Sorry for not updating. Same excuse, too much school, a famous excuse used by most of the people who write stories. But luckily, it's my senior year! Yay for graduating! I'm almost free of that horrible place the government uses to "teach children". Although there is also college. Bleh. And also I've been working on my book. Yes, a book! Look for it when I say it's out! It's called Crucio. Buy it! Yeah! But only when I say I finally got it published. I'm satisfied with my work. :D I've already got a hundred pages done and it's not even half way done. Yays!

I don't know what you'll think of this chapter. Warning, it does refer to things some readers might not want to read about. That's why this story is rated M and not T,

Diclaimer: Blah blah. I don't own anyone except for the original characters and this plotline. Yada yada. XD

The Blossom

Chapter 6


"That bastard," Naruto muttered, prepared to kill the one who took his precious sister.

"Naruto, I have something I would like you to do for me," Sai whispered as well as he could. Naruto bent down to Sai's side. Ino and Hinata believed that Sai was going to live. The hole was sealing up, but he lost so much blood. There was no way of telling.

"Name it."

Recap End

Eyes closed and open, closed, open. The room kept moving in her eyes. How long had she been here? Why is it so cold? Thoughts continued as she looked at surrounding, unable to move.

Water continued to drip from the ceiling, echoing in the dark chamber that she believed she was in.

Her emerald eyes continued to search, pain flowing through them as her body ached.

Had she been here for days? Weeks? Months? She tried to search through her memory for the most recent.

She was on a mission before she came to be here.

The mission was to escort some sand nin back to his village, a traitorous old man. Sasara? Probably a made up story.

What happened in those last moments?

Sai, Naruto, Neji. Where were they? Naruto and Neji were unconscious. Sai… he was… he was… What happened to that onyx eyed boy? The memory was a blur.

Sasuke, he was there. He had put her to sleep with a syringe through the back.

But Sai… what happened to him? Something happened to him.

Sakura knew that their plans had failed, and their cover was blown. They knew that Sai and Sakura had changed into each other, in order to protect the pink haired one. And it failed, when somehow the ANBU had been knocked unconscious.

Sai was stabbed. She remembered now. Before passing out, she saw the Uchiha boy plant his sword in Sai's stomach. Was he alive? Tears began to well up in her eyes. Was he dead?

She could hear footsteps walking down a long path. The footsteps echoed. Whoever they belonged to was determined to get to their destination. She heard a cellar door being open, her cellar door.

Light poured into the dark chamber. She could see now that the dark stones wall surrounding her and the heavy steel door that just opened. She found that she is strapped to a bed, but it wasn't very soft.

The pink haired woman looked at who stood in the doorway. Kabuto and the person who brought her here, Uchiha Sasuke. Kabuto took out a syringe that looked similar to the one Sasuke had back at the campsite.

Sakura knew what he was going to do. She cursed.

"Stay the hell away from me, you scum bag!" Sakura screamed, starting to kick her feet which were not strapped to the bed beneath her. Sasuke stared at her. Why was she so tired? She could have easily escaped from this.

"It's nice to see you again, Haruno Sakura. I would love to kill you, but Sasuke has other plans," Kabuto whispered. He managed to avoid her kicking feet and stabbed the syringe right into her arm.

Sakura snarled. "It's not so nice to see you. Now let me the fuck go before I fucking kill you," Sakura yelled. She felt her chakra leaving her. Kabuto removed the syringe and smiled.

"That liquid is a concoction of mine that depletes your chakra dramatically and keeps you weak," Kabuto explained, noticing her confusement.

"You stinking bastard! What the hell do you guys want?"

"That's Sasuke's business to say. Now I shall leave you two alone." Kabuto closed the cellar door behind him. The light was now on. It had been hanging on the ceiling. Sasuke didn't have his sharingan on.

"Sakura, just as weak as you were when we were teammates, much better." Sasuke had a smirk on his face.

"What the hell do you want, Uchiha?" Sakura barked. She was going to rip that smirk off his face when she gets free. She attempted to move her hands, but the straps on her wrist only tightened.

"I need your body." Sakura's eyes widened at this. "I need you for my goal to revive the Uchiha clan." She bit her lip. Sasuke walked slowly over to the place where she lay.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Sakura screamed, beginning to panic. She tried to kick, but her legs were screaming at her that they're too tired. She wouldn't let her tears fall.

He took out a kunai and placed it at the top of her ANBU vest.

The kunai slid through her vest and the shirt under, ripping it apart to reveal her breasts. She swallowed the lump in her throat. He ripped open her skirt, revealing her silk pink underwear.

"Stop, Sasuke! Please!" Sasuke stared into her eyes.

"I only want to accomplish my goal." He removed his pants.

That night he raped her. And her screams were echoing down the long hall. She screamed out for help.

The Rokudaime-to-be was not strong enough to save herself.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks the next morning. A blanket had been draped over her, but she was still strapped to the hard bed where she was tragically raped.

Sakura bit her lip, looking at a random spot on the wall. No one had come to bother her. Sasuke left her after he raped her. To where? She did not know. Hopefully, far away where he would somehow forget her.

She wanted to die. She knew the suicide jutsu, but she didn't have the chakra or the ability to use her hands.

She had sobbed the night before after he left. She cried herself to sleep, waking up the next morning to find a blanket covering her naked body.

The Sasuke she knew may have not been open to people, but at least he cared for his teammates' safety.

But this Sasuke was cruel and not afraid to state what he's going to do. He didn't care if anyone gets hurt. He uses people.

What happened to him? She spoke to herself in her mind.

A stupid asshole! He raped you! Kill the bastard! Inner Sakura screamed. Sakura was agreeing, but she was still wondering what happened the night before.

Naruto, Sai, Neji, Ino, please don't give up on me.

"I think you two should still get married. The search parties are working on finding the location of Haruno Sakura, but while the searches are going on, I think Sakura would've liked it if you would've continued with the wedding," a large-breasted woman spoke to the couple in front of her. The woman had called the two in her office to discuss their engagement, knowing about the problem of whether going on with the wedding or not.

Two weeks ago, the blond haired boy who stood in front of the woman's desk had lost his best friend. His best friend Haruno Sakura was kidnapped.

"I know that your wedding was supposed to be next week Sunday, and I think she would've wanted you to continue the wedding with or without her. Hinata, Naruto, this is your decision, not mine, but I still advise that you do the wedding because Sakura would want you to go on without her," the woman comforted.

"Sakura was supposed to be one of my bride's maids, and Sai…" Hinata paused, knowing the touchy of subject of the boy's name. Naruto put a comforting hand on his fiance's shoulder.

"I think the Hokage is right. Those two would've wanted us to be happy and married," Naruto admitted to the lavender eyed girl. They both were saddened that Sai would not be there and especially saddened about Sakura. Hinata nodded.

"I bet when Sakura comes back," not replacing the word when with if, "she'll be very happy to see the rings on your finger," Tsunade replied.

"We'll go on with the wedding, Lady Tsunade," Hinata quietly spoke. Tsunade grinned, trying to hide her grief over the two people who are missing.

"Have you got everything ready? The wedding is next week." Hinata and Naruto nodded, trying to smile. Two people weren't going to be at there wedding, two very important people, Naruto's two teammates.

Kabuto stood in her room, analyzing her and checking her temperature. "Time to eat, Sakura," he ordered, picking up a bowl off the tray he brought in. It consisted of chicken broth by what she could tell, probably isn't. Bread had been sitting beside it. "Open," Kabuto commanded, annoyed that he has to feed her.

Sakura's mouth wouldn't open. She was too stubborn. She didn't want to continue to live. She didn't want to be Sasuke's slave.

"Eat, or I'll do something horrible to you. Sasuke said I could do anything I want as long as I don't kill you, and I know you don't want to go through any more torture than you already have," Kabuto threatened. Sakura pondered on the choices. Something horrible by Kabuto or continue to live with Sasuke and be raped again most likely? Such a tough choice.

She forced her mouth to open, and the warm broth seeped down her hoarse throat.

"Good girl," Kabuto remarked, feeding her another spoonful. She scowled in her mind. Anything to keep the scum bag from touching her. She had the urge to bite his grubby little fingers off. He'll be the first one she kills when she is able to get free.

Stupid Kabuto! Stupid Sasuke! She hated the two with a passion. Kabuto caressed her cheek after he was done feeding her. He leaned in to kiss her. She spat in his face.

"Get the hell away from me, creep!" Kabuto scowled. He raised his hand to slap her.

"Kabuto. Orochimaru would like to talk to you right now," a deep voice called. Kabuto sighed. Off to see the snake who caused her to be in this stupid situation by sending Sasuke after her.

Speak of the devil. The pale man stood over her, his onyx eyes looking over her covered body. She couldn't wait to strangle him.

"Little cherry blossom. You'll be the mother of my children. You should be proud. You're continuing the Uchiha bloodline," Sasuke commented. She rolled her eyes. The guy could go screw himself. She didn't want to be here on this table. She would rather gouge the man's eyes out if he didn't stop looking at her.

"What do you want, you jerk?!" She sighed. It was useless to threaten him. She was in such a weak state right now. Her face eased into calm.

"I just told you what I want. I want you. I want your body. I want you to carry my child." She tried so hard not to yell at him, tried so hard not to curse at him.

"I think you've made a horrible mistake. I'd rather marry a pig than get raped by you again!" she hissed. Sasuke smirked, tracing her jaw line with his fingers. He was so dangerously close to her mouth. She snapped her teeth at her fingers. Sasuke pulled them back before those pearl teeth of her bit into flesh. He chuckled.

"You're a strong woman, Sakura. But… I'm the kidnapper. You're the hostage. I can do whatever I bloody want to you. And all you can do is scream and cry," Sasuke replied, throwing off the blanket covering her nudity. Sakura knew he was trying to break her.

"Naruto will save me. And I'll kill you with my own bare hands. I should never have let you live." Sasuke titled his head at me with a playful pout.

"For now, I'll keep taking you until I get my descendant," Sasuke retorted. He walked over to her legs.

"Get the hell away from me!" Sakura screamed. Tear formed on her face.

"I need my heir."

He raped her again, laughing at all her screams. Sakura's face was covered in tears when he left.

Please, Naruto, Neji, Sai, Ino, anyone! Please save me! Please stop him!

She fell into a deep sleep, nightmares crowding her mind, nightmares of him raping her over and over.

I need freedom.

Please review and stuff! Sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy with other stuff. XP