Written for the Ars Amatoria Romance Themes Challenge.
Disclaimer: Do I look like I own Power Rangers? Nope, but if I did Time Force would never have ended.
Challenge: Friends
Takes place at the end of 'Jen's Revenge'.
Wes watched Jen casually from the shadows, wanting to comfort her but at the same time afraid of saying something hurtful. The events of the day played slowly through his mind and he could still see a hate filled Jen standing over Ransik's latest monster, struggling between her sense of duty and sweet revenge over the death of her fiancée. In the end she did the right thing, but only after Wes had reminded her of what Alex would have done.
And there it was again, the reason Jen was in pain and the reason Wes was hiding uncertainly in the shadows. He knew that Alex would always be a major factor in Jen's life, but he had come to hope that he could hold a small part of Jen's heart too. Maybe not in the way that his future 'twin' did but maybe, if Jen would loosen up and let him in, they could become friends. Finally he made up his mind and, with determined strides, walked over to the window that led out to the balcony where the pink ranger sat.
"I know I'm not Alex."
She slowly turned around an extended a hand. Wes gladly helped her back into the tower and smiled within at the brief touch.
"But I don't want you to be like him," she said.
Why not, thought Wes. Wouldn't you like me if I was more like the man you love?
Jen hesitated a fraction of a second before continuing. "In fact I like you just the way you are."
Wes wasn't quite sure he had heard her right. Did she just say she liked me?
"You do," he asked, his voice hopeful.
Jen looked down then back up to meet his gaze, "yeah, I do."
Wes was ecstatic and refused to hold back his enthusiasm. "Yes! Yes!"
He looked into her eyes and grinned at what he saw there. She was looking at him, him not Alex, and for the first time he really felt like she was talking to him as a person and not just as a painful reminder of what she had lost.
For a moment he really felt like he could break through that tough outer shell to the woman beneath, it might take some time but Wes was always up for a good challenge.
Consumed by his happiness, he throw his arms around her but he wasn't really surprised when she didn't hug him back. That's ok, he thought. At least she likes me for me.
Yes, they were defiantly on the right track towards becoming friends, and ironically enough it had all started with those five little words.
I know I'm not Alex.