"Ok I have the scariest, true scary story ever! In a small Texas town west of Houston…" Ed whispered in his creepy voice.
"We are in a small town west of Houston!" Naruto yelled panicky," Don't continue! I won't be able to sleep! I want my mommy!"
"Naruto," Kakashi said calmly, "you never had a mom."
"That makes things worse! Roy hold me!" Naruto screamed as he leaped toward Roy.
"Shut up you pansy!" Roy screamed. "Scary stories are nothing to be afraid of, they aren't logical! Is this a night out with the guys or a little girls Girl Scout Meeting"
"Can I get back to my story? Anyways, there were chopped up bodies mysteriously appearing around the rural community. The murderer would leave notes as clue with the bodies and called himself…Barry the Chopper. In the notes, he refers to himself as a 'passionate butcher tired of cutting up just animals'. In such a small town, there is only one butcher who's named happened to be Barry. So the authorities wasted no time sentencing him to death, but after he was given the electric chair, another body was found with a note saying 'wrong guy try again'. They haven't caught him yet and they think he is in our town now." Just as Ed finished his story, there was a knock at the door.
Jean stammered, "Roy, you're the one that doesn't believe in this stuff, why don't you get the door."
"No," Roy exclaimed, "I couldn't! It's Ed's house, let him get it."
Ed jumped, "Oh, No thanks…"
Kakashi interrupted him, "Don't worry, I'll get it."
"Thanks Kakashi!" everyone exclaimed in unison while hiding behind the big comfy couch.
Everyone held their breath as Kakashi inched closer to the door. The only noise being made was the knocking at the door. The doorknob slowly turned and swung open to reveal… Maes Hughes in his pajamas?
CLIFFHANGER! Write more soon! Thanks for reading my first fan fic. Please comment.