the possibilities for a moment when suddenly a girl walked out of the back room and caught Yuffie's attention. Her eyes gazed at the girl and trailed to the costume that were in her arms. It was a dress and any other time Yuffie would've turned it down in a second but something about it held her attention and she couldn't quite place it.
She walked over to the saleslady with Kairi following her curiously, "Excuse me, what costume is that?"
The saleswoman turned around and smiled, "It's our deluxe vampiress comstume."
"How much does it cost?" Yuffie asked.
"Five hundred fifty munny" the saleslady replied. "Would you be interested in buying it?"
"Uh, never mind" Yuffie said upon hearing the price.
"She'll take it" Kairi said from behind.
Yuffie jumped not knowing Kairi followed her. She looked back at the saleslady and smiled, "Be right back." She grabbed Kairi's hand and walked a few feet away. "What are you doing? I can't take that it costs too much."
"I'll lend you some of my munny and you know it'll look great on you" Kairi replied.
"No and no. It's just a costume that caught my attention" Yuffie argued.
"Yes and yes. Well if it caught your attention we both know that it was good enough" Kairi argued just as much. "Don't argue with me, Yuff" Kairi added as Yuffie opened her mouth
Yuffie closed her mouth. She knew it was worthless arguing with Kairi, it was the same as fighting with Aerith, you never win. "Fine" Yuffie sighed defeatedly.
"Besides you'll need it for my plan" Kairi beamed and walked back to saleslady and took the costume.
Yuffie followed Kairi to the dressing rooms with eyesbrows stitched together, "What plan?"
"Oh nothing. You'll find out soon enough."
"What is it?"
"It's just something you'll do for fun. You'll like it a lot."
Yuffie stayed silent as thoughts of what it could be entered her mind.
"Here, go try it on" Kairi ordered, pushing the costume into Yuffie's arms.
Yuffie took it and went into the closest vacant room. After putting the dress on she turned around slowly to face the mirror and gasped. It was beautiful on her. It was a black and red dress with a huge hood. Most of the dress was black and it was long sleeved with about two inches of the trimming decorated with spider webs along it and red glitters on the webs. It had a rounded square chest and from around her torso was where the red started. It came down to the bottom of the dress in a triangular form with loose cloth threads on both her sides where she could tie it up in her mid back.
"Yuff, come out already! I want to see!" Kairi called from outside.
Yuffie opened the door and slowly stepped out. Kairi gasped, "Oh my god. Yuff... you look so gorgeous!"
Yuffie's cheeks tinted a bit red as she smiled.
"You are definately buying that" Kairi said shooing her back into the room to change.
After changing Kairi dragged Yuffie to the shoes section of the store and convinced Yuffie to buy a pair black strapped high heels.
At the counter, in a glass case where some masks. "Yuff, which out of all these masks do you like the best?" Kairi asked.
"Um..." Yuffie said thoughtfully. "That one" she said, pointing at a mask that covered just the upper part of her face. It was painted red with a black spider on top of the left eye. "It matches my costume the best too," she added after a while.
Kairi smiled, "We'd like to take that mask, too please." Yuffie looked at Kairi in confusion, "Why?"
"You'll find out..." Kairi answered mysteriously.
Yuffie growled softly in frustration. She hated being left out of something. Anything.
Yuffie plopped down on the bed in her room in shock, anger and uncertainty. She couldn't believe what Kairi was making her do. It was impossible! It could and most likely would cost Yuffie her life if Squall ever found out. She trusted Kairi enough to tell her that she was in love with Squall and here she goes and does this. Over and over Kairi's words echoed in her mind.
"I double dare you to kiss Leon at the Halloween Party."
Of course Yuffie immediately said no even though she wanted to do it, she never would actually get the guts to do it. Kairi's next set of words made it's way into her mind.
"Why won't you do it? Are you a scaredy cat? Are you too scared?"
She growled in annoyance. Another thing Yuffie hated a hell of a lot was being called immature or scared. She also hated turning down dares.
Everyone would think that such a sweet girl like Kairi would never be like this. And here she goes! Yuffie has some evidence! Yuffie could swear that Kairi was Aerith's mini me. They were both nice and sweet little angels to everyone and then when you least expect it they turn into Satans' devils.
With another soft growl she threw herself on her bed with her stomach under her. Stuffing her head into her pillow she screamed, her arms and legs flying every which way.
"Having another one of your temper tantrums, I see" a calm voice said from the doorway.
With the amount of noise Yuffie was making you would think she wouldn't hear a calm voice like that. But that was one of the things about being in love. You couldn't help but pay that one bit of attention to them even if you were busy doing something else. Like throwing a tantrum for example.
Yuffie's head shot up and went to the direction of the door as soon as she heard the voice. Inside her stomach butterflies found their wings and fluttered happily. Outside though she had to keep her act, she glared at Squall.
"Don't you know how to knock?!" she asked angrily.
"I would never come into this mess, you call a room, on free will" he said coldly. "The door happened to be open" he added.
Growling softly, "Get out!" Yuffie threw her pillow as hard as she could at him.
Leon caught the pillow one handed and raised his eyebrow. "Growling isn't very ladylike. You should stop" he said as he tossed her back her pillow and walked away.
Yuffie glared at his retreating back. Why did he have to be such an asshole! She got up and crossed the room and slammed the door shut. After locking it she threw herself yet again into the same positon on her bed. She banged her head onto the pillow a few times.
She hated Squall for being such a jerk to her all the friggin' time. She hated herself for being an idiot and being madly in love with him even if he treated her like crap. She hated Kairi for daring her to do what she had only dared do in her dreams and she knew she would never be able to do in real life. Lastly, she hated Traverse Town for throwing this stupid party! Ever since Squall found out about it he got even colder not only towards Yuffie but to Aerith and Kairi, too.
Nothing could get Aerith and Kairi's mood down though. They both had people they were looking forward to seeing. Hoping to see. Aerith was hoping beyond hope that she would once more find her teen love, Cloud. Kairi was excited to see Sora and Riku, after not seeing them for almost a year.
When Yuffie, Squall and Aerith came back to Traverse Town it just happened that Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald and Goofy were in town too. Sora asked if they could do him a favor of taking care of Kairi while he and Riku took care of some unknown business. After everything that Sora had done for them they were more than happy to. Yuffie was the most excited though. She was finally going to have someone close to her age be with her. Now after almost a year they have barely heard from the two guys and it was still a mystery to them as to what they were doing.
Yuffie shook her head and transfered her thoughts to Squall. She had a strong gut feeling she knew why he had been distancing himself more from them since then. Rinoa, rang through Yuffie's head. Was it because he knew he wouldn't see her there or was it that he was nervous of the chance of seeing her, she didn't know.
Yuffie sighed and she shook those thoughts away knowing they would just depress her. The thoughts of the dare once again entered her mind. She wanted to do it since she knew this was the only chance she had of ever kissing him but she didn't want to do it since it since there were a lot of things that could go wrong.
Yuffie paced aroud her room for about the thousandth time in the last five minutes she'd been awake. Today was Halloween and she was going crazy.
The day after Kairi had dared her she'd grown some courage and accepted it. But only moments after that did she grow anxious. Each day she had tried to stay away from Squall and then did it seem that Squall was actually everywhere she was. She didn't know if she was being paranoid or what.
The week had gone by way too fast for her liking. She now had a dare on her hands that she had to fulfill tonight. If Squall ever found out it was her, she knew she would have to deal with something that would totally suck.
Yuffie stopped and sat on her bed. Sighing, she put her head in her hands. She took a few deep breaths, "Calm down, Yuffie. It's fine. It's not going to be that hard," she calmed herself while her brain disagreed with everything she said.
"Yuffie? Can I come in?" Aerith said from behind the door.
Yuffie looked up, "Yeah come in."
"Hey Yuff. Nervous?" Aerith asked, smiling. Yuffie had told Aerith of the madness that she had agreed to right after she had agreed to do it. Of course, Aerith was very understanding after the shock of knowing that Yuffie liked Leon.
"Can ya tell? Really that obvious?" Yuffie asked.
"Kind of. Don't worry, Yuff. You'll be fine" Aerith said calmly.
"That's what you think" Yuffie muttered.
"No, it's what I know" Aerith replied with laughter in her voice.
"I hope so..." Yuffie said. "Where's Kai, anyways?" she asked.
"She's busy getting ready."
"Getting ready?! It's noon! The party doens't start until five!" Yuffie exclaimed.
Aerith smiled, "She wants to look good. I suggest you get ready, too."
"Only crazy people get ready five hours early" Yuffie said.
"Then I guess I'm one of those crazy people. I'll see you later, Yuff. Call me if you need any help" Aerith said making her way out.
Yuffie sighed and looked around her room. She fell back on her bed and went back to sleep with the dare never leaving her mind.
Waking up to banging on her door. She got up and opened the door to see Kairi in her fairy costume and Aerith in her princess constume. "Yuffie! Why aren't you ready yet?! We have to go!" Kairi said in a rush. She ran into Yuffie's room looking for her costume.
"Why? It's still early!" Yuffie groaned, not fully awake.
"Early?! Early?! It's 4:30!" Kairi screeched.
"Oww!" Yuffie protested as her costume was throws in her face and Kairi screeched in her ear.
"Here, change. Now!" Kairi and Aerith said the last part together.
Yuffie lazily changed her clothes. That is until what she had to do tonight came into her mind. She rushed through changing her clothes and slammed open the door revealing Aerith and Kairi wating there impatiently. As she was about to tell them to help her with getting ready they pushed her into Aerith's room next door and pushed her into a chair in front of Aerith's dresser mirror.
Kairi started brushing through the tangles in Yuffie's hair while Aerith busied herself with the makeup she would put on Yuffie.
"Aerith I don't want make-up. I don't need make-up. I have my mask" Yuffie said.
"Yes, you do need it. Don't argue" Aerith replied.
After about twenty minutes. Yuffie had her hair straight, glossy, and half up without the bandanna. Her face glowed slightly with bits of glitter.
"Okay, put these on" Aerith said handing her her shoes
"Now these" Kairi said the second after Yuffie fastened her shoes, handing her some gloves.
"Stand up" they said in unison and again Yuffie obeyed. She stood up and wobbled almost falling down. Kairi and Aerith held onto each her arm.
"Um.., I don't think I would have much success if I can't even walk" Yuffie said.
"Uh... you'll get a hang of it" Kairi replied. "Now stand still" she said as she and Aerith stepped away from her.
They looked her up and down. Looking for any more things they needed to change, take away, or add. Yuffie squirmed uncomfortable. She felt like she being examined and she didn't like it very much. After a while Aerith nodded with a smile.
"Looks good" Kairi agreed as Yuffie sighed.
"Um... where is Squall?" Yuffie asked before she stepped out of Aerith's room.
"Don't worry he's already there. He won't see you. He won't know it's you" Aerith assured her.
"Put on your mask just to make sure no one knows that's you" Aerith ordered before they opened the door of their house to the third district. Yuffie did as she was told.
Upon finally getting into the First District, where the party was held, Yuffie took a deep, shaky breath. Instead of taking the door that lead the Third District directly to the First they went around into the Second and finally the first, just to hopefully help Yuffie's nerves calm down a bit.
In the end the walk helped. But as Yuffie entered the First District all the calm words Aerith and Kairi had shared with her flew over her head and was never seen again. She walked over a corner and stood there her eyes sweeping the room for the gunblader. She wasn't really sure what Squall was dressing up as but knowing him he probably didn't dress up.
Soon enough her eyes lay upon the man she had to kiss before the end of the night. He stood nonchalantly parallel to the wall she was at, right in front of her. He stood leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, his head bowed down slightly so that his hair fell over his eyes. His trademark stand as Yuffie knew it.
Yuffie thought right. She looked Squall up and down and like she had thought he hadn't dressed up. He had his white shirt on, his leather jacket on top, black pants, four belts, boots, and gunblade. To any other person it would look like he did dress up but to people that he knew well, the outfit was getting old. But Yuffie couldn't complain. No matter how long her dressed like that he was still the hottest guy around.
She looked up at his face and was shocked to see him looking straight at her. She gulped down and looked away touching her face as casual as she could making sure no excess saliva had made it's way out. The butterflies in her stomach sped up to about a hundred and fifty miles per hour.
Standing alone on this corner with Squall on the other side still staring at her made her uneasy. Aerith and Kairi weren't her favorite people right now. First they make her do this, they make her go through with it, they leave her, and they're little walk didn't help her nerves any! They said that they were going to leave her so that Leon wouldn't suspect who she was if he saw them with her. She knew that was true but she was still mad at them for leaving her.
Not being able to stand the heat of his gaze any longer she walked to the punch table, which was located on the other side of the room. She went and stood by the wall there and looked around for any other people she knew.
"'Ey, do I know ye'?" someone said from beside her. Yuffie looked over and saw Cid standing behind the punch table and he was talking to her.
"Uh... I don't think so. Sorry," she replied.
"Ye' sure? Ye' look reall' familia'" he grunted.
"Ya I'm sure."
"Take of ye' mask. Mayb' I'll find out then'"
"Cid!" Aerith yelled happily from a few feet away. Giving Yuffie a small smile she ran to Cid and gave him a hug.
Yuffie sighed thanking Aerith silently for 'saving' her from the old grumpy gummy pilot. A hand grabbed her arm and dragged her the opposite way.
Yuffie turned around when she could and was about to fight when she saw Kairi smiling brightly at her. "Calm down, it's just me"
"Well you didn't have to scare me!"
"Sorry. Have you seen him yet?"
"No..." Yuffie lied hoping she could lie her way out of this.
"Oh... that's okay! I've seen him! Here I'll take you to him."
"Uh... No I thought we aren't supposed to be seen with each other" Yuffie thought fast.
"I can just say that I've met you a few times in town" Kairi said.
"B-B-But..." Yuffie stuttered unable to think of any more lies.
"Yuff, it's okay. Just calm down" Kairi said noticing she was flustered again.
"It's not okay! I want to see how you act if you were in my position with Sora!" she retorted.
Kairi blushed, "Shh! Alright. I'm sorry. I know you can do this."
Yuffie took yet another deep breath. "Let's get this over with," she said boldly and walked over to where Squall still stood.
As she got closer paranoia took over her. She pushed it away and forced herself to just go. Convincing herself to think it was like any other time that she would talk to him, she moved forward.
At the last moment she remember that she wasn't supposed to know him, "Hey there."
"Not interested" Leon said irritatedly. All night girl's had been coming over to him and asking him to dance and bothering the flip out of him.
Yuffie smiled lightly, knowing what he was talking about. "I'm sorry?" she asked innocently.
Leon moved his head slightly and locked gazes with her. His eyes grew wide for a second but soon returned to normal. "Nothing, sorry. Thought you were someone else" he said. He didn't know what it was about this girl but something about her had caught his attention earlier.
Yuffie stood there appalled. Had he just apologized to her? He doesn't know it's me, though, she reminded herself. "It's quite alright" she smiled. Yuffie gagged in the inside. This was totally not her! Just the way she was talking was making her shocked. Yuffie looked over to the other side of the room as a new song played through the district and more people joined the dancing. "Would you like to dance?" Yuffie asked looking back at Squall.
Leon looked at the girl. He didn't know what drove him to it, "Sure."
Yuffie's eyes grew wide. I just asked that out loud! And he said yes! Yuffie thought even more shocked. She blinked a couple of times trying to gain composure. After a while she smiled took the hand he had offered her. Why is he all of a sudden being so nice to me? she thought. 'Because he doesn't know it's you...' a voice in the back of her mind said. She kicked that voice... hard. Nothing was going to get her down tonight. Squall was treating her like she had always dreamed. 'So far' that voice said again. This time Yuffie's mentally jumped it and beat the crap out of it.
Yuffie put her hands on his shoulders while he put his on her hips. She smiled and looked up at him. "What's your name?" she asked keeping her cover.
"Leon" he answered giving her the name she hated. "Yours?"
"I like your name" she lied. "Yu--" she stopped abruptly. She hadn't thought this whole thing through. "Yulan" she said thinking fast.
"And I like yours" he replied.
Yuffie smiled, biting her lip slightly.
After a few more dances, 'getting to know' each other ('Yulan' made up some lies but most where true), talking about random things, and Yuffie sneaking off to talk to Kairi and Aerith every once in a while they found theirselves on the dance floor again do another slow dance.
Looking up at him she smiled. Switching her gaze to the sky above she finally noticed that it was a beautiful full moon. Looking back at Leon she saw his head move down just a bit. As Yuffie's heart beat thudded faster she raised her head a bit and waited for him to move in. Leon brought his head down and their lips crashed.
Aerith, Kairi, Sora, and Riku stood in a corner watching. Aerith and Kairi beamed huged grins, Sora stood in shock his jaw about to fall to the floor, while Riku watched in confusion. He hadn't really met Leon before so he didn't know what the big deal was.
Leon and Yuffie parted, gasping. They stood looking at each other, catching their breaths. Yuffie stuffed her face in the crook of his neck and hugged him around the waist. She smiled and bit her lip.
"Yulan" Leon said, cathing her attention.
"Yeah?" she asked.
Instead of answering her Leon reached a hand to take of her mask.
As Aerith saw this she quickly ran up and yelled "Leon!"
Leon looked over at a panting Aerith making her way to them. He glared at her, "What?"
Yuffie sighed in relief. "I need to talk to you" Aerith said, gasping. She took Leon's arm and smiled at Yuffie in front of Leon. "Get home" Aerith whispered to her once Leon was facing the other way.
Aerith turned around and pushed Leon through the throngs of people dancing while Yuffie made her way to the Third District doors. She pushed through and ran to their house.
After getting dressed for the night she heard the front door open and Aerith and the rest of them coming in. Yuffie smiled and laid in bed. Pulling the covers up she sighed in happiness. Closing her eyes she the night did a replay in her mind and she fell asleep with dreams that she no longer thought were so impossible.
I hope you guys like it! Reviews please! I actually liked this a whole lot more than I would've thought. So who knows, I might turn this into a short story sometime. Anyways please review! I hope you guys had a Happy Halloween!