I have SEEN the episode! I wrote this beforehand... but it needs little revision. Basically just that I found out that the so called "Jetterbee" shipping in the ep was a dirty lie!!!

I've read opinions that Longshot's cocked bow at the door meant something - like he was waiting for guards...

But he was really just giving Smellerbee a last moment with Jet.



"Jet" her tear stained eyes wept, as I'd finally convinced her to leave him and cleave to me instead.

I would have reminded her that I wasn't Jet. But I was too shaken up myself.

The air was cool in Lake Laogai.

And I just felt sick.

It had taken her the longest time, to leave the dead and instead cling to the living.

I didn't know how I would manuver my bow to protect us, when she was grabbing me so tight.

Possibly still thinking my body was his. Or at least the only salvage left from the scene.

My voice found it's way to the surface for the second time "We have to get out of here..."

I was tempted to say her name, but I didn't know how it would sound, after so long.

I thought I would never talk again. I felt sicker speaking right then... but desperate times called for desperate measures.

The hardest thing was leaving the one you love. We couldn't do that to him. But we had to.

I had to be strong... when she couldn't.

The Avatar had left. Aang... and his friends. Smellerbee was not about to shake herself back to reality.

And I just felt sick.