This story is dedicated to Tasha, my beloved sister. (aka Tshk from fanfiction, For she is the one who came up with this awesome idea, and allowed me to be the one to write it down. For in truth, it half or more than half belongs to her.

Note: rated T for the mentioning of something slightly disturbing and gross. But it was just a dream, so don't worry. It's not real. Please, enjoy this story. And if you haven't seen Brave Heart, you should see it. And now for the most awesome story you will ever read in your entire life….

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon, nor the characters portrayed. I do not own Brave Heart. I do not own Groundhog Day. And I have no control over what people dream. There, I said it. Now onto the story…


Tai stared in horror at the sight before him, his mouth slightly open. His stomach threatened to deposit his lunch on the ground before him, but he tried desperately to keep it in. He just couldn't believe this was happening.

"No…Izzy…" he whispered his friend's name painfully, and then covered his eyes. "This can't be happening…" But he couldn't deny it. It was happening right in front of him, and there was nothing he could do about it. How could Mimi do something like this…….

Tai jerked upright, gasped loudly, and then slipped off of the couch. He was breathing hard, as if he had been running for miles, but in fact he had sleeping on the living room couch for the last half an hour. For a minute he sat on the floor in a state of panic, but then it seemed to dawn on him that what he had just seen was not actually real life, but in fact just a dream. He slowly calmed down.

"Sheesh Tai," Izzy's voice interrupted Tai's befuddled thoughts. "What was that all about?"

"Oh man…Izzy!" Tai pulled himself up from the floor and seated himself on the couch. He pushed some of his dark brown hair out of his face. "I just had this horrible dream about you!" he shivered uncontrollably. He was still trying to convince himself that he was at his own house, and that it hadn't happened.

"Oh?" Izzy asked? The red-head was sitting on a chair next to the couch, his computer on his lap. He stared at Tai evenly, a look of slight annoyance on his face. "And here all this time I thought you were actually listening to what I was saying."

Tai grinned apologetically. "Well, I was…but I guess I fell asleep. It was weird. I didn't even know I fell asleep!" He glanced at the clock. It was half an hour that he had been sleeping. What was Izzy talking about again? Oh right. Izzy had called him only a little while ago, and told him that he had important news to discuss with him. And Tai had invited him over. No sooner had Izzy arrived at the Kamiya house, he started talking. Tai had tried to listen, but apparently….the couch was too comfortable. He sighed. "Sorry about that."

Izzy gave a small huff, and then leaned back against his chair. "Well, let's hear it."

Tai blinked. "Hear what?"

"Your dream."

"My dream? Why? I thought you had news to tell me!"

Izzy rolled his eyes. "And I thought you were listening. But no matter. Just tell me your dream, and maybe you listen the next time."

Tai leaned back against the couch and placed his hands behind his head. "Well, it was weird," he began, remembering his dream a bit unwillingly. "In my dream, you got degutted and…"

"Degutted?" Izzy interrupted. He gave Tai and questioning look. "Do you even know what 'degutted' means?"

"Yes," Tai snapped, remembering the vivid picture of it in his dream.

"It's the opposite of ripping someone's guts out…"

"Yeah…." Tai stopped mid-sentance. Wait...the opposite?

"Didn't you mean 'gutted?' Or even 'disembowled?'…"

"YES, FINE! WHATEVER!" Tai yelled. Izzy stopped talking, and then shrugged. "Look, I know what it means, I just got the wrong word. So PLEASE don't explain it to me. That is SO gross."

"Hey, you dreamt it."

After a brief glare in Izzy's direction, Tai continued. "Anyway, in my dream, I was watching helplessly as you got gutted, and I couldn't do anything about it! And the worst part was…"

"That's gross, Tai," Izzy cut in, suddenly realizing what Tai was saying. "I can't believe you dreamt that!" He paused. "You really dreamt that?"

"Yes, I did," Tai complained. He was sick of all the interrupting. He was about to say something else, but suddenly noticed how incredibly worried Izzy was looking. "What's wrong?" Tai asked. "You look worried."

"Well, you had a dream that I got gutted!" Izzy said in a small voice. "That's kind of scary!"

"Who knows, maybe it will come true," Matt said, suddenly walking up. Tai turned to look at him in surprise, and then wondered what the heck he was doing there.

"What are you doing here?" Tai asked.

Matt did not look impressed. "Izzy called. He said he had some important news, and you were supposed to be awake to hear it." He sat down on the couch. "So you had a dream that Izzy got gutted?"

"Yeah," Izzy answered. "Do you think it will really come true?"

Tai was about to laugh and say "of course not," but he never got the chance. Matt turned to him expectantly. "So," Matt said. "Who did it?"

"Who did it?" Tai asked, stupidly repeating the question. "Who did what?"

"Who gutted him?"

Tai frowned, and crossed his arms. Either they were making fun of him, or teasing him, and he was getting sick of it. Oh well, he'd play along. "Actually," he said, "Mimi did it."

Both Izzy and Matt raised their eyebrows in surprise. "Mimi?" Izzy squeaked. He looked like he was about to laugh.

"I can't picture Mimi touching guts, let alone killing anyone!" Matt said with a slight smile. Anyone could tell he found that amusing. "How could you dream that about her?"

"About who?" All eyes turned to see who had spoken, and found it to be Mimi herself. She smiled at them, and seated herself beside Matt on the couch. Anyone could tell she was curious to discover what everyone was talking about.

"Tai had a dream that you gutted me," Izzy said matter-of-factly. He turned his attention back to his computer, and started typing.

"He what?" Mimi turned to stare at Tai with mock horror. "That's so gross! How could you?"

Tai groaned and slid down from the couch onto the floor. "I don't want to talk about it anymore," he mumbled. He was getting annoyed. "Izzy, you had something to tell us?" He didn't even bother to ask what Mimi was doing there.

Izzy nodded, and turned to the other two. "As I was telling Tai here before he fell asleep and had that gross dream…"

Tai mumbled under his breath. It wasn't his fault he had fallen asleep. It wasn't his fault he'd dreamt that. In fact, he wished he HADN'T dreamt it! It was gross, and disturbing, and not to mention it was now a new tool by which Matt could tease him. Oh yes, this was going to be fun, wasn't it?

And then, with a start, he found himself hitting the floor with his face.


Short chapter, and sort of gross, but yeah. Blame it on the laundry that I had to wait for at 2:00 in the morning so I could fold it. This chapter was lame, but by the next chapter, I am sure you will understand what is going on.

Are you ready for the most confusing mystery of all time? If you are, leave me a review, put this story on alerts, and then read the next chapter! I guarantee that you wont be disappointed!
