This is the last chapter. The story ends with this chapter.

Kita.Kagami: It's stressing me out so much too!! The site isn't working properly and it takes me a week or so before I get any message I got reviews! It's so annoying!!

Homeslice: Well, I emailed you about it!

Well, thanks everyone who reviewed, I love you guys!


It's Impossible!

Sasuke's P.O.V.

Itachi left. To get Naruto... No. It's not that what bothers me. It's what Itachi said... It's...

You're nothing more then a toy for me anyway...

Nothing more then a toy...


Itachi had been using me... As a simple fuck... He's going to kill me when I'm no use to him anymore... I just know...

I looked aside, a kunai was lying on the desk... I stood up, picking it up to study it for a moment.

It's today... Today is the day you will die.



"Uhg!" Naruto came stumbling in, falling onto the bed next to me.

"What the hell, bastard! Get away from me! You disgust me, you devi- Sasuke!" ... The idiot noticed me just now?

"Everything you said, you did... It was all just another... Another lie?" I asked Itachi and he frowned at me.

"You had expected something else?" He said, making me even more angered.

"I had expected you would care a little bit by now! I gave..." I looked down at Naruto. The idiot he was, if I used different words, he would probably not understand what I was talking about.

"I gave you something precious and you dump me because I don't feel like it for once?" I feel tears stinging, this had been harder on me then I had expected it would be.

"... I didn't knew you felt this way." He said, making me doubt myself again.

He cared?

"Are you pulling tricks again?" I asked, trying to make everything less confusing.

He was making me doubt the plan I had made earlier.

"Ofcourse not..." He said, he looked as if he was thinking the entire situation over, considering what to do next. (A/N: so am I O. O...)

Itachi's P.O.V.

... Damn... My first visible mistake in years.

I had made Sasuke cry and I actually didn't knew what to do. I had the Kyuubi, but I didn't really wanted him.

I wanted Sasuke!

But he wasn't in the mood. He clearly told me that now.

Then again, I was still horny.

Only solution. Put the Kyuubi back and get a cold shower...

God, I hated that.

Well, I could always ask Kisame some nude pictures of Orochimaru, that would help me to get rid of the problem...

"You've hurted him!! Give the precious thing of Sasuke back! NOW!" The vessel demanded. I innerly sweatdropped.

"I'll leave you alone if you're feeling so bad about it. Say goodbye to your ex, Sasuke." I said, completely ignoring the idiot.

"Thanks..." Sasuke whispered, lying down on the bed, his back facing me. Completely ignoring the Kyuubi too.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

So much for having an emotional outburst.

I can't believe I actually told him that... No, I didn't even knew I felt this way!

Naruto was calling out to me, well, more like yelling, but I couldn't look at him now. I felt too disgusted.

I was clutching onto the kunai when Itachi came back, my back still turned to him. But I knew he felt the presence of the sharp knife...

"Were you planning on killing me with that?"

"... Yes." I answered honestly, Itachi's eyes were at the point of almost burning holes in my back.

"You still want to kill me." Itachi stated and this time I turned back to meet up with his gaze.

"No, I don't." I said, staring up at him.


"What?!" I snapped irritated.

"You don't even know yourself that you still want to kill me? You are more foolish then I had thought, Sasuke." Itachi said, I felt anger boiling up.

"You're not making my stay any better, you know." I mumbled, but ofcourse, Itachi being Itachi, he had heard it.

"How am I going to make it any better then?" He asked and I thought about it.

"... Say that you love me." I said.

Indeed, I wouldn't kill Itachi (If I could...) And I wouldn't want to leave Itachi anymore if he, from the deep of his heart honestly could say that he loved me.

"Would that make you happy?" He asked.

"Ofcourse it would. Please, Nii-san. Return my love."

Itachi's P.O.V.

Please nii-san. Return my love.

... Sasuke loved me? Honestly... Loved me?

I stared at him for a while before moving closer.

Just as I wanted to softly connect our lips, his hand moved between, softly touching my lips.

"I don't want to hear it while we're making love... You won't be honest... If it's like that..." He said, his sweet little puppy eyes almost melting my heart.

I sighed, sitting down next to him.

"You can't say it..." He stated.

I noticed that he shifted, he wanted to run away, but before he could actually make the run for it, I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back onto his lap.


"Please, nii-san."



"Sasuke... I love you."

Sasuke's P.O.V.

I love you.

He actually said it.

Itachi admitted he loved me, I could feel he was honest with me.

I pushed him down, our lips connecting.

"Do you love me enough, to let me go seme for once?" I asked him, hovering above his lips.

"... I do love you enough for that, but it would have to be a near death case..." He said, connecting our lips.

... ... ... WHAT?!!

I pulled back, angry.

"Why can't I be seme for once?!" I asked really angry again.

"You can be seme, once you're stronger then me." He said, smirking.

"... Fine..." I whispered. Itachi left no moment to go to waste to turn me around and now he was hovering over me.

"You don't have to do right now you know... I guess I could respect your wishes... And your puberty too..." (A/N: No not the sexual part, xD the part where they get moody...)

"... Who are you and what did you do with the real Itachi?" I asked, getting suspicious now.

"I locked him up for the time being..."

"... You did? But you didn't answered my first question!"

"Sasuke..." Itachi sighed.

"I haven't left..." He said, this thump touching my lips carefully.


"I love you..." He said, making me smile. A honest smile.

"I love you too." I answered, making him smile this time.

"... I can't stay here..." I said... ... Said?!

"Why not?" Itachi asked. Damnit! I was suppose to think that!!

"N... Naruto, I can't let him die."

Naruto's P.O.V. (Poow lil' Nawuto!)

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, a guy with a mask was fucking with the lock. (Not fucking fucking, just messing around, you perverts...)

"I'm helping you break out!" He whispered in response and we both heard the lock opening with a 'click'.

"see ya!" The guy said as he ran off, leaving the exit open for me.

I went out and starting running for my life.

Just then I thought clearly. (A/N: Fresh air!!)

Sasuke... What should I do...

Soon after, my head could stop being smart, as Sasuke was standing in front of me now.


"... C... Can I still come with you?" He asked me and I felt a sting of happiness.

"Ofcourse! Let's get out of here!"

Sasuke and Naruto got out safetly and returned to Konoha. Tobi had freed Naruto. And Sasuke... Well...

"Sasuke... How did you ever get out?" Sakura asked worried.

"S'right, teme. How the hell did you get out?" Naruto also asked, even though it wasn't out of worry, he was just curious.

"... I guess Itachi really started to love me now... In a different way then me being his toy... His heart returned for a moment..." Sasuke answered, smiling at no one in particular.

"Yeah right! As if that bastard could ever love!" Naruto laughed, but Sasuke wasn't listening.

Itachi... I love you too... But our love is impossible as long Akatsuki is still hunting Naruto...

One day...

One day, our love will be true. We will be together for ever...

One day...

The end...


And with his chapter, I finish my story.

To clear things up. Itachi let Sasuke go, respecting his wish. Sasuke made the promise, that if Akatsuki stopped hunting Naruto, he would return to Itachi.

This one took me a long time! I didn't knew how to end it, but I didn't want another Itachi and mhm stay together. Sasuke HAD to leave.

No sequel for now! Maby ever... Then I'll start one...

It does kinda sadden me that I got such few reviews for the entire story. So with my next story, I'm going to do a review limit, I won't update if I don't have enough reviews!