A cool, crisp spring day with Colleen, heading towards the telegraph office smiling at Logan, Tommy, and Kimberly as they came from the other direction. Horace is there, taking mail out of the bag and sorting it, as they all enter together Logan was laughing at something Kim had said. Looking over he spied Lewis, Horace's nephew, sits at the desk, looking through a microscope, a junior version of Mike's.
"Colleen, a package come for you," Horace said, turning to smile at her.
Turning back, he looks for it while Tommy, Logan, and Kim turned at the sound of footsteps, and watched as Alice and her cronies, Missy and Suzie enter, chattering excitedly. They carry a tattered-looking magazine.
"Hey, Colleen. You here for Harper's too?" Missy said, looking at Colleen.
"Harper?" Kimberly asked, frowning in confusion.
Before anyone can answer, Missy adds ... "I just can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter of "Rocky Mountain Hero." I wonder if Carolina will finally tell Colt she loves him."
Blinking Tommy leaned close to Logan. "Sounds like the wild west version of Days of Our Lives," he muttered, and Logan nodded.
"Mr. Bing?" Alice said, moving toward the counter.
Turning Horace smiled at the group of girls. "Hey there, girls. Y'all know my nephew Lewis, from Kansas?"
Nodding at the boy Logan said, "good to see you again Lewis," with a warm smile.
Alice can hardly be bothered, calls over. "Hello, Lewis. Mr. Bing, where's our new Harper's Magazine?" she said, impatiently and the three behind the group shared a look.
"Now, Colleen here was first," Horace half scolded the girls in his good nature as he hands her the package. "Here you go, Colleen."
Colleen take it, excitedly rips it open. It's a newer, more modern-looking stethoscope. "well that's certainly going to be a bit better than that tube one she's got," Kimberly said, coming forward to admire it. Logan and Tommy noticing the light misty look in her eye.
"Thanks, Horace! I can't wait to give this to Dr. Mike," Colleen said, excitedly.
The girls trade looks, don't see what's so exciting about some medical thing. But Lewis does, comes to the counter. Colleen smiles at him, looks over to the microscope.
"My ma's got one of those," she said, nodding toward it.
He gives her one of his shy smiles. "Is ... is that a stethoscope?"
"Sure is. Wanna listen?"
Lewis nods, Colleen puts the ear pieces in his ears, holds the bell to her own chest. Behind them Logan, Tommy, and Kimberly smile at the interaction between the pair.
"Hear my heart beating?" Colleen asks Lewis nods, looks at Colleen with love.
Alice rolls her eyes. "Mr. Bing? The magazine!" she demands spoiling the moment as the girls stamp their feet impatiently.
Horace finds it, hands it to them. "Here it is."
The girls grab it out of his hand, giggling, pulling it in a tug of war. Alice pulls it away, tries to find the right page. Colleen, curiosity aroused, turns to follow the girls outside, but she's attached to Lewis by the stethoscope.
As the three watched he takes the opportunity to ask her ... "Wanna ... look under my microscope?"
Colleen is torn, wants to follow the girls outside. "Colleen?" she turns back to look at Missy. "Aren't you comin'?"
Biting her lip Colleen turned to Lewis. "Some other time?" she asked, feeling nervous.
"Sure," Lewis said, sounding disappointed.
A little uncomfortable with the situation the three followed Colleen out. They see the girls sit on the bench outside, reading the story. Colleen hangs back a little, listening. They pause to do also.
"Carolina's heart was beating so hard at the sensation of Colt's strong arms surrounding her, she felt as if it would fairly bust out of her bosom," Alice read aloud to a fit of girlish giggles.
Colleen blushes at the frank language. Alice passes the magazine to Suzie to read. Out of the corner of their eyes they saw Lewis watches from the doorway, looks at Colleen as if his heart were bursting.
"Carolina longed to linger in his encompassing grasp, but alas, she was betrothed to another - the mining baron, Jack Slade."
The girls boo and hiss. Colleen's never read or heard anything like this, but she's becoming more interested by the minute. She sits down next to them on the bench, laying the stethoscope down next to her and looking over their shoulder at the magazine.
"Definitely a soap opera," Tommy said, quietly as they step off the porch of the telegraph walking over to meet Sully and Medicine Woman. to leave for the reservation.
"hey I thought it sounded like a nice story," Kimberly said, frowning at them.
At once Tommy and Logan let out a snort. "you would," Tommy chuckled. "you feel it as if it would fairly burst out of your bosom," he said, in a mocking high voice his hands over his heart. Logan laughed at that as Kim gave Tommy a playful shove. "but either way you guys were right that girl is a snob," he half whispered jabbing his thumb over his shoulder in Alice's direction.
They met Sully, as he was leading his horse into town, as Mike walked up to them at the gate. "You 'bout ready?" Sully asked, her taking the reins of her horse.
"Just let me get something at the clinic," Mike answers and she started back toward the clinic.
Suddenly, their attention is drawn to a commotion in the street, as a trio of trail-dusty cowboys whoop and holler, while loading a supply wagon on the general store porch.
"Cowboys off the Goodnight Trail. Looks like they haven't seen town in a while," Sully answered the unasked, question as they watched the group.
"and from the looks of the supplies they're packing they still have a trail to ride," Tommy commented.
Smiling at them Michaela continued on. The group going back to the horses Sully kept shooting Kim odd looks. "what is it Sully?" she finally asks.
Shaking his head, he looks away. "nothin' it's just…," he started then paused trying to find the right words.
"weird knowing now that I'm her great, great, great, great granddaughter," Kimberly supplied for him after glancing around.
Unable to deny it he shrugged. "…and not knowing who…" again he fell silent.
"who the grandfather is," she said, for him and he fell silent again shifting his gaze. "I can't tell you that Sully," she said, and he looked at her again. "only time can tell who Mike is supposed to be with Sully. And it has to be naturally or else…," and Kimberly let the sentence hang all of them knowing what she meant.
As Sully shifted his gaze as he started rubbing his horses neck. Shifting uncomfortably from the conversation Logan looked back toward Colleen. Suzie was just passing Colleen the magazine. Frowning focusing, he turned his ear in their direction shifting his hair.
"Wanna turn, Colleen?"
There was a rustle as Colleen took the magazine. '"Colt's bullwhip lashed out at the lit fuse, extinguishing the danger but igniting Carolina's smoldering passion."' As she begins to read, she's transported into the world of the story. '"Oh thank you, Mr. Colt" she sighed. "It's Colt, ma'am. Just plain Colt."
"Colleen!" Logan fought not to flinch as Mike's voice snaps in. "Sully and I are getting ready to leave!" rolling his jaw a little he looked over at Mike as she walked toward the clinic.
Suddenly a loud crash snaps their attention toward the store, in time to see the horse spooked. The wagon takes off, with one of the cowboys, hanging on in the back as he's dragged across the ground.
Eyeing shooting to Colleen as she steps off the porch into the path of the runaway wagon. Colleen doesn't see it, but they do. "Colleen! Look out!" Medicine Woman screams.
Looks up in time to see the wagon barreling down on her. The cowboy tries to keep his balance, but is thrown off. Colleen screaming, as Sully grabs her, sweeping her out of harm's way. As Logan, Tommy, and Kim rush for the wagon as the cowboy loses his grip as it makes a turn. Reaching it first Logan grabbed the side and pulled himself on while Tommy hopped on the back and pulled Kim on after him.
"you need to work your upper body strength," Tommy muttered, to her and she punched his shoulder. "come on!" he barked and they raced for the reins. Which weren't there.
"where the hell are the reins?" Logan demanded.
"down there," Tommy answered points down to them as they flapped on the ground below them. "so how do we…," Tommy started but was interrupted as Kimberly jumped over them and landed gracefully on the post between the horses.
The pair watched as she moved toward the horses. Once she was between them she grabbed the straps along their backs pulling hard. With sharp reports the horses dug their hooves in coming to a skidding stop that nearly sent Logan and Tommy tumbling from the wagon. When they were able to recompose themselves she had turned to look at them a smug smile on her face.
"now what was that you were saying about upper body strength?" she rubbed in.
Shaking his head Logan chuckled. "so... Tommy?" he asked, looking up at him as she shot Kimberly a look. "how do you like your crow? Regular or extra crispy?" and he kept laughing as Tommy gave him a shove.
When they turned the wagon around they saw a startled Colleen, but unhurt, in Sully's arms, as Mike rushes over to tend to the fallen cowboy. Sully brushes the dust off Colleen's dress, straightens her hair.
"What were you thinkin'?" he demands of her as they pull up close.
"I ... I don't know, Colt. I mean, Sully," blinking the three looked at each other before looking again. As Colleen looks up at him, her eyes reveal a blossoming infatuation.
Later in the clinic Colleen sits on the cot, embarrassed, but still mooning over Sully who holds a damp cloth to her head. Mike tends to Boze (the cowboy that had been dragged), who's holding his arm. Boze is a little on edge, afraid Mike may be angry about the incident and not knowing how these people feel about blacks.
"Two hundred miles on the trail and my fool arm gets busted in two in town," mutters in frustration before he turns to Colleen. "Sure am sorry missy. Anythin' ol' Boze can do for you, you just name it."
Colleen smiled at him shaking her head. "I shoulda been lookin' where I was goin'."
Mike smiles and nods at Colleen, then turns a reassuring smile on Boze as she gently manipulates his arm. "Hope I'm not hurting you, Mr. Boze," Michaela said, giving him a warm smile.
"Oh, no, ma'am," Boze said, with a small wince.
Biting her lip, Medicine Woman looks up at Sully, Logan, Kim, and Tommy. "Sully, this may take awhile. I don't think I can make it to the reservation today," she said, sadly.
Sully nods. "I'll go!" at once all eyes turn to Colleen. "It's just changin' Snow Bird's bandage," Colleen continued shyly under their gaze.
Medicine Woman looks to Sully, who shrugs. "Are you sure you feel up to it?"
"Yes!" Colleen said, and Logan blinked at how quickly. "I mean I wanna help. Please."
For a few moments Mike was silent as she thought about it. "Well, alright, but be careful and do what Sully tells you," she said, finally.
Colleen rolls her eyes, gets up. He opens the door for her. "After you, Doctor Cooper," he says waving her through with a smile. Colleen smiles back, charmed. Following close behind Logan, Tommy, and Kim share a look.
Out at the reservation Logan, Kimberly, Tommy, Sully and Cloud Dancing look on with concern as Colleen examines his wife, Snow Bird's hand, outside their teepee. Looking between the two thinking how Snow Bird is pretty, wise and likes to tease her husband Cloud Dancing, but it's obvious they love each other very much.
"So you are a medicine woman now, too?" Snow Bird teased Colleen warmly.
"She's gettin' there," Sully said, proudly and the three nodded in agreement.
Colleen blushes, gets ready to bandage Snow Bird's hand. "It doesn't look like it's infected, but you better keep the bandage on another day or two. It's a small cut. It should heal fast," she said, reassuringly.
Nodding in understanding Snow Bird said, "This cut was too small for an important medicine man like my husband to tend to."
"You just wanted an excuse to visit with Dr. Mike," Cloud Dancing teased back.
"and what's wrong with that?" Kimberly put in as Springs Dawn came over nodding in agreement.
Sully nudges Logan and following where he gestured and a grin spread across his face. following his gaze Tommy and Kimberly turned and they beamed. Snow Bird frowning followed their gaze and glowed.
The group watched as Walks on Cloud playing his courting song on a flute outside a nearby teepee. A young Cheyenne girl comes out of the other teepee. Walks on Cloud holds up a blanket Snow Bird smiles and nods as Walks on Cloud covers both with the blanket and smiling the couple start talking.
Sully glances at Colleen seeing the questioning frown on her face. "That's their son, Walks on Cloud," he explained and she nodded.
"It is a good name for him these days," Cloud Dancing said, with a grin on his face nodding at the couple. "And it is a good match," and he motioned to Sully, Logan, Kimberly, and Tommy. "I will show you the horses I have picked for her father."
Nodding Logan turns to follow pausing when he sees Springs Dawn. She still watches the couple and he sees the longing in her eye. Slowly she turns to look at him and he saw the unshed tears. Before anyone else could see or say anything she turns and walks away. After watching her go he turns to follow the others.
The small group walk off a few steps, examine some horses. Running his hand over one of the animals back Logan glanced back at Snow Bird and the two sees Colleen watching the young obviously in love couple.
"They will marry soon," he heard Snow Bird say as Colleen continues to wrap the bandage around Snow Bird's hand.
"How do you know if a boy wants to marry you?" the young teen asks.
Snow Bird thinks for a moment before she answers. "He finds excuses to come to your lodge. Cloud Dancing stood outside my lodge often. We talked under his blanket for many hours, just as they do," and she nodded to the couple.
"What did you talk about?"
"Oh, nothing. Many things."
They smile. Cloud Dancing walks back over with the others. "You give your son a fine dowry for his bride," Sully said, nodding in approval.
Colleen stands, ready to leave. A wind comes up. Colleen shivers a bit.
"Cold?" Sully asks concerned.
Colleen nods. Sully takes his blanket from his shoulder, drapes it around her, glances up at the mountain. "Wind's comin' down off the Peak."
"falls moving in," Kimberly said, also looking up at the mountain. "it's going to get freezing at night pretty soon."
Nodding in agreement Logan looks over at Colleen to see as she holds one side of the blanket out for him, like she saw Walks on Cloud do. "We could share," she offered to Sully.
He smiles, shares the blanket. "Don't want you gettin' sick. You got too much doctorin' to do," he half joked.
"I'm fine now," she said, and Logan frowned at the look of devotion on her face. Turning he shared a look with the other two. Kimberly frowning in concern.
As they were getting ready to leave Logan turned to Kimberly again. "should we be worried?"
Pausing she looked over at Colleen. "not sure," she finally said, looking back at him. "I mean every girl has a first crush."
"really…," Tommy said, turning to her. "and just how many did you have before me?" he asked, leaning against a tree as his horse came over.
"oh just one or two," she said, with a bat of her eyes.
Rolling his eyes Logan chuckled as he slipped onto Wildfire. Looking over at Colleen again as Sully helped her on to his horse behind him. "should we keep an eye on her?"
Mounting up Kim looked over at the girl. "Naw I don't think so," she finally said, shaking her head. "Probably just hero worship for what happened in town."
An hour later the group road into the meadow as Alice, Missy and Suzie are heading out to the pasture and after narrowing his eyes Logan saw that they were planning on re-reading "Rocky Mountain Hero." Shaking his head, he looked back at Colleen behind Sully on his horse. Her arms around his waist, her eyes closed, she breathes in his scent. Soon the group pulls up outside the clinic.
When Collen hadn't moved from her position Sully glanced back at her. "Colleen?"
"Yes, Sully?" she said, and Logan's eyebrows arched at the dreamy tone in her voice.
"We're here," Sully said.
Colleen snaps out of her reverie. "Oh."
He lets Colleen down from the horse with one strong arm as the three dismount. Colleen holds on a beat longer than she should. "See you later," Colleen smiles, waves as he rides off.
"later," Logan said, as they head to the café for lunch. As they were turning the corner of the livery he saw the girls rush up to Colleen.
Sitting down at a table Logan bit his lip in thought. "a little concerned for Colleen?" Kimberly asked, looking at him. The restaurant is fairly busy around them.
"a little," he admitted resting his elbows on the table. "she's a girl with her first crush. Girls are known to go a little bit crazy with this."
"hey!" Kimberly snapped scowling at him then turned to Tommy. "well feel free to disagree."
Nervously he looked from one to the other. "I plead the fifth," he finally said.
After shooting him a look before looking back at Logan. "well stereotype aside Colleen got a good head of her shoulders," she said, sitting back in her seat. "she's not like Alice who would go to the extreme," she finished as Grace came over to take their order.
After dropping off their good they saw Robert E is finishing his meal and Grace went over to clear his plate. "Anything else I can git for you, sir?" she asked, and Logan smiled at the playful tone in her voice.
Robert E., equally playful, grabs her hand as she reaches for his plate. "I got room for dessert."
Grace laughs at that. "I bet you do. But we're all out of sugar," she said, as the three exchanged a set of smiles for them.
Suddenly their banter is interrupted by a calamity. Turning they see Hank as he suddenly appears clutching his stomach with one hand and a whiskey bottle with the other, in obvious agony. Myra follows, afraid of what he may do.
"Where is she? Where's that devil woman?" Hank barked for all to hear.
"what the hell?" Tommy muttered, a look of shocked surprise on his face.
"what is it this time?" Kimberly moaned.
Customers scatter as Hank knocks a table out of the way to get to Grace. "You! You tryin' to kill me?" he half shouted.
Robert E., Logan, Kimberly, and Tommy stands, gets between Hank and Grace. "What're you talkin' bout?" Robert E. demanded.
Loren, Jake, Olive and Horace stop eating, get up from their tables. Mike has heard the noise and comes running from the clinic. "I'm talkin' bout how she poisoned me with that rotten slop you call hash!" Hank barked pointing at Grace
Grace reacts, stung.
"You better watch what you say," Robert E says in warning.
"he's right Hank this is neither the time, the place, or the way to handle this!" Logan growled holing up a hand one finger erect to keep Hank from coming any closer.
"come on Hank lets go someplace else more private and talk about this," Kim urged.
"I better watch where I eat is what I better do. Got sick right after breakfast here," Hank snapped in response.
"Is anyone else feeling ill?" Medicine Woman asked, concerned.
The crowd doesn't confirm, but they do get up and start drifting off. "Takin' your life in your hands, you eat here," Hank continued in pain as he gripped his stomach.
More people get up and leave. "Now you wait just a minute ..." Grace said, in surprised shock stepping forward. "there's nothing wrong with my food!" she half begs the leaving patrons.
Robert E places a restraining hand on her. "He's outta his head. Don't know what he's sayin'!" he barked trying to stop the people to leave.
"Hank, please. Let me look at you," Mike urged trying to sooth him.
"at least then we can know for sure!" Tommy snapped putting a comforting hand on Grace's shoulder.
"I don't need you to tell me I'm sick as a dog! That's probably what she fed me!" Hank snapped at Dr. Mike.
More customers leave. Hank tries to straighten up, can't, moans. Robert E tries to help him, Hank throws his hand off. "Get your dirty hands off me, boy!" he snaps.
"Hank that's uncalled for!" Kim snaps as Robert E burns him with a look, but realizes Hank is lashing out in pain. He lets him go, turns to Grace, who's humiliated, fighting back tears and he pulls her into his arms.
Discreetly Logan nodded to the side and Mike, Tommy, and Kim moved to the side. "do you think it could be food poisoning?" Kim asked, Medicine Woman quietly.
"without a proper examination I can't answer that," she answered.
"but either way the damage has been done," Logan muttered, looking over at Grace.
"question is how long will it take to heal?" Tommy muttered.
Colleen is helping Mike disinfect instruments by dipping them in a pan of carbolic acid then drying them. Near the windows the three teens were in a private conversation on finding out what was wrong with Hank and deal with what was done to Grace.
"Are you in love with Sully?" Mike startled by Colleen's question, drops a scalpel with a splash. While Logan's, Tommy's, and Kim's heads whipped around in stunned silence.
"Pardon me?" Dr. Mike asked, in a shaky voice.
"I mean, you've never really said, straight out how you feel about him," Colleen said, trying to sound more casual.
"That isn't something a lady talks about," Medicine Woman said, trying to evade. Colleen gives her a look. "Alright, I do love him," she admits and Logan caught the very slight fall of her face. "BUT as a friend."
"And that's all?" Colleen asked, a little more eager as she dug. Glancing at his friends Logan saw that both caught the subtle movements from the young teen.
"Yes. I suppose ... we're just friends. And that's what I imagine we'll remain," Medicine Woman said, and Logan eyed her feeling she was trying to convince herself more.
"You're sure?" Colleen asked, sounding like a lot rested on her answer.
"Of course I'm sure. Now what is this all about?" Mike said, assuredly but Logan heard that the doubt in her voice.
At once Colleen averted her gaze. "Nothin'. Just wonderin' is all," she said. Colleen's dreamy look, which happens to escape Mike...but glancing at his friends he wasn't the only one who caught it.
After sharing a discreet glance Kim gestures with a thumb over the shoulder. Following her outside glad to be out of the tension.
"well that was awkward?" Logan asked, running his hand through his hair.
"very," Kimberly agreed as Mike comes out heading for the General Store.
Turning they see Grace move towards the general store. Grace glances over, back toward the livery before going in. "oh great that's all we need," Logan growled and Tommy let out a moan of frustration as they watch Hank enter behind her.
"well let's make sure it doesn't get out of hand," Tommy said, and the three moved to follow. Robert E closely following.
Walking in they see Hank is already confronting Grace. The Reverend, Loren, Olive and Mike watch, uneasily. "Poison anyone else lately?" he demanded of her.
"It'd serve you right - the way you poisoned people's minds with your filthy lies," Grace shot back in a quiet voice. Hank reacts.
"Grace ...," Olive says quietly worried for her.
After shooting Olive a glance Grace stood her ground. "Lots of people ate my hash. Nobody else got sick."
Hank burns, gets in her face. "Maybe you whipped up somethin' special just for me. Maybe you're some kind of darkie witch!" and started making cawing sounds at her.
At once the three teens moved forward Tommy and Logan pulling Hank away from her while Kim moved toward Grace comforting her. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" Logan barked sharply restraining himself from hitting the man. Mainly because he was sick.
"Maybe you're some kind of -," Grace started to counter.
"White Flacon is right that's quite enough!" Mike snapped moving to stand beside the teen boys.
"So do I," the Reverend said, moving forward as well. "It's time to put aside our differences."
Robert E moves behind Hank. Hank turns, sees Robert E staring him down. He senses the crowd against him. "now you get out of here Hank before you push it too far," Logan warned and Hank turned his eye on him. "and I just might forget you're a sick man," he both his tone and eyes making it clear that he meant business.
For a couple sends the man was silent. "Not by my watch it ain't." he mutters before he pushes past Robert E, and exits the store.
Grace wheels on the Reverend. "Differences? You call sayin' I'm a "darkie witch" differences?" she demands of him.
"Now, Grace ..." the Reverend starts but is interrupted by Olive.
"The Reverend's just sayin' there's no point in provokin' more hostility," she said.
Grace looks to Mike and Robert E, who stay silent, exchange glances. "That's right. What good would it do?" Loren says.
At once Grace faces him holding in her anger. "Might do a lotta good. If more of you had the guts to stand up to him," she said, in an emotional voice.
Grace storms out. Mike and Robert E trade torn looks. "she's right you know," and everyone looked at Kim. "standing by and do nothing is just as bad if not worse. And Reverend…" and she turned to him. "that wasn't differences that was bigotry and ignorance," and the three leave to find Sully.
Later that night Logan, Tommy, Kimberly, and Sully ride toward the homestead. All four bundled tightly against the freezing wind chill with Wolf trying to keep up. When they arrived the wind blows branches and leaves against Mike's frosty window. They see Mike through the window turn away, looking worried. Brian and Matthew are also concerned.
Stopping outside the barn they quickly got the horses inside out of the freezing air. Then shoulders hunched they walked up the porch and Sully knocked on the door.
At once the door was thrown open. "Oh, Sully, White Falcon, Dancing Heron, Soaring Falcon," she says sounding disappointed and worried as she stepped aside.
The four quickly pile in followed closely by Wolf, despite being dressed warmly they're shivering, step in. Sully, Tommy, and Logan have a hard time closing the door due to the harsh winds. When they finally have the door secure they rubs their hands to get warm.
"Thought we'd better check on you. These windstorms blowin' down from the Front Range can drop the temperature down to zero," Sully said.
"or below," Logan put in.
"Oh my God!" Medicine Woman exclaims and the four pause at the alarm in her voice.
"Colleen hasn't come home yet," Mathew explained at their questioning looks.
"WHAT!" Logan barks in surprise.
"where is she?" Sully asked, concerned.
"when was the last time anyone saw her?" Kim demanded, eyes wide with worry.
"Brian," Mike said, before waiting a beat. "Tell me again. Where exactly did she say she was going?" she asked, facing the boy.
"She didn't say, exactly. Just up to the creek," he said, looking around at them. "She said, she'd be back before supper."
"Weather musta caught her by surprise," Mathew put in.
"What was she wearing?" Mike asked, Brian.
"Just a shawl."
"that's not going to do any good against this kind cold," Logan exclaimed. "she could freeze to death!"
"especially if she wasn't able to take shelter," Tommy said, in fear.
Sully turns to a scared Mike. "It'll be alright. we'll find her," he promises and the four move back toward the door.
Mike grabs her coat, starts pulling on gloves. "Matthew, stay with Brian. I'm going with them." Sully opens his mouth to argue. She looks into his eyes, pleading. "Please, let me go with you."
Logan puts a hand on Sully's shoulder and he looks at him. "she's a mother whose daughter is lost, alone, and in danger. I wouldn't argue with her on this."
For a beat Sully looks back and sees her determination. He nods. Mike shoots him a grateful look as they grab blankets, gloves and scarves. Mike gives a worried Brian a quick hug.
"We'll find her," she said, trying to reassure both him and herself.
Sully opens the door to a fierce gust of wind. They look at each other, take a deep breath and plunge into it. Matthew gives Brian a reassuring squeeze, but Brian pulls away from him, goes to the window. Matthew joins him, looks out. The wind continues to howl, ice crackling against the window...
A couple hours later they were still looking, bundled up, aren't making much headway against the strong, cold winds. Sully holds a torch trying to see Wolf, which is whimpering unable to find a scent. Neither was Logan who was almost deafened by the roaring wind. Mike has to yell to be heard above the howling gusts.
"She won't be able to survive this cold!" she shouts at them.
"What?" Sully shouts back.
"It's too cold!"
Kimberly turned to her. "she's smart! And she grew up here! She might have seen the storm coming and taken shelter!" she shouts at her.
Another strong gust of wind blows them back. Sully's torch goes out. As they press on, making slow progress. Logan sees icicles form on the trees ...
Now don't you start thinking what I know what you're thinking! Red Dragon barked in his head. Despite what Narvock has been drilling into you sense you were a child. You…are…not…perfect! And you are not invincible! Even to the cold!
Now we both know that even before we bonded together your senses and strength were where they are now! And we both know that if I was out there with you flesh and blood even I wouldn't be able to fly! let alone pick up her trail with this wind!
You and I both know that the best chance Colleen has is for us to take shelter and start out again at first light! Because if you don't you could all freeze to death and you know it!
Teeth bared in frustration Logan tried to deny his words silently. But cursed to himself when he couldn't. "We have to take shelter!" he shouted at the others and they stared at him. "if we don't we could die out here! What good would we be to Colleen then!"
So Sully led them to a small cave where they all took cover for the night. Later as a fire they had managed to make burned to keep them warm as they slept. Logan remained near the edge of the cave looking out at the storm.
Your mind has so many thoughts going through it that its giving me a headache. Let alone for you to find any sleep, Red Dragon said, to him.
I'm not the only one not likely to find sleep tonight, Logan thought back think back to Medicine Woman who he could hear was still awake as she fidgeted often.
And we know what's keeping her up. With the thought if her child out there in the cold. The real question is what's keeping you up when you know that sleep with make the time faster and you'll be ready, Red Dragon said.
For a couple seconds Logan was silent before his gaze lowered. I can't help but think that there was more that I could have done. Or that…
What could you have done? Red Dragon interrupted.
We both know the odds are in favor of why she is out here without she's been acting.
We also both know how honed and good your instincts are. Though I disagree when you told me of how Narvock started to hone it into you. Then was finished by gentler hands.
But you must also remember what was told to you. Though instincts may often prove right. They may also lead to false assumptions. This could be like Brian said, she went to the creek and got caught up in the storm and like Kimberly said. Colleen is smart and she lived here her whole life she would have taken shelter like we are.
And even if it's what you suspect the actions of a love struck teenager looking to be rescued by a knight in… buckskin. What could you have done? Do you honestly think you could have managed to talk her out of doing or believing such things?
Logan remained silent for a couple seconds. I don't know about the question of the second…but lest pray it was the first.
The next morning Sully, Logan, Kimberly, Tommy, and Mike survey the aftermath of the windstorm. Ice has formed on the trees, which are bent and blown from their roots, branches strewn everywhere. They've been walking all night in the cold. Their ears and noses are red. Mike is distraught, continues to call out, as they near the creek as Wolf tries to pick up the girl's scent. Along with Logan more discreetly as he drops to one knee the tips of his fingers on the ground eyes going to the sky.
"Colleen! Where are you?!" Dr. Mike called out as she takes a step, trips over a fallen branch.
Re acting fast Sully catches her before she hits the ground. "You alright?" he asks concerned as Kimberly eyed Logan.
"Fine," Mike said, as she gets up, tries to keep going.
Sully holds her arm, pulls her down to his side. "Wait. Rest a minute."
Mike looks around, shivers trying to hold back her fear and her tears. Sully puts a blanket around her. "She's out here somewhere. Cold. Alone. She could be hurt. She could be ..."
Sully puts his hand to her lips. "Shhh," he hushed gently before going quite for a beat. He removes his hand.
Mike refuses to be comforted. "She's just a little girl."
"No, she's not. She's growin' up," Sully said. "And Dancing Heron is right she's smart. Spent her whole life out here. She knows what to do, where to find shelter."
Mike is silent as she turns her teary worried eyes manages a nod at Sully. "You're right."
"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything," he said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. Mike smiles a little back at him.
A moment of hope is passed between them. Suddenly, Wolf barks and takes off. "He's got her scent!" Sully barks leaping to his feet taking off after Wolf along with Michela, Tommy, and Kimberly.
Logan already in the distance near Wolf.
for an uncounted amount of time the group followed Wolf up away from the creek. Before both the animal and Logan disappeared from their sight. "Where is they?" Michaela demanded.
They look around, see the creek and a hill above it. Where they saw Logan climbing over it.
"I'll go this way! You go round that side! We'll find her!" Sully barks.
Mike nods, takes off with Kimberly. Sully and Tommy the other way after Logan.
"Colleen!" They all cry out.
When Sully and Tommy came upon Logan at what looked like an abandoned mine hidden behind the fallen tree. With grunts of effort they watch as he puts his shoulder into it trying to move the mass. While at his feet Wolf whimpers and sniffs around it.
"she's behind here! I heard her!" Logan barks when he sees them.
At once spring into action they each grab hold of the fallen mass. "on the count of three put everything you have into it!" Tommy barked. "one! Two! Three! HEAVE!"
With cries of effort the three dug it trying to lift the three. And inch by inch it lifted up. Before their strength could fail them they moved it out of the way and darted inside.
At once they see Colleen, huddled against a wall, semiconscious. All three reacts to the temperature of the mine, seeing the icicles. Wolf licks Colleen's face. All three takes their coats off, wraps her in them, holds her and rubs her arms, trying to warm her.
"I knew you'd find me, Colt. I just knew you would," she murmurs in her semiconscious state.
All three reacts. "Colt?" Logan mutters in surprise eyes rising from the darkened tips of her fingers and he and Tommy share a glance.
"Shhh ... you're gonna be alright now," Sully said, comfortly. He hefts her in his arms, carries her out. All three too preoccupied in getting her out to miss the magazine, left lying on the ground.
"Dr. Mike! Dancing Heron!" Sully calls as they exit the mine.
Mike sees them, comes rushing up. "Thank God! Oh, thank God! Colleen?" Medicine Woman said, rushing up to take her daughter into her arms.
Colleen's shivering, moaning. Mike checks her pupils, her pulse. She checks her feet and he fingers, which are white and waxy-looking.
Sully reacts to Mike's worried expression, bends, puts his mouth to Mike's ear, "Frostbite?"
Mike and Logan nods. "Towns closer than the homestead! Let's move!" he barks worried, and they rush back towards town Colleen in Sully's arms.
Sully, Tommy, Kimberly, Logan, and Mike come across the pasture from the woods. Sully still carries the semiconscious Colleen. The Reverend and Olive, on the church steps, see them, fall in behind.
"What happened?" The Reverend demanded rushing to meet them.
"The wind ... it was so cold ... she was in the mountains ..." Medicine Woman said, on the run.
"She been out there all night?" the Reverend demands. Mike nods.
"What can I do?" Olive asked, struggling to keep up skirt in hand.
"go see if Grace as any warm water on the stove?" Dr. Mike barks pointing as they cross the bridge.
"I'll see," Olive says back and veers off towards the cafe.
As the rest of the group reaches the clinic, Jake, on the saloon porch, sees and follows, as do Lewis, Horace and Myra from the telegraph office.
"Colleen?" Lewis says as they pass rushing inside.
The Reverend catches Jake, Lewis, Horace and Myra at the door, stops them from entering as they close it. As Mike helps Sully get Colleen onto the examination table the three teens rush upstairs for blankets.
As they come back down arms full Jake pushes his way in. "I know what to do for this," he said, to the Revered as he tried to stop him.
Logan sees Horace puts his arm around Lewis, steers him away, as the Reverend closes the door.
"Reverend, could you start a fire, please?"
He nods, goes to do it. "Need to heat her up quicker'n that. You oughta be rubbin' her." Jake said, pointing.
Mike shoots Jake a look as she gently removes Colleen's shoes, examines her feet. "Actually, Jake, we're starting to believe it's better to warm them more gradually, so as not to shock the tissues," she said, before breathing in relief when she saw her toes were better off.
"We? Who's this we?" Jake demanded as the teens starting laying the blankets out for use.
"We, doctors," Mike answered as she and Kim grabbed a couple screen barriers so they could get Colleen out of her wet clothes.
"Oh, we "doctors," huh? I've see more frostbite than all you doctors put together and I'm tellin' you –," he said, and was silenced by a glare from Logan as he and Sully grab him trying to keep him quite.
Colleen overhears, to Mike's dismay. "Frostbite?" she said, worried.
"Don't worry, Colleen. It'll be alright," Dr. Mike said, trying to comfort her.
Sully tries to hustle Jake out of there. "Thanks for all your help, Jake," he said.
"Better start rubbin' her fingers. That'll keep the gangrene off em!" he calls over his shoulder.
The next thing the man knew he was flat against the wall of the Clinic as Logan held the man by the scruff of his neck. "this is not the time to inflate your ego Jake!" he growled. "for your information we start rubbing you might as well cut her fingers off! Now shut your mouth you've already done enough damage by scaring the wits off her!
"but right now her biggest problem is Hypothermia! Not frostbite! So if you want to help go get firewood! now!" and pushing him back Logan rushed back in.
Olive and Grace enter with the pot of water and a basket of food as Jake and the Reverend exit. Grace gives the basket to Sully. "Miss Olive told me that happened. Thought I'd bring some food over. Just goin' to waste at my place," Grace said, putting down the pot of warm water while Olive carried the food.
"Thanks Grace," Sully said, nodding as the girls remove the screens and revealing Colleen still on the examination table covered by several blankets.
"Olive, pour the water into that pan for me. And another for her feet," Mike instructs Olive quickly does, brings it over. Mike tests it, makes sure it's not too hot.
"Here Colleen. Put your hands in here," Medicine Woman urges gently.
Colleen does, but as they begin to thaw, they become painful. She pulls them out. "No, that hurts!" she moans in pain her hands snapping back out.
Mike gently holds them back under. "I know it does. I'm sorry. But please, just for a while. We've got to do this," she says apologetically.
"ma," Colleen says as she struggles to keep her fingers submerged.
"yes darling," Mike said, gently stroking her arms.
"Ask Sully to leave, please."
Sully, Logan, Tommy, Kimberly, and Mike look at each other, what is this about? "I'll be outside," Sully says and quietly leaves.
As he exits, Matthew and Brian are at the door. Mike sees them, motions Olive to continue the treatment as the teens shifts more blankets onto Colleen. Colleen moans as Mike meets them at the door. "How is she, Ma?"
"She ... she'll be fine, Brian," She tries to comfort the boy.
"You sure?" the boy pressed on worried for his sister.
"Yeah. How bad is it?" Mathew asked, hands on his brother's shoulders.
Mike hugs Brian reassuringly. "She's suffering from the effects of the cold, and her fingers are frostbitten. I ... I don't know if I can save them," she finally said, as Tommy, Logan and Kim comes over.
There's a beat as they absorb this news. "How she gonna be a doctor then?" Brian asked, a tear in his eye.
Mike has no answer. "Come on you two," and the boys turn to Logan and he and Tommy move closer.
"let's leave your sister to rest," and Tommy picked up Brian. "all of us hanging around her won't do her any good," and the pair leave ushering the brothers.
After arriving at the deserted café and settling them up at a table looking up Logan caught Tommy's eye. Pausing at the look in it Tommy nodded toward the livery. Taking the hint Logan followed him and they started just around the corner where they could have some privacy. Pausing when they pass Robert E. who is heading for Grace who stands at the stove, trying to keep busy.
"Like a table? Got plenty of em," Grace said, bitterly.
"It'll turn around, Grace. I promise," Robert E. said, trying to comfort her.
"he's right Grace," Tommy said, trying to help. "even Ernie a… friend of ours back home has his ups and down days."
Turning a warm thankful smile on Tommy her face hardened as she faced Robert E. "You don't keep your promises," she hissed and shuffled past him.
"What?" Robert E said, baffled.
"You once promised you'd never send me away again," Grace snapped and catching her tone Logan lightly took Tommy's arm and pulled him back a couples steps.
"I ain't sendin' you away," Robert E. defended.
"Oh, no? Isn't that what you're doin' right now? Lettin' them run me out of town like this without a fight?" Grace said, as she kept working not looking at him.
"You think I don't want to fight? You think it didn't take every ounce of strength I had in my body not to lay Hank out flat when he talked to you that way?" he half snapped.
"If you had all that bottled up in you. Then why didn't you? Why did it only have to be White Falcon and Soaring Falcon who stood up to him!" she demanded.
"Because there'd be hell to pay for it. Serious hell," Robert E. said, face falling thinking about what would happen to them.
"So you just give in? I thought you were the slave brave enough to run away," Grace hissed in disbelief while Logan and Tommy just stared at the man. Before smiling both with a new respect for the man
"That's right, I did run away. I picked that fight. But I'm not pickin' this one. Not with you in the middle," Robert E. said, trying to make her understand his fears for her. "I won't let nothin' happen to you like that, Grace."
Grace looks out at the empty tables except Mathew and Brian's. Passersby turn their backs like it was infested with the plague. "I'd say, it's already happened," she muttered.
Feeling un comfortable Tommy looked at Logan and jabbed with his thumb. Nodding Logan followed. "now do you mind telling me what the hell happened up there?" Tommy asked, in an under tone when they had some privacy.
Blinking Logan frowned at him. "what do you mean? we saved Colleen that's what happened."
At once Tommy waved away his words. "no I mean before we got to her. You took off a couple seconds before Wolf."
"I followed Wolf, and you know I move fast," Logan said, shrugging.
"a little too fast," Tommy said, and Logan blinked. "you took off almost the same time. Like you were waiting. Like a runner off the block." For a second Logan was silent before sighing looking away. "how did you know where she was?"
Slowly Logan looked back at him. "not here," he said, under his breath looking around. "or ask Kimberly she knows what I did," he finished and he started to turn. But was stopped by Tommy seizing his upper arm.
After taking one glance at the look on his face Logan sighed. "its a Ninja trick I know," he muttered trying not to be over heard. "If I focus hard enough I can catch glimpses of people I know as well as where they are. I don't do it that often because it's exhausting and it gives me a migraine a mile wide," he explained taping the side of his head.
Tommy blinked in amazement at that. "So that's how you found the mine?" he asked.
Logan shook his head. "no I found the mine by following Wolf. The area around here is full of abandoned gold or silver mines. "All I knew was that she was alive and freezing."
For a moment Tommy just looks at him. Finally he nods. "Well perhaps that's one I wouldn't mind you teaching me one day," he said as they turned and saw the cowboys from the other day move toward the livery as Grace came back.
They watch as Boze, his arm still in a sling, and his two cowboy pals are hitching up their wagon to leave town.
"Where you all headed?" they heard Robert E. ask as they moved over to stand beside him.
"Back to Texas. Always a drive startin' up down there,"
They see in Robert E's eye as he gets an idea. "How bout a free meal fore you go?" he suggests and Logan and Tommy share a smile at what he was doing.
The friends look at each other, nod. "Never said, no to anything' free," Boze said, smiling back.
Robert E smiles, claps him on the back, steers him over towards the cafe. "then allow us to escort you to the finest cooking in town," Logan said, with a wave of his hand.
Back in the clinic Kim helped Mike in continuing to dip Colleen's hands in the warm water. Her fingertips are still white, and beginning to swell. Mike tries not to let Colleen see her disappointed reaction.
"Horace dropped off the next issue of Harper's Magazine for you. Sent all the way to Denver for it. Would you like to hear something from it?" Dr. Mike said, as Kimberly came over with it.
"That story, "Rocky Mountain Hero's" kinda interesting," Colleen said, shifting in bed.
Mike smiles. As she tries to find the story as Kimberly rolled her eyes. "somethings never change," she muttered. "soap operas for the hospitals," she finished under her breath turning to pick up the magazine and handing it over to Medicine Woman.
"Colleen ... Sweetheart, what were you doing all the way out there by yourself?" she asked, taking it.
Both watched the girl as she hesitated. "Oh, uh ... I was ... out pickin' berries. I ... got lost. I tried to get back, but it was gettin' dark, so I stayed in the mine,"
Colleen's awkward answer sounds fishy to Mike. She looks up at Kim on the other side of the bed and from the thoughtful frown on his face she was thinking along the same line as her. but neither didn't pursue it
"I see…" Medicine Woman said, as she flipped through the magazine to find the right page. "Here we are," she said, as Kimberly turned to get a chair.
Colleen settles down, drowsy. "'Carolina cried herself to sleep in the dank, dark cave. In the midst of her fitful slumber, she could not have known that Colt had indeed found her letter. My dearest Colt…'" Mike slowly stops; this story is sounding very familiar.
She checks to see if Colleen is asleep. Looking up she saw that Kim had stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at her.
Then, Mike starts flipping back through the story, suspicious. Kimberly coming close to look over her shoulder.
Outside at the café Robert E has been successful in recruiting diners, as evidenced by Boze and his friends at one of the tables. Matthew, Tommy, Logan, and Brian sit at a table. Olive and the Reverend at another.
Grace is happy, serving folks, as Robert E approaches. She kisses him on the cheek. Logan smiles at the pair and at the kiss he gives a light elbow to a grinning Tommy who chuckles.
"What's that for?" he asked, half grinning his fingertips brushing the spot she had kissed.
"For bein' my hero," she answered smiling.
Robert E smiles, watches as Grace goes over to Logan, Tommy, Matthew and Brian's table. "what about us don't we get one?" he asked, teasingly offering his cheek and tapping it with one finger.
Laughing lightly Grace serves them. "Here's your supper."
"Thanks, Grace," Mathew says while Logan and Tommy nod.
"Since Colleen's been sick, we ain't had no one to do the cookin'," Brain said, and chuckling Logan shakes his head.
Grace smiles, turns, sees Myra coming. Grace grabs a basket she had prepared, hands it to her. "Here to go, Myra."
Giving Grace a thankful smile Myra takes it. "Us girls just wanted to tell you, your sure were brave for standin' up to Hank and all."
Suddenly, Hank is there, knocking the basket out of Myra's hand, dumping the food out onto the ground. "Now get back to work fore I make you eat this slop!" he barks and both Tommy and Logan spring to their feet.
Myra scampers back across the street. "I've bout had enough of you botherin' my customers!" Graces hisses in anger.
"What did you say?" Hank asks menacingly advancing on her.
Hank gets in Grace's face. Robert E steps between them. Sully, Kimberly, and Mike who have heard the commotion, come out of the clinic. All watching concerned.
"You heard the lady," Robert E. warns.
Hank laughs at that. "Lady? I don't see no lady here - all I see is a nig –," he doesn't get the word out of his mouth before Robert E punches him. Hank, stunned, takes a step back, smiles. This is the fight he's been itching for. They circle each other.
"Come on," Hank eggs him on.
The two charge each other and Hank hits Robert T. Evenly matched, each gets in a few good licks before Robert E hits Hank in his tender stomach, dropping him to his knees. Hank, enraged, grabs a butcher knife from the chopping block.
"Sully!" Mike barks in fear.
"Robert E!" Logan barks and the man caught the knife he tossed his way.
Hank lunges at Robert E who blocks it. Nailing him again across the face causing Hank to drop the blade. Before dropping the knife Logan had tossed him.
Hank reacts to this, tries taking a swipe at Robert E, who blocks it with his forearm and lands a good left hook on Hank, then an uppercut to his stomach. Hank goes down.
"Now you got an upset stomach," Robert E. growls over the moaning man.
Robert E turns to Grace. She goes into his arms. Robert E is at first surprised, then tightens his hold on her.
Grinning Logan and Tommy share a look before advancing. "I think you should take the hint and get out of here before your stomach takes any more abuse," Logan said, picking up his knife and sheathing it.
For a moment the man glared up at them. Then moaning he slowly climbed to his feet and sulked away to lick his wounds.
Turning Logan looked at Robert E. "what?" the man asked. "you wanted to be the one to fight him?"
With a snort Logan's smile widened. "actually I was going to suggest that next time you fire your punch from your hip," and he demonstrated. "you get a lot more power that way."
Lather the three with Mike is heating more water on the stove, pouring it into the pan for Colleen's treatment, when the clinic bell rings. Turning they watch Medicine Woman moves forward and opens the door to Lewis.
"Hello, Lewis," Dr. Mike greets with a smile.
"Lewis," Logan greets with a nod drying his hands with a rag.
"Afternoon, ma'am. I came to see Colleen," Lewis said, looking from one to the other.
Mike smiles. "I'm sorry, Lewis. But she's not up to receiving visitors, yet. Maybe tomorrow," she explained.
He nods and turns to go. "Oh. Colleen gave me this note to give to Sully, but ... uh, well ... I haven't been able to find him," he said, turning back holding out the note.
Mike smiles. "He's upstairs. Would you like me to give him the note?" she offers holding out her hand for it.
Lewis clearly relieved hands it to her. "Thanks. Can I see Colleen tomorrow?"
Still smiling Medicine Woman nodded. "I'll tell her you dropped by."
She closes the door after he turns and leaves. "the kid's a love sick puppy," Logan muttered, smiling shaking his head as he turned away.
Chuckling at that Mike distracted, goes to put the note in her pocket, but she drops it. She bends down to pick it up, the first line of the letter catching her eye.
"something wrong Medicine Woman," Kimberly asked, catching the frown on her face as she stood the letter in hand.
Not saying anything Dr. Mike slowly looked up from the letter to meet Kimberly's gaze. Then in answer to her question she held out the letter.
Eyebrow arched at her actions Kim took it and lowered her gaze to it. After a couple seconds she acquired the same look.
"would you two please let us in on the secret," Tommy said, waving finger between the two.
Again in answer the letter was passed to him. "'My dearest Sully, I'm in dire need of your assistance ...'" Tommy read aloud then paused eyes going wide.
"in the story Colleen's been reading the main female character wrote a similar letter to the hero. When hid in a cave to escape marrying the mining baron," Kim explained.
It all becomes clear to them all. "of all the stupid…!" Logan snaps whipping around his back to them hands on his hips.
Unsettled Michela goes upstairs. The rest follows.
Looking into Colleen's room they see Sully is gently dipping Colleen's hands in the warm water. Her fingertips are blotchy red and swollen. It's painful. She moans a bit.
Sully tries to take her mind off things. "Soon's you're feelin' better, we'll go back to the reservation. Walks on Cloud'll be havin' his wedding ceremony soon," he said, warmly.
"I'd love to see that," Colleen said, bravely and they heard the thrill that he asked, her in her voice.
Mike enters, is upset as Sully is holding Colleen's hands. She's about to say something, when Colleen sees her, interrupts.
"Do we have to keep doin' this?"
Doing her best not to rouse Colleen's suspicions she smiles and nods. "I'm afraid so. I'll get you some laudanum," she said, and Colleen nods in understanding. "Sully? Could you help me downstairs, please?" Medicine Woman asks motioning toward the door.
Sully gives her a puzzled look. Before he could ask any unwanted question Logan motions discreetly. After giving them a look he turns back smiling at Colleen, gets up, follows Mike, Logan, Tommy, and Kimberly downstairs.
Mike hands Sully the letter, goes about getting the bottle of laudanum. While the teens remained near the door.
"What is this?" Sully asks reading it.
"It's from a romance story she's been reading," Michaela explained her back to him.
Sully still doesn't get it. Mike turns to him. "we think Colleen went out there just so you could find her and rescue her," at her words he stares at her in surprise. "She's ... she's sweet on you, Sully."
For a couple seconds silence rang in the clinic. "No. No, she isn't. She couldn't be ..." Sully said, laughing but it quickly died at the serious looks on their faces
"You said, it yourself ... she's growing up," Medicine Woman continued shaking her head. "You'd think I'd have learned my lesson with Matthew and Ingrid."
"and she's at that age when every girl or boy has their first crush," Kimberly pointed out. "heck was the same for me," she said, and acquired a distant look. "one look at George Clooney or Kevin Sorbo and…phew," she said, shaking her head. "but that was before you came along," she said, quickly catching the look in Tommy's eye. "oh come on its not like you and Logan never had a crush," she defended waving a hand between the two.
"can't argue with that," Logan said, bobbing his eyebrows in agreement looking away. "for me it was Angelina Jolie, Neve Campbell, Kate Winslet, Lucy Lawless, Linda Hamilton, and Liv Tyler," and turning back he saw the others looking at him. "what?" he asked, shrugging.
Chuckling Tommy shakes his head. "Ash is lucky you're not a womanizer, but you certainly like brunettes, especially strong willed brunettes," Tommy said, shaking his head. "but either way none of could have predicted this or guess that she would go to such lengths. Or we all missed the signs or passed them off."
"No, I shoulda see it ... the way she was lookin' at me, talkin' about me," Sully said, shaking his head as he turned hand running down his face.
"You couldn't have known," Michaela said, trying to reassure him.
"Maybe I did somethin', gave her the wrong idea…" Sully said, pausing as he remembered something. "All that talk at the reservation ..."
"and Walks on a Cloud's wedding," Logan said, shaking his head.
Mike steps up stopping all talk. "It's not your fault ... any of your faults … I can understand her feelings. I mean, who wouldn't think that you're …wonderful," she said, looking at him, trails off. An uncomfortable beat follows. "But perhaps it's best if I do Colleen's treatments from now on."
Sully's relieved to change the subject. "So the treatments are workin', aren't they? The pain means they're thawin' out, right? It's a good sign?" he asks concerned.
"Not necessarily. The tissue doesn't have its normal color back yet. Gangrene's still a possibility," she said, sounding worried.
"You mean you could still have to ...?" Sully said, worried.
"If I wait ... there's the chance she could lose her entire hand ... her arm ..." Mike explained and they all heard the fear growing in her voice.
"How long till you know?" Sully asked.
"If I don't see some improvement by tomorrow ..." she said. She looks down at her instrument box, sees the saws. It's a hideous sight for both of them.
"I think I may know something that could help," and everyone looked at Logan. "I'll have to talk to Grace…but it just might help," and he turned and walked out.
"what are you thinking?" Kim asked, following.
In an undertone he answered, "I know of a few natural antibiotics," and they blinked. "the only mother I knew was big into natural remedies. She taught me a little bit. I just wish I could get some Manuka Honey."
A little later. Mike finishes giving Colleen the laudanum. Sully hangs back at the doorway. As Colleen gets drowsy from the medicine and the others return with a small bowl in Logan's hands...
"Dr. Mike, tell me the truth," Colleen said, fear and tears lacing her voice. "Are you gonna have to ...?" and she leaves the question dangling.
At once Medicine Woman puts comforting hands on the girl's shoulders. "I don't want you thinking that way. These treatments are going to work. We have to believe that," she said, lacing her voice with hope.
"and this may help," and they look at Logan as he moves forward with the bowl. "little mixture of a few things that will help fight off infection," he said, pouring a little into the water put some into a cup. "drink this," he said, bringing it to her lips.
As she takes what Logan gives her Mike gets up, goes to leave. Colleen sees Sully in the doorway. "Sully? You could still love a girl who didn't have ..." She looks down at her hands, can't say it. "Who wasn't perfect. Couldn't you, Sully?"
Mike and Sully along with everyone else trade looks. The question makes them uncomfortable, but Mike gives him a nod. He goes, sits on the edge of her bed and Logan Moves to the side.
For a moment he's silent as he searches for the right words. "Anybody could, Colleen. If she was as special as you are," he finally said.
Colleen, distraught, throws her arms around Sully... "I love you, Sully," she whispers that they all hear.
Sully doesn't hug her back. He looks away, up to the doorway, where Mike stands. They look at each other. After an uncomfortable beat Logan steps forward. "come on Colleen," he gently says as he carefully takes her hands. "you need your rest," and lightly puts her hands back in the bowl.
Following the group out and closing the door behind them he leans against the wall. Nobody thinking of anything to say.
The next day Logan is bringing another batch when he sees Lewis walking up the stairs. Following him he watches as he knocks softly on the door. "Sully?" comes Colleen's hopeful voice. Downcast Lewis opens the door.
"No, it's Lewis," he says.
"Oh, hi," Colleen said, a little downcast.
"and White Falcon," Logan says and Lewis jumps facing him.
"maybe you should make more noise," Kim said, as she and Tommy came up behind him.
"Your Ma said, it'd be okay if I visited you ... so, I'm visitin' you," Lewis explained as Logan moved forward to pour more into her soaking bowl and into a cup for her to drink.
Lewis steps in, smiles. "I brought you some stuff," he says holding up the burlap bag.
He pulls out a tin of sweets and a bouquet of wildflowers. "Thanks. That was real nice," she says as Kim beams at Lewis from the door.
Logan shoots Tommy a look. Who sighs eyes going to the ceiling. Knowing that he's going to have to treat Kim to flowers and make it seem like he had planned to all along.
She reaches out to take the gifts, but realizes she can't. Her face falls. "I'll just put 'em down here," Lewis offers moving to her bedside table.
He puts them on the side table and sits. They look at each other a beat. "Hey, I know somethin' we could do," Lewis offers reaching into the bag again. He pulls the microscope out and puts it on the table. For a few seconds the group is silent as he watches him look around. "No bugs here. Your Ma sure keeps this place awful clean."
"she has to considering," Kimberly says leaning against the door frame arms folded.
Suddenly Logan sees an idea spark in Lewis's eye. "Hey, I know," he says and he pulls out and opens his pocket knife, holds it to his finger.
"What're you doin' with that?" Colleen asks shifting in bed. He nicks himself. "Lewis!" She watches, amazed, as he puts a drop of blood on the slide. "You didn't have to do that just for me."
Lewis looks at her, love in his eyes. "I wanted to," he said, as the teens share a grinning look.
For a beat of silence. He starts fiddling with the microscope, but then remembers something. "Oh, I almost forgot," he exclaims turning back to the bag he pulls the stethoscope out of his bag. "You left this the other day," and he holds it out to her.
"That's right! Thanks Lewis," she said, smiling in thanks remembering.
"Here," he says and this time, he puts the ear piece in her ears and the bell to his chest.
"Your heart sure is beatin' fast," she comments and Lewis blushes bright red and the three teens move to quietly leave them.
"Colleen ... I ... I really ...," he starts to say, but he's interrupted by Myra, who knocks and enters as the others were exiting.
"Colleen?" she said, looking at the people around her.
Lewis, flustered, jumps up as if he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Oh, hey, Lewis. I was real sorry to hear bout your accident, Colleen. How you feelin'?" she asks concerned oblivious to what she had interrupted.
"Alright, I guess," Colleen replies.
"That's good. Where's Dr. Mike? I got somethin' I gotta give her," Myra said, and Logan frown at the tone in her voice.
"She went to the store. Said, she'd be right back."
Biting her lip Myra looks at the people around her. "Well, maybe I'll leave it with y'all then. I gotta get back. If Hank finds out I'm over here ..." she says and she hands Lewis something wrapped in a napkin.
"What is it?" Kimberly asked, eyeing it.
As she rushes out she says over her shoulder, "Tell her Hank's been eatin' off this stuff ever since he got sick."
"We'll give it to her," Logan reassures her moving forward again.
A moment later they hear Myra exit the building. Lewis opens the napkin. "Lewis! Myra said, to give that to Dr. Mike," she half scolded. "What is it?" she asked, as the group eyes the lump of meat.
"Looks like some kind of meat," he answers he immediately cuts a piece off, sticks it under the microscope. "Hey, there's somethin' in here."
"Let me see," Logan said, and Lewis moves aside for him. Dropping down he peers into the microscope. "Kim go get Medicine Woman! Now!" he barks and she quickly leaves. Raising his gaze Colleen's eyes widened at the anger in them Lewis helps her look as well. "that son of a…"
Mike is looking through her own microscope, which she's bought upstairs to Colleen's room. She sits on the bed with Lewis while the others watch around the room. She looks up at them, nods.
"You were right, Lewis," she says. Colleen looks at him, impressed. "It's trichinosis. Where did you say this sample came from?"
"Myra brought it over," and Michaela looks over at Tommy. "She said, Hank's been eatin' it."
"all this over worms," Logan growls.
A short while later Michaela, Logan, Kimberly, and Tommy barges into the Saloon. Jake, Loren and Myra watch as they confront Hank.
"You don't know what you're talkin' about! I been eatin' bear meat all my life - where'd'ya think that thing came from?" Hank barked at them a few seconds later. Hank motions to the stuffed bear. Mike reacts.
"Well, this particular bear wasn't cooked well enough," she said, trying to keep calm.
"'Course it wasn't. I like my bear meat raw," he says and the teens and men react in shock and disgust. "It's a delicacy out here."
"are you nuts!" Logan barks and Hank gives him a side look. "that's not a delicacy its exotic means of suicide!"
"But there are parasites - worms - in raw meat," Mike said, trying to keep calm. "It's called trichinosis. YOU have to cook the meat to kill the worms."
"Worms in meat? Don't you think I woulda noticed somethin' like that?" he defended arms cross like they were crazy.
"These are tiny worms. Too small for the eye to see," Medicine Woman explained.
"Then how'd you see em?" Hank demanded arms going wide.
Smiling Tommy said, "we're glad you asked."
Back at the clinic Hank, Myra, Loren and Jake have followed Mike over. She shows the group the microscope which rested on Medicine Woman's desk before them. Jake and Loren look at each other, a little afraid.
"You look," Jake said, nudging Loren toward it.
"No, you," Loren said, nudging him back.
After looking at the men around her Myra moves forward and does. "I see it. It's all rolled up into a ball, like," she exclaims.
Jake and Loren push Myra out of the way, each look into the microscope. "Yep, that's a worm alright," Jake said, drawing back.
"Well, I'll be," Loren mutters.
Hank pushes them out of the way, looks himself. Straightening he scowls.
"That's what made you sick Hank," Michaela says face hard and he looks at her. "Not Grace's cooking."
Jake and Loren look at each other. "What's today?" Loren asks.
"Tuesday," Jake answers.
"Meatloaf!" Loren exclaims. They rush out.
Mike shoots a grateful look to Myra, turns to Hank. "You having any more stomach pain? I could get you something ..." she says and moves toward her medicine cabinet.
"No," Hank growls.
"Lucky for you it seems to have been a relatively mild case. You'll be fine," Mike says before falling quite. "But Grace and her business won't. Not unless you apologize. You owe her that at least."
"and Hank," he turns toward Logan, Tommy, and Kim. "if you don't at least do that. We'll drag you there and make you," Tommy said. "Short of that I doubt Robert E will ever sell you another horse, wagon, or do any iron work for you again."
Hanks says nothing, holds her look a beat, then turns, walks out, followed by Myra. Sully's at the door. Hank pushes past him.
"What's's wrong with him?" he asks watching them go.
"The usual, his pride's hurting," Kimberly said, sitting on the corner of the examination table.
Sully nods at that. "I came to see how Colleen's doin' ..."
He doesn't want to ask if Mike's made a decision on amputation. "Still no change."
Almost as soon as the words were out of her mouth they heard rushing feet on the floor above. "Dr. Mike! Dr. Mike!" Colleen's voice called out and they turned as she barged into the room the stethoscope in her hands.
"Colleen?" Medicine Woman says curious then pauses when she sees her holding the stethoscope.
"Look! They don't hurt anymore!" Colleen said, beaming.
At once Kim shifted to her feet and everyone faced her. Mike examines her fingers, manipulates them. They're back to a pinkish tone, the swelling reduced.
"The color's back. Can you feel that?" Colleen nods, excited. "Doesn't seem to be any nerve damage," Logan lets loose a deep sigh of relief.
"Thank you, Dr. Mike," Colleen says hugging her hard.
"I didn't do anything," Mike said, half laughing as she held her daughter back.
"You saved my hands. You knew what to do with the warm water and all," Colleen objected.
"I'm just glad you're alright," Michaela said, holding her at arm's length and Kim came forward putting a hand on Colleen's shoulder.
Finally, Colleen gives Medicine Woman the stethoscope. "I got this for your birthday, but it just came the other day. Hope you like it," Colleen said.
Mike takes it from her, tears in her eyes. "How did you -?"
"I borrowed the money from Miss Olive. I'm gonna work to pay it back," she explained.
Beaming Dr. Mike nods. "I love it, Colleen. Thank you," They hug again.
"I can't wait to tell Sully bout my hands. Is he around?" Colleen says excited. With Colleen's eyes not on him Logan motions for Sully to be quite. "Can you find him for me? I want to see him," Colleen continues.
"I don't think that's such a good idea," Mike says gently.
"Why not?" Colleen asks frowning in confusion.
Biting her lip Medicine Woman eyes the girl. "Colleen ... I know how you feel about Sully. How you're sweet on him," she finally says.
Colleen is mortified. "I'm not just sweet on him. Our feelings are real!"
"Your feelings are real, but its only one sided..." Kim put in stepping forward.
At once Colleen's face hardened eyeing Mike. "You're just jealous."
Taken aback she steps back. "You know that's not true."
"I know he cares for me. I know he does," Colleen says and she goes over to the desk, where her copy of Harper's Magazine is laying. She fingers the pages as Sully comes to the door. He hangs, back, hears ...
Turning to her Mike places her hands on her shoulders. "Yes, he does care for you. Very much. But just not in that way ... not in the way you want him to," she said, trying to be gentle with her.
"I don't believe you," Colleen objected.
Sully steps into the room. "It's true, Colleen," Colleen whips around to face him clutching the magazine to her breast. "Dr. Mike's right. I don't love you ... not like that ..."
"But I thought ... at the reservation ..." she said, fight back tears.
Nodding he slowly approves her. "I know you did. And I'm sorry. I wasn't thinkin' you might take it that way."
Tears breaking through Colleen lowers her gaze. "No ..." Upset, Colleen runs out the door. Mike and Sully exchange looks. Mike goes to follow her, but Sully stops her. He takes the magazine and follows with the teen close behind.
Sully catches up to Colleen. She glances back, hurt, keeps walking. "Colleen, you're a real special girl ..."
She stops, hopeful. "I mean, you're smart ... and pretty ... and funny. And they're gonna be lots of boys ..."
"I don't want anyone else, Sully. I know we were meant to be together," she says and Logan could hear her heart breaking.
"That's how you feel right now. But that'll change ... in time," Sully continues trying to console her.
Colleen plops down under the tree at the edge of the meadow. "No, it won't. You saved me. You're my hero. You'll always be."
A beat. That's what it comes down to. Sully sits down next to her, shows her the magazine. "Like the man in the story?" he asks softly. Colleen looks away. "That's all it is, a story. I don't wanna be your hero Colleen, I wanna be your friend." For a couple seconds Colleen is still before she finally nods, fighting back the tears. "I'll see you later, alright?" he says and Colleen nods. Sully gives Colleen one last look before a fatherly hug and goes back to the clinic.
The three remain a fair distance away watching Colleen clearly waiting for the tears to come, but they won't. She picks up the romance story. "'As if in a dream, Caroline heard him call her name,'" they heard her read aloud in a broken hearted voice. "'Colt," she breathed. My darling Colt. I knew you'd come.' I'm here, my love. And I'm never leaving you again.'" The happy ending she wanted and didn't get. Finally, the tears come.
Sighing Logan lowers his gaze sorry for the girl's pain. "Kimberly," he heard Tommy say next to him. Looking up he watches Kim walk up and sit next to Colleen. A moment later she pulls the girl into her arms and gives her a shoulder to cry on.
The next day at the café business is back to normal. Olive helps serve the overflow crowd which includes Jake, Loren, Horace, Myra, Lewis, Alice, Missy and Suzie and the Reverend. Sully, Mike, Logan, Tommy, Kimberly, Brian, Colleen and Matthew sit at a table. Still no Hank.
Wondering if the three were going to have to drag the man over Logan watches Robert E go up to Grace. "So you decided to stay awhile, huh?" he says happily.
Grace smiles at him as she readies a couple of plates. "Got a boomin' business right here. Be a fool to go anyplace else, I guess."
"I guess you would."
Grace takes full plates to the family's table. "Here you go, folks. Colleen, sure am glad to have my favorite customer back," she said, laying the plates down for each person.
Colleen smiles. "I missed you too, Grace."
Grace smiles, leaves. Things are a little awkward as everyone pick up their knives and forks. Colleen stares at hers. Mike notices. "Sure looks good," Mathew says urging her on.
"Colleen, would you like me to ...?" Medicine Woman starts to offer.
Colleen shakes her head. "No, I can do it," and they watch as she gingerly picks up her knife and fork, and with some effort, cuts the meat. They all smile.
"Yay, Colleen!" Brian cheers.
Colleen shrugs it off. "Haven't you seen anybody cut a piece of meat before?" she asks taking a bite.
Smiling Sully nods. "Never seen anybody do such fine surgery on it, Doctor Cooper," he says taking a sip of his drink.
Colleen and Sully share a smile. Smiling Logan nods taking a bite then frowns sitting back in his chair. Catching the look on his face everyone turns to follow his gaze.
They watch as Hank enters the cafe, to everyone's surprise. Conversation dies out at all the tables as he casually saunters up to a table, sits down. He feels all eyes on him.
Robert E see Hank, smiles, nudges Grace, who takes a deep breath, walks over to him. She stands there, arms folded, staring at Hank, not sure what to expect. "I'll have the meatloaf ...," he finally says. Grace holds his look. "Please."
Grace smiles, nods. "Fine choice," she says writing it down on her pad before moving away.
"I guess that's as good of an apology as he's ever going to give," Kimberly mutters.
Hank shoots a grudging acknowledgment look to Mike. He feels Jake and Loren's staring at him from the table behind him. He whips around. "Boo!"
Jake and Loren jerk, immediately everyone goes back to their meals the tension broken.
Colleen looking up from her plate. "May I be excused for a minute? I'd like to say hello to my friend," she says and everyone looks at her.
"Of course," Mike says with a wave of her hand.
The group watches Colleen as she goes to sit with Lewis at another table. "Hey, Lewis."
"Hey, Colleen," Lewis looks over at them. "So that's Sully, huh?"
Following his gaze Colleen nods. "Yeah, that's him."
"I can see why you like him so much," Lewis said, sounding little jealous.
"Sully? We're just friends," she said, trying to comfort him. And he turns back hopeful.
Mike and Sully, seeing Colleen and Lewis talking, laughing. They look at each other and smile. "I guess you're not that hard to get over Sully," Logan mutters before taking a bite. And the table erupts in laughter.