Disclaimer: Je ne possède pas le crépuscule. No poseo crepúsculo. Δεν είμαι κύριος του λυκόφατος. Ich besitze nicht Dämmerung. Я не имею сумерк. I do not own Twilight. I've said it in 6 languages, do you think I own Twilight now?

From Alice's POV

He did all he could to hurt him, but it was no good. He was just too strong. When Jacob jumped at him, he just moved out of the way before anybody could see. When Jacob figured out his evasive style, he started to just swipe at his legs. This was no use either, because whenever Jacob did this he just kicked him and the wolf went flying.

Something was odd about this fight, however. Every time he turned to face me, Jacob did all he could to make him turn away from me. He doesn't want him to see me… Then it hit me. He's not trying to kill him, he's distracting all of them so I can get away.

I swung myself up and grabbed the chains that were holding me to the tree. I climbed up, broke the chains and nobody noticed. Not even the wolves. They were all too enticed in the battle. I could tell Jacob's friends wanted to help him, but that would defy what Jacob was doing, because then he would have to actually try to kill Jacob and his friends. If he started to try to kill them, then he would definitely turn to face me because he would want to see if I was still there. Or that I didn't start helping in the fight.

At first, I jumped from tree top to tree top to get away from them, but when I could no longer see them I jumped down to the ground and just began to run. I started to run all the way back. I ran for a little ways, and then I saw them. It was Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, but the best of all: Jasper. They were all standing in a straight line looking as if they didn't want to cross some unwritten boundary. Oh yeah, the treaty.

But when Jasper looked up and saw me, he disregarded the boundary and ran to me with open arms. "Alice… I was so…"

"Jasper, there's something I have to tell you on our way back."

From Bella's POV

We climbed down the tree, went back to the house, went inside, and there we sat. We were sitting at that piano bench. He was playing all of my favorites, and I was just sitting there with my head on his shoulder.


"Yes Edward?"

"When exactly is the wedding going to be now?"

"How about three weeks?"

"That works. And where do you want to go for the honeymoon?"

"Well, I don't exactly know…"

"You have the whole world to choose from. Literally."

"That makes it all better…" I just looked up to him, and went over his face with my eyes. "Do you have any preference?"

"Wherever you are, I will be in heaven. As long as you're there, I'll be happy."

"Well, that's sweet, but it doesn't help."

He smiled at me and just said, "Well, we could just go to Transylvania."

"As ironic and fun that might be, I was thinking somewhere like Europe."

"Ok, where in Europe?"

"Maybe the British isles, say… Scotland?"

"Sure. It's a beautiful place; we have to go to Inverness."

"Why do we have to?"

"Lock Ness monster. I've always wanted to actually swim to the bottom of that and truly find out if it exists."

"Nice. Any other reason we couldn't just visit up there?"

"I know someone up there. We won't stay with them, but they know the countryside. And it's a nice little town."

"Ok then."

From Alice's POV

We all walked back to the place where they had parked, and we all got in our corresponding cars. Jasper and I got in my car, because he had ridden with somebody, except I let him drive. I was a little tired out, mentally of course. Because we all know we can't physically get tired out…

On the drive back I didn't exactly know how to tell Jasper what I wanted to, but he asked before I could start.

"What did you want to tell me?"

I decided I would just spit it out. "Jasper, Xavier is back."


A/N 1: Ok, if you liked this story, and this is the first story of mine you've read, I highly suggest you read Finding my Powers. This story was the prequel to that one, and you need to read it before I write my next story. To those of you who read Finding my Powers I am now going to go write the highly anticipated sequel to it. Trust me, I needed to write this one first, you'll see why. Review!

I would like to thank forevermagik and Asquared91 for all their support of my writing. They are both excellent writers, and I love their stories.