Thanks to campy, CajunBear73, captainkodak1, Pharaoh Rutin Tutin, AtomicFire, Ultimate Naco Topping, surforst, MaggieLimerick, Quathis, johnrie18, whitem, Matri, Joe Stopphinghem, conan98002, mkusenagi2, daywalkr82, Ace Ian Combat, Molloy, Josh84, and qtpie235 for reviewing and to everyone for reading!
Special thanks to campy for his beta and proof work.
Leave a review, get a response. Seriously!
If you saw it on KP, it belongs to Disney.
Timothy North anxiously drummed his fingers on the steering wheel of the Ferret Mobile while he waited for Jim and Tim to complete their mission. Twelve holy terrors were loose in North Manor with only Wonder Weasel to keep an eye on them. Of course, the old actor had to admit, the naked mole rat did seem to have things under control when they left on their mission.
"C'mon, punks" he was complaining when he saw the twins, big grins on their faces, come running towards the car.
"We got it!" Jim said.
"Let's jet!" Tim added.
"I can't believe you thought they were clones!" Shego said. "How could you fall for that a second time?"
"I'd explain it, but it's a super genius thing," Drakken said huffily as he sulked at his desk. Kim Possible's little brothers had somehow infiltrated the lair, found the parts to create a functional miniaturization ray which they used to shrink the Psionic Wave Manipulator, and were only detected after Commodore Puddles had tired of harassing the henchmen and, having gone in search of new prey, stumbled on the tweebs. Drakken, hearing his dog's yapping, went to investigate, thus finding Jim and Tim, who claimed to be the vanguard of a huge army of Tweebclones®. As Drakken tried to puzzle out whether they were pulling his leg, they made their escape.
"More like a super dork thing," Shego said as she headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Drakken asked.
"Well, now that this plan's officially going south and Kimmie's probably not coming back, I'm going out to get some emery boards."
Drakken stared at his glamorous sidekick, debated trying to convince her to get Sheela back, and decided one lippy and dangerous woman in the lair was enough. "Fine," he growled. "While you're out, can you get me some marshmallows?"
"Sure. By the way, you owe me a twenty," she said as she extended an open palm.
"What?" an incredulous Drakken shot back.
"Princess bunked off with my Andy," Shego explained "And she wouldn't have done that if you hadn't turned her evil. Now hand over the dinero."
Grumbling, Drakken reached into the pocket of his lab coat and withdrew his wallet.
Sheela was circling the pen, trying to maintain her distance from the leopards when Ron, dressed as the Fearless Ferret, came barging onto the scene.
"Where's K– uh, Sheela?" he demanded of RoboRon.
"Down there," the android said, pointing into the pen.
"What!" Ron exclaimed as he saw the feline predators cornering Sheela. Without thinking, he jumped into the pen, momentarily distracting the leopards.
"And you're supposed to be who?" Sheela asked.
"The Fearless Ferret. Otherwise known as your sidekick," he said as he looked back and forth between the two leopards, who were taking an unhealthy interest in him.
"I didn't know that I had a sidekick," she said.
"Oh yeah, a badically evil babe like you has to have a goofy compadre by her side," Ron explained before he turned to the leopards and said, "Nice kitties."
One of the cats responded with a blood-curdling roar.
"Okay," Ron said as he cupped his hands by his mouth. "Arooaraoooaaooooaooo."
The leopards, now filled with curiosity, peered at him.
"You're doing that why?" Sheela asked.
"Being a distraction," he said as he waved his Ferret Grappler. "Now get over here."
"I am so not taking orders from you. How do I know I can trust you? Drakken and Shego never said anything about you being part of our evil family."
"Well, duh," Ron said, becoming increasingly nervous as one of the leopards hungrily licked its chops.
Ron gulped, then ran right at the big cats, screaming. The animals, caught by surprise, moved aside. He quickly wrapped his arm around Sheela's waist, fired the Ferret Claw at a girder, waited for the hook to wrap around the beam, and pressed the retract button, quickly pulling them up to safety.
Sheela and Ron, now safe, stood at the lip of the pen. Sheela smiled. "Nice work, Ferret," she said as she pulled Ron in for a kiss. Just before their lips met, she yanked up his cowl.
"Hey!" he protested. "Sidekick mystique!"
"You!" she growled. "Spill. Now!"
"Global Justice created Phony Me to play you," Ron said, hoping Sheela would buy his explanation.
"You want me to believe he's a clone?" Sheela replied skeptically.
"Android, actually," Ron said.
Kim looked at RoboRon.
"Looks like I'm busted," the android said with a laugh and a shrug of the shoulders.
"So it was you," she said pointing at RoboRon, "who cheated on me with her," she added, pointing at Bonnie.
"Yeah," the android said.
"No!" Bonnie cried out. "I did not, have not, will not kiss that froob!"
"C'mon, Bon-Bon!" RoboRon said. "You said you couldn't get enough of the Ronman."
Sheela, hands on hips, rolled her eyes. "And what about my evil family?"
"Hate to break the news, but you were played by Drakken and Shego, too," Ron said.
"And they'd do that why?" Sheela asked, not sounding convinced. "They seemed awfully nice."
"They're jealous of you," Ron explained.
"Jealous? Of me?" Sheela replied.
"They've been taken down so many times that the prison has reserved cells for 'em," Ron said as he put an arm around Sheela. "You, on the other hand, have never been caught."
"Really?" she asked, unable to hide a sudden surge of pride.
"Well, you are the most bon-diggity villain on the planet. Smart, pretty, athletic …"
Sheela began to blush under her mask.
"… With an amazingly good-looking sidekick, to boot," Ron said. "And, oh, oh! You have this really cool lair and your own car!"
"My own car? Spankin'!" Sheela said enthusiastically.
"Here, let me show you," Ron said, as he took Sheela's hand and quickly led her from the zoo and to the Leopardmobile (otherwise known as the newly painted Sloth).
"Get me down from here!" Bonnie yelled at the receding costumed figures before she looked at RoboRon. "Don't just stand there, you loser, do something!"
RoboRon looked at Bonnie, realized he didn't like being insulted, and turned to leave.
"Hey, you can't leave me here!" the brunette protested to the departing android. "If you do, you'll be in like so much trouble!"
"Whatever," RoboRon replied as he decided to channel his inner Quinn.
"Don't go! I-I'll go on a date with you! I'll kiss you!" she called out as the android turned a corner. "Come back!"
"So tell me about my lair," Sheela said as they buckled their seat belts.
"It's pretty badical," Ron said. "It's got everything you need to take over the world."
"So why haven't I done that yet?" Sheela asked.
"Uh, well, it's got almost everything," Ron fudged. "You're still waiting for the spinning tops of doom to arrive. Can't take over the world unless your lair is truly impregnable and without those spinning tops of doom, it isn't, and …" he rambled.
"You're weird," Sheela said.
"Sheela!" Ron whined.
"Shh! I like weird," she said as she reached up and gently stroked one of his ears.
After they had come to a stop inside the Leopardlair (otherwise known as the Ferret Hole), Sheela pulled her ferrety sidekick out of the leopard-spotted Sloth. "Before I conquer the world," she said in a smoldering voice as she pushed him up against a console, "I think I'm going to conquer you."
Ron began to breathe heavily. Keep your head in the game, keep your head in the game, he told himself. Keep your head … His mantra was broken when Sheela brought her lips to his.
"Cootie alert!" Jim announced through a megaphone, killing the mood for the two costumed teens.
"And who are you?" she asked as Jim, followed by Tim, appeared.
"Uh, we're medical clones," Jim said, waving a syringe. "And time's running out."
"Running out for what?" Sheela asked.
"Your treatment," Tim said.
"Uh, yeah," Ron added, betraying his confusion. "Your treatment …"
"To restore the memories Drakken suppressed," Tim said, staring at Ron. "Remember?"
"Oh, yeah," Ron said. "That treatment."
"Okay, what needs to be done?" Sheela asked.
"We have to get you on this table …" Tim said.
Sheela climbed onto the gurney and lay back.
"This will take a few minutes," Jim said. "Why don't you relax?"
Sheela closed her eyes and folded her hands across her midriff.
"You ready for us to start?" Tim asked.
"Please and thank you," Sheela responded.
"Hey, it's the Cat Lady!" a little girl exclaimed as she slid down the pole into the Ferret Hole. "Why is she taking a nap?"
"Come back here, you ghastly girl!" Timothy North said in exasperation as he followed the rambunctious tyke.
Sheela's eyes flew open at the commotion. She sensed something was wrong here. "You've been playing me!" she hissed as she glared at Ron.
"No! No! I haven't," he protested. "There's an explanation! A good one," he added before mumbling, "I just don't know what it is."
"You are so busted," Sheela said as she gracefully jumped off the table, wheeled on her left foot and drove a boot into Ron's gut, knocking the wind out of him. She followed that up with a right hook. Then, for good measure, she dope-slapped him.
As Ron staggered, and then dropped to his knees, he was able to focus on the clock. Time had just about run out and he didn't know what to do. He watched as Sheela began chasing after the tweebs.
He cringed as Sheela grabbed Jim by the collar, not wanting to see his GF give her little brother a smackdown. Much to his surprise, instead of going all kung fu on Jim, Sheela's eyes opened wide and she crumpled to the floor. Ron crawled over to his fallen GF and noticed a syringe stuck in her calf – and a relieved Rufus behind her.
"I don't know how you got that, Little Buddy, but good job," Ron said before collapsing to the floor.
"Ron, what happened to you?" Kim asked, deep concern evident in her voice.
"KP!" he cried out as his GF woke up. "You're okay!"
"Other than this ferociously bad headache," she said as she rubbed her temples and sat up. "Now, are you going to tell me why you look like you've just gone ten rounds with Shego? And why are we at Mr. North's? And –"
"It's a long story," Ron said, cutting off his BFGF. He smiled, gingerly climbed onto the table, and put an arm around Kim. Then he began to tell her of the weirdest Halloween ever.
Harvey Fenster arrived at work at 7:30 A.M. sharp as had been his wont every morning for the last fifteen years. He put on his coveralls, grabbed his utility bag, and left the maintenance building to do his rounds.
"Well, that's something you don't see every day," he said to himself as he approached the leopard pen. Suspended over the pit was a young woman dressed in a French maid's uniform. She didn't look happy, to say the least.
"You!" she screamed as she saw Harvey, rousing the sleeping leopards in the process. "Get me down from here!"
"I still can't believe I went evil," Kim, shaking her head, said to Monique, as the two young women folded the newly arrived guava berry colored capris.
"Believe it, girl. It was on the news. And you were styling something bad," Monique said approvingly. "So, you sure you're okay?"
"It's so not the drama," Kim said with a dismissive wave of the hand before she pursed her lips. "Well, maybe it was a bit the drama," she conceded. "If it weren't for Jim and Tim, and more importantly, Ron, I'd still be wearing that cat suit and thinking I was Sheela." Kim fell silent for a moment. "Mon, I'm so lucky Ron had my back."
"That boy really does care about you," Monique said. "Not many guys would let their GF's smack them around the way you did Ron. So, how's Ferret Boy going to be?"
"He'll be okay," Kim answered. "Fortunately none of the ribs were broken and the loose tooth was in the back of his mouth. To be honest, If Mr. Barkin had his way, Ron would be suiting up for the game this weekend. That's so not happening."
"So, how'd you convince Ron not to play?" Monique asked, knowing how much fun he was having being "Unstoppable Stoppable," Middleton's surprise star running back.
"It was no big, really," Kim said with a sly grin. "I told him I had some special new cheer moves I wanted him to see – but that they were for his eyes only, and the only way he'd see him was if he stayed at home and rested."
"Girlfriend, you don't play fair," Monique said with an admiring smile. "And here I thought you were done being a villain!" she added with a chuckle.
"Well, maybe there's still a little bit of Sheela left in me …" Kim said with a catlike grin. "And you know what they say about a leopard changing her spots …"
The End