I'm Coming Out

Chapter 1: Confusion

((Well here is my new Troy/Ryan fanfiction. Please enjoy and R and R. As usual I don't own HSM although I wish I did coz then Troy/Ryan would be together))

Troy Bolton was in Homeroom listening to Ms Darbus drone on about something or other. He really wasn't listening to her. In fact he didn't think that anyone was listening to her. You think that she would have taken the hint by now wouldn't you? Troy looked around the homeroom to see what everyone was doing. Sharpay is checking herself in the mirror and applying her makeup; as usual. Gabriella was writing down whatever Ms Darbus was saying. So OK maybe someone was listening to her but Gabriella was always listening to class no matter what the subject was. He looked over at Ryan and saw that he was smiling at him. Wait was Ryan Evans, twin brother to Sharpay Evans smiling at him. Troy smiled back before looking at Ms Darbus. He decided that he would concentrate on what she was saying. Thoughts of Ryan and that smile kept drifting back into his mind. That was no ordinary smile. That was a seductive smile. Troy didn't know what to think about the situation. Ever since the musical Ryan had been different towards Troy. He had become extremely nice and smiled at him every time that he talked to him or saw him. He only ever talked to him when Sharpay wasn't around, which wasn't very often as she made Ryan follow her around wherever she went. Troy begun to get confused whenever he saw Ryan. He found himself looking forward to seeing Ryan and to speak to him.

"My God what's happening to me?" Troy asked himself. Why had he begun to start looking forward to speaking to Ryan Evans? He looked at Gabriella and smiled. He was so happy with her and she was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He was so lucky to have her in his life. Gabriella was smart, beautiful and talented. Everything that he wanted in a girlfriend. However no mater how hard he concentrated on Gabriella his thoughts always drifted back to Ryan Evans. He thought that he was funny, talented, sweet and absolutely gorgeous. "Wait did I just say that Ryan Evans was gorgeous?" He had to slap himself so that he would stop thinking about Ryan.


The school alarm rung to signal the end of the lesson but Troy didn't hear it. He was too busy thinking about Ryan. Chad gently taped him on the shoulder "Hey man you alright?" Troy snapped out of his trance and looked at the people who were surrounding him. Chad, Zeke, Gabriella and Jason were just staring at him. "What?" he asked them sharply. He just wanted them to leave him alone. "You OK?" Jason asked. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just a little tired" he lied, getting up and grabbing his bag. He left before they could ask him anymore questions. He left Chad, Jason, Zeke and Gabriella just looking at the space where Troy was seated. "What's his problem?" Chad asked hoping that someone knew what was wrong with Troy. "I don't know" replied Gabriella "He's been acting weird lately and I don't know why" It was true, Troy had been acting weird over the last few days and he would not tell anyone the reason why. Only Troy knew the reason why. And the reason was Ryan Evans. That little blonde boy had sent Troy's heart a flutter every time that he saw or spoke to him.

Troy went to the musical hall to escape everything and everyone. He couldn't understand why he begun to have feelings for Ryan Evans. He leant against a wall and sighed heavily "Get a hold of yourself Troy Benjamin Bolton". He couldn't possibly have feelings for Ryan could he? He wasn't gay. He was with Gabriella Jane Montez and he loved her so much. Yeah that was right his true love was Gabriella. They why had he started having fewer feelings for her and more feelings for Ryan. "Who are you talking to?" a voice called. Troy looked up and saw who the voice belonged to. The voice belonged to Ryan Evans. He should've known who the voice belonged to but he really wasn't listening. He was too buys dreaming about Ryan to notice that he had actually entered the room. "Erm nothing" he straightened himself and looked at the little blonde boy that was standing in front of him. He felt his heart miss a beat as he watched Ryan looking at him. "OK" Ryan replied although he didn't believe the playmaker. "Why are you here" Ryan asked him. "I er just wanted to be alone for a little while you know?" Ryan nodded. He knew all too well what it was like to just want some alone time. He didn't get much alone time following Sharpay around all of the time. He had actually considered that hi life was worthless. All he ever did was sing and follow his Queen Bee sister around where ever she went. He just wished that people would that they would see him for who he really was and not the person that was the Ice Queen's twin brother.

Troy just looked at Ryan. He wanted him to leave. He couldn't bear the look at him. Not because he hated him but because whenever he did look at him his heart would miss a beat and his body would begin to shake with ecstasy. "I better get going" Ryan told Troy, who just nodded his reply. "Sharpay wants to go shopping" he groaned slightly. Troy laughed "well good luck with that" he watched as Ryan walked off and smiled to himself. The smile soon faded when realisation hit him. It couldn't be. But it was. Troy Bolton was in love.

He never thought that he would be.

The playmaker was in love.

He was in love with Ryan.

Ryan Evans.