-1Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or the Lost Prophets


When our time is up,

When our lives are done,

When we say we've had our fun

Will we make our mark this time

Will we always say we tried

The Lost Prophets blared in my ears, blocking out all other noise, making me feel like I was floating. I never really understand why music had this effect on me. It always made me feel so free, like the world's problems had all gone.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out

This is all we got now everybody scream your heart out.

Screaming your heart out…it was such a great idea, so emotional, so open…

All the love I've met

I have no regrets

If it all ends now

I'm set

Will we make a mark this time?

Will we always say we've tried

I began to sing to the music, nodding my head to the beat, not caring what other's would think of me.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out

This is all we got now everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops

Waiting till the bomb drops

This is all we got now

Scream until your heart stops

Were never going to regret

Watching every sunset

Listen to your heart beat

All the love that we found

Why did this song affect me like this? Why does music make my soul vibrate, making me feel worthwhile? Why does this simple expression of emotion make me feel so good?

Standing on the rooftops

Waiting till the bomb drops

This is all we got now

Scream until your heart stops

Were never going to regret

Watching every sunset

Listen to your heart beat

All the love that we found

Scream your heart out.

Scream your heart out.

Scream your heart out.

Scream your...

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out.



I popped an eye open. "Eh?"

"Shuichi…what are you doing?"

It was Hiro, he was standing in front of me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What? I'm just singing…"

"You are missing your stop."

"Eh?" I looked at the stop we were at and to my dismay, noticed that I was indeed at my stop. And the doors were closing. "WAIT!" I yelled and ran to the door, but I was too late, I slammed head-first into the door and fell backwards. "OW!"

"Serves you right for not paying attention."

"But I'm going to be late for school!!"

"You're fault…just tell the teacher you missed the train."

I shuddered at the thought. This was my first day at a new school, And the teacher was supposed to be a real bastard. "But Hiro! I can't! The teacher's going to hate me!!

Hiro only shrugged and smiled at me. "Shu, no one can hate you, you're too cute!" He walked over and pinched my cheek, smiling widely.

I faked a sniff like I was crying, and made my eyes wide and innocent. "R-Really Hiro?"

He smiled back at me. "Really Shu!"

The whole performance was meant to make people feel uncomfortable. Hiro and I had been playing the "gay lovers" act for years. Some people it offended, and some people loved it, thinking it was cute. Then there were the Yaoi fan girls…they were the worst. But most of all, it was just fun to act this way.

But despite Hiro's encouragement, I couldn't help but worry about what the new teacher was going to do to me.


Hmm….the teacher was one Eiri Yuki room H23

I walked in almost 45 minuets late without a pass.

The teacher not only didn't look pissed, he looked like he really couldn't care less if I had shown up to class or not. I stood there in the doorway, looking really pathetic, hoping he would let me off easy for being so late.

He looked me over, then marked something in the small book on his desk. "Have a seat Shindou-kun."

"Err…am I in trouble?"

"Have a seat Shindou-kun."

He didn't reply, that must mean he was pissed…..man, what am I going to do? Most people fall for my cuteness right away and I don't have to worry about getting into too much trouble…

I took my seat near the back, by the window. I hoped that, if the teacher didn't see me much, he would pick on me less…

Boy was I wrong.

"Up front Shindou-kun."

I glanced up at the teacher. "Eh?" I said.

"Sit up front Shindou-kun, or do you not speak Japanese?"

I gave the teacher a slight frown before muttering "Hai" and walking to the front of the class. A few of my classmates chuckled, making me turn red with embarrassment.

"You can sit right here" said the teacher as he pulled out a small chair to sit on. I glanced around.

"Err, sensei? Where uh…is my desk?"

"Those who come in late don't need a desk, have a seat Shindou-kun."

I growled but sat down in the seat, it was really uncomfortable, and was starting to break apart. Even though I weighed practically nothing, I could feel it give a small groan as I sat on it.

"If you break that chair you will have more detention."


"Oh did I forget to mention? You have 2 hours detention with me after school for coming in late."

The teacher smirked then turned away from me to continue the lesson. I didn't hear anything more that he said, I was too focused on cussing the freakin' teacher out in my head.


Poor Shuichi….

Oh well


This will be my first school-based fan-fic

So please enjoy!