Author's Note: Mmm. New projects; yum. Anyway, I've been dying to start something new.
Yes this is Sasuke x Naruto. Therefore, this is Boy x Boy. Equaling – Yaoi. If you don't like it, I suppose that's your opinion but don't bash on it just because we don't have the same views. That'd be pretty fxcking petty.
Nikky FRIKKIN Doom. That is all. xox

Sasuke and Naruto are freshman in college. They both live on campus amongst some of the other characters. The story doesn't take place in Tokyo, but in the United States. Tokyo is just so much more appealing isn't it? But the story does take place in Manhattan. Sasuke's a model while Naruto is a photographer. Sasuke's parents are dead, and Naruto remains an orphan. Sasuke on the other hand, lives with Itachi on weekends.
Itachi is in this story, but he isn't evil. He is a drug addict, and they end up getting him into the oddest predicaments. They're into the underground scene; and Sasuke is his roommate.
Includes some of the characters but not all.

Tokyo Rose. Sasu x Naru

Sasuke Uchiha shifted in his bed, turning on his side.
"Too… Early." He mumbled.
He remained in bed for the next fifteen minutes, contemplating whether it'd be safe to get up or not.
Sasuke wasn't in his dorm room, he wasn't in his sanctuary.
He sat up in bed quickly, the speed blurring his vision slightly.
His raven hair fell over his face, cradling his pale skin.

Sasuke pulled the sheets off of his body and let his bare feet touch the cold floor.
He left his room, following the gloomy hallway towards the living room.
No matter what time of day, the hallway was always poorly lit.
He heard giggles; and shuffling.
Sasuke leaned on the wall, watching Itachi and his girlfriend laugh.

Today was Sunday.
This means Sasuke had to be at the campus by tomorrow.

Itachi looked up from the tray to look at Sasuke.
He handed the tray to his girlfriend.
Her pink hair swept onto her face when she lowered her head to sniff.

"Don't you think it's a little too early to get high?"
Itachi shot him a coy look.
"It's never too early." His brother chuckled, pushing his long hair behind his ear.
His purple nail polish was chipped, no doubt from making lines with a razor.
Sasuke frowned.
"It's disrespectful that you waste our parent's hard earned money on such waste."
Itachi sighed.
"Dear little brother. Who did they leave all the money to?"
"You. But when I turn 21, it's all over."
Itachi smirked.
"Who's paying your way through school?"
"You are."
Sasuke brushed his bangs from his eyes.
"But pretty soon you won't have to."
"But who got you that job?"
Sasuke hesitated. "… You did."
"Right. So it's best you stay out of my business. If it hadn't been for me, right now you'd be on the streets."

The pink haired girl sniffled. She wiped her nose and handed Itachi the tray.
"You know what would go great with this?" Itachi asked her.
The girl raised an eyebrow. Her nose and cheeks were a rosy pink.
"Some scotch. I'll be right back."
Itachi got up and walked into the kitchen.

Sasuke sat next to the girl, putting his hand on her shoulder.
The girl looked up at Sasuke, her lips cracked.
She forced a smile. "Hey Sasuke. How's it goin'?"
"Sakura… You and I both know you're better than this. Why do you insist on listening to my brother?"

Sasuke was starting to regret ever introducing Sakura to his brother. Sakura had been his girlfriend at the time, innocent and pure. She never did drugs, she never drank. She was a straight A student; and she had fallen hard for Sasuke.
Then they broke up, and she turned to Itachi. She dropped out of school and moved in with him, leaving everything she was behind.

"What are you talking about?" Sakura asked.
"Don't play dumb…Not with me, Sakura."
Sasuke said softly.
Sakura pushed his hand off.
"Fuck you Sasuke! You made me this way! It's your fault... You never loved me. You lied to me. Itachi does care about me! An-and you're just jealous!"
Sakura started tearing.
Sasuke frowned.
It was too late now.
The coke just started kicking in, leaving Sakura in her own world.

Sasuke got up from the couch and walked to his room as fast as he could.
He threw some jeans on, followed by a hoodie.
Sasuke slipped into his vans, wrapping a black and white striped scarf around his neck.

Sasuke opened the apartment door, looking back at the horrible scene he wanted to so badly leave behind.
His brother sat on the carpet, drinking scotch and sniffing cocaine; while Sakura danced around to music only she could hear.
Why he still came around was beyond him.
He felt like his brother needed him some how, to keep him from floating away.
Sasuke was the one that cleaned up the mess, made sure Itachi ate, made sure Itachi didn't get fired from his dead-end job.
Sasuke slammed the door closed, standing in front of it for a few seconds before dashing down the stairs.

It was just another day for Naruto Uzumaki.
He sat in front of a café, looking through photographs he had taken a few days ago.
Even though it was raining, he sat in it; getting soaked to the bone.
"Sometimes I don't even know why I bother."
Naruto drank some of his iced coffee, before tearing all the pictures up.
He frowned.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

He felt bad doing it, but it was just putting him down.
Naruto stood, walking back to his dorm.
On his way up to his room, he ran into his friend TenTen.
"Oh, hey TenTen."
Naruto gave TenTen a soft smile.
"Hi Naruto! Is something bothering you? I haven't seen you around at work lately."

TenTen and Naruto were bartenders, along with Neji; TenTen's boyfriend.
"O-oh. I've been busy. Homework's piling up. It's hard trying to get a good gig TenTen."
TenTen nodded.
"It'll start going over a lot better. You'll see. You just need inspiration for your pictures, Naruto. Don't give up yet."
"Maybe you're right. Thanks. I'll see you later okay?"
TenTen smiled and walked past him.
"Remember Naruto! Good things come to those who wait!"

Naruto fumbled around in his pockets.
He took out his keys and went into the room.
His roommate, Kiba looked over his shoulder.
"Hey. I was just about to call you."
Kiba turned back to the computer.
"Really? For what?" Naruto asked, dropping his camera on the floor.
He flopped down on his bed.
"Well, it just so happens some guy named Orochimaru called."
Naruto rubbed his forehead.
"Oh! Yeah, I applied at his modeling agency."
"You? A model? Sorry buddy, I just can't picture you in that light."

It wasn't that Naruto couldn't be a model, it's just that he could never act the part.
Naruto wasn't cut out for that sort of life.
Being waited on hand and foot, people always expecting things of you.
Caring about what others thought.

"No Kiba, I applied for photography. You should know that's not me. I enjoy the simple things. Like Ramen. And tons of sleep."
Kiba laughed. "Yeah, well he called. Said he wanted you over tomorrow morning."
Naruto smiled.
TenTen had been right. Good things do come to those who wait.
Naruto slapped his forehead. "Don't we have an exam tomorrow? With Mr. Hatake?"
Kiba scratched his chin.
"Yeah we do. It's important. You're gonna have to choose Naruto. What seems more important to you?"