August 23rd

My birthday had come and gone. Ella made me a three-layer red velvet cake with chocolate icing and strawberries (god I love that woman…I was needing a chocolate fixJ).

I feel like my tiny baby is growing more and more. The more I think about it the happier I get. Oh I hope Harry comes to see his baby's birth…

My job is working out well. I got a pay raise to $14.75 so I think everything is working out all right. Everyone treats me with respect and I show them the same courtesy. It seems like everything is falling into place and I have friends here in London. There are still times I feel homesick…lots of times…I just wish I could write letters to Ron and Hermione and my parents and brothers. I miss them so much. I wish I could get the information I need to find Harry or even find out if he's back at home with Ron and Hermione. There are times when I feel like he's trying to find me or that he's calling me…then I realize it's just my imagination.

Until we meet again,


October 1st

I'm so happy right now, I could cry! Oh, wait…I AM crying! Haha! I could not be in a greater paradise at this moment! I just got letters from Harry and my family! I'll copy the first half of Harry's letter in here right now! Oh, I'm so thrilled! And so tired!

My dear, wonderful, perfect, Ginny:

If this letter reaches you it means I have found you at last. Well done for me. I miss you so much I wish I could apperate to wherever you are at this very moment and wrap you in my arms and kiss you like you've never been kissed. But that's just my fantasy. I know you must need to hear it…

I've been a real ass, Ginny…I left you like that with no warning and no explanation except a promise to marry you. I meant every word of my goodbye letter, Gin. I love you more than anything in the world. I love the idea of you in my arms as my wife and I would love hearing your voice again. I can scarcely remember what your voice sounds like. I fled to Mexico and while I was gone I was drunk every night and hung over every day and I can't even remember how I got that way. When I heard of what happened to you after I left I was furious and I tried to get back to England but I couldn't get back into the country (you save the world and this is the thanks you get…damn) and even when I got back to England I had a tough time finding your family and an even tougher time finding you. Of course, all my letters to you had been intercepted by Ministry agents trying to keep me from hearing from you.

The first half for now…now is time for sleep…

October 3rd,

Okay, now that I've had some reeeeeeeeeeeally good sleep--

Of course, all my letters to you had been intercepted by Ministry agents trying to keep me from hearing from you.

It seems like forever ago that I saw your face and heard your melodic voice…I crave the taste of your fire and feel of your skin and I can't wait for the moment I hold you once more, then and forever as my wife.

Its pain every day when I walk down the stairs of the Burrow and you're not there…your memory haunts this place, Ginny. Know that you are missed and we all want you back sooner than expected. Hermione and I are working on repealing your trial and bringing you back home to us all. Nobody sleeps with peace anymore…nobody eats with the ravenous hunger you leave us with…nobody talks with words of musical luster like you do. Nobody but you…

It is unfair that fate separates us time and time again but be sure nobody has forgotten you. I love you more than life and I would give up the world for you. You are my one true light…the sun in my sky. I revolve around your warming radiance.

Forever yours,
Harry J. Potter

P.S. I'm working on killing Dean for youJ

Haha, he knows me so well ,! But I about died when I read his letter…it still smells like him! Oh, how it makes me want him even more! Damnshit!

Now for my mother and dad's letter--

My darling, Ginny,

ha, now I know I'm loved
as if Harry's letter wasn't enough

Our darling, Ginny,

You're father and I miss you terribly! Nothing here is the same anymore without you. You must mean the world to everybody because Ronald and Hermione and Harry are holding meetings with the old Dumbledore's Army to bring you back. They miss you badly and everyone is depressed that you're not around. But I suppose that keeps us going; the thought that you will return soon and that the sun will rise again is hope for us.

We love you so dearly, darling,
Your parents,
Arthur and Molly Weasley,

P.S. Don't do anything stupid while you're banished or you'll be grounded for a lifetime.

Wow, my parents know how to make me happy :/ Don't do anything stupid while you're banished or you'll be grounded for a lifetime. Ha! My ass…I cant do anything stupid. I might risk loosing the baby and I don't think anyone wants that.

Ha! From my brothers (all five of them cough cough BITEMEPERCY! cough) I got a howler that screamed, "BILL, CHARLIE, GEORGE, FRED, & RONALD …………MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Oh, I've missed them too! So badly!) And from Harry I got a magical envelope with nothing in it but every time I open it I hear Harry say 'I love you! Mwahh!' Ohmigosh! How sweet is that? I just wanna run back to him and rip off his………hehe never mind…

I'll put in the letter from Ron and Hermione later.

Now I need to stretch my hand a little…