Harry had been patting Ginny's back for around one hour, comforting her and trying to ease her tears

Alas my readers, my brain doesn't work and I do not know where this is going… but thanks to a special review from Schumeriagirl made me want to continue this story. Thanks, you may not know it but it was like a mini guilt trip!

Ok here we go…Chapter six!

Disclaimer: Not mine x10000

-Chapter Six-

-Breakfast manners-

Harry had been patting Ginny's back for around one hour, comforting her and trying to ease her tears. "Ginny, it's ok. Ron and Hermione will get over it soon, and well Malfoy will come around. If what you've been telling me is true. If he really does treat you like a queen, then I believe you". His soft hand continued to pat her back and on off occasion rub circles slowly up and down the length of her back.

Ginny was sobbing even harder now at the mention of how wonderful Draco treated her. She blamed herself for tonight, she blamed herself for forcing Draco into going public, knowing full well someone would end up hurt. She blamed it all on herself (A/N and frankly, so do I!) and she didn't know how to fix it now. Ron had attacked him and all she had thought to do was entice him with the lingerie she had bought. She sniffled as she raised her head off of Harry's shoulder and turned away from him to wipe the tears that had been streaming down her face. "Oh Harry", her voice was course. "Harry he is wonderful, he's everything I could wa…wa…" and she burst into a new round of tears.

"Ginny, I don't understand. If he's so good to you, then why are you here crying to me?" Harry felt her tense up under his arm. He glanced at her face, it was tear streaked but also frozen as if she didn't trust him enough to tell him anything. "Ginny, I wont say a word of what you tell me…you know that right?"

She sniffled and wiped her eyes, "Harry, im not going to lie to you. Me and Draco have a physical relationship as well, but tonight was suppose to be special. I went all out, bought lingerie and well…I had my heart set on tonight cause it would be the first time we'd be known in public and…oh Harry!" She didn't know why, but tonight was meant to be very special, it was just a feeling she had. "Harry, I don't know why im blubbering like a fool, I mean come on! All im crying is over is the fact he didn't want to sleep with me and…"

Harry burst into a fit of coughs, struggling to gasp for air he got up to his feet and took a few steps away from Ginny as if she was the cause of his small fit. "Gin, Gin I have limits PLEASE!"

"Oh im so sorry Harry. Well yes, I mean, he didn't hurt me or anything, just told me I should go back to my room tonight", she sighed realising how stupidly she had over reacted."Oh Merlin's beard! Harry James Potter, why have you let me sit here and cry like a sodding fool over something so silly! Just because he didn't want to slee…umm spend time with me, doesn't mean it's the end of the world!"

Harry gave her a slight smile, "That's right Gin". Honestly on the inside Harry felt like strangling her and throwing up. Out of all guys, she had to choose him! Sure everyone knew Ginny had a nack for going after the wrong type of guys, but one would think she'd learn after all the guy problems she had.

Her smile got wider, "I'd go as far as to say its his loss!" She stood up and started to straighten out her dress which was now all scrunchy. "Stupid men and their stupid ways in hurting us females", she mummbled as she continued to straighten herself out. When she was done she stood tall and smiled at Harry's kind face. She noticed his eyes seemed dazed, he was keeping something from her. "Harry? Whats wrong?"

Harry just stared at her and pulled her back down by the arm, "Ginny, why do you choose such crap boyfriends?"

Popping one eyebrow up, she looked at Harry as if he had asked the stupidest question in the world. "Harry it's not like I go up to them and say 'Hi I'm vulenrable and naiive, please, abuse my love for you'"

He stiffled a laugh only because the conversation they were having was slightly serious, "Well you see, I think…" he stopped to look at her face very closely, she was listening intently so he continued, "I think, you need to forget about Malfoy".

Ginny didn't understand where this was going, "Harry I don't under…" Her words were cut off by his lips, which had come down softly on her own. Oh…my…

Tap Tap

The sun had come up early that morning, the birds were chirping and the autumn snow which lay upon the Hogwarts field was melting slowly. Everyone had slept in that morning, first years through to seventh years.

Hermione had awaken to a tapping on her window. She groggily slid out of her bed and went to open the window watching as a bird hoped in. Neatly tied to its leg was a piece of parchment sealed by a black wax seal.Hermione carefully untied the parchment from the birds leg and started tugging at the seal to open it. She finally got it loose and read what the black ink that appeared on the parchment.


Sorry we couldn't spend time together last night Ginny was very upset, she should be okay today. I think its best if you come and visit her instead of her come up to the head common room..

Love you,


She smiled at Harry's cuteness, he really was a caring person. He had given up getting lucky the night before to help out a friend in distress. Sweet. Hermione searched for a blank parchment on her table to reply back to Harry.


Baby im so glad she's okay today. I tried seeing if Malfoy would talk last night, but he was being plain old Malfoy so I gave up.

I'm just going to have some breakfast and I'll come up to the Gryffindor common room.

By the way, I want to tell you how…amazing…yes that's the right word, how amazing you were last night. I never thought a guy would give up…certain activities to go and comfort a friend.

Love you more,


She tried not to gag when she wrote down that she loved him, she didn't understand these mood swings. Sometimes she'd love Harry and other times love would be outta the description. Suppose she could blame it on teenage hormones. She rolled the parchment and tied it to the owl and sent him back off to where it came from, Harry.


I'm sorry about last night. I want to see you today, can you make that happen?


He watched as his owl flew out the window and aroudn the castle in search of the Gryffindor girls dorm. He was so messed up. He had a girlfriend who he knew he could love but the urge to bed Granger was overwhelming and he knew sooner or later his old Malfoy ways would come back to haunt and taunt him. It was just a matter of time.

He slipped on black trousers and walked out of his room and to their kitchen. He looked around the counters till he saw a box of cereal, he stared at it and was trying to determine if he should eat the cereal or go down to the great hall. When the sound of feet moving around in Hermione's room caught his attention, he quickly moved to his room and grabbed a plain t-shirt as he made his way down to the greathall. He was not in the mood for Hermione today, sure they had made a pact earlier this year to be civil, but this was just getting too far for his liking.

"Ahem may I have your undivided attention please" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the great hall as the groggy students made an attempt to eat breakfast. Draco had seated himself between Pansy and Blaise and was lazily picking at the bacon left on his plate. "I want to thank you all for being on you best bahviour at the ball in my opinion it was a great success". As he continued with his long speech, everyone elses mind wondered to other things.

Draco took a bite out of his now cold bacon and then dropped the rest and continued to swerve it around with his fork. "Psst Draco…" Pansy was trying to get him to look at her but no avail. "Draco… Weasley…your one, quick look!" He looked in the direction of his girlfriend and saw her head resting on Potters shoulder and a solemn look dawned upon her face.

What the hell? He was puzzled as to why his so called girlfriend was getting too close to Potter, in front of him, in front of his house, in front of the school. He turned his stare into a glare until one of them noticed that someones eyes were on them. It was Potter. He looked at Draco and saw his displeasure then like he was on fire he quickly shrugged Ginny off his shoulder. Confusion spread on the red-heads face. Harry dipped his head close to her ear and mumbled something which caused her eyes to widen and dart in Draco's direction. She was met with a pair of deadly steel grey eyes which looked straight into hers. Ginny knew she had stuffed up, and now she had to come with an exsuce…anything that would help her out of this ridiculous situation she dug herself into.

"And that is simply why we do not fraternize with the enemy", Pansy mumbled next to Draco and stuffed a piece of bread into her mouth.