Chapter 25.

What I See, what you Feel.

He drew back, slight surprise gracing his face. He must have expected me to tell him I saw nothing and as I stood there in his kitchen observing his eyes widening, I felt as though I was drowning in tar, like I was being sucked into something from which I could never escape.

'What is it like?'-he asked, corners of his mouth moving upwards, excitement easily detected in his actions and voice.

I didn't pause for even a second; I had long ago rehearsed the speech. Not for him but for those who understood not the burden of being chosen.

'It's like every emotion in the world runs though you, its as though you're watching the whole world rotting and you can't move, can't cry, can't scream.'-I answered in one breath. He opened his mouth, a sound already emerging from his mouth when he suddenly doubled over and began coughing, body convulsing violently. I rushed forward, grabbing hold of his shoulders. He raised his left hand as a sigh to me that everything was fine but the fit of coughs didn't stop. When I handed him a glass of water, he took one gulp and reached for his pack of cigarettes, hands shacking slightly as he lit up and drew in a laboured breath before taking in the contents of the fag.

'This had nothing to do with our conversation, so don't worry.'-he squeezed out half-heartedly, voice hoarse and tired. His hand was on his chest and though he said nothing his face showed clear signs of pain, clearly the physical kind.

And I didn't dare ask for fear of...


'It's new years in three days...'-he trailed off.

I looked up from my book on the couch.

'You mean four since the twenty eight's only kicked in about twenty minutes ago.'-I replied, feeling slightly annoyed at his pointless statement. Since morning I had been feeling slight agitation towards him. It wasn't as though I felt sick of him but something was bothering me.

He seemed to think about my words, fingers reaching up to caress the scar tissue on his face. It seemed to be a habit, an action that passed completely unnoticed by the person as it was completely automated. He had just come out of the shower, the water drops still visible on his body, almost invisible steam rising from his body, a dark green towel wrapped around his waist, a towel too short to cover anything significant.

And apparently that had been the intention from the very beginning, when he caught me starring at his abdomen; he gave me a sheepish smile and motioned slightly with his hand for me to follow.

So what was I to do, go with him or stay in living room and read the limited edition of The Rise of the Third Reich, the author bei-

Who was I kidding?

I dropped the book, the loud thud causing him to smile, and stood up with perhaps too much haste to be called graceful but...

At this point nothing else mattered, only the hindrance caused by the tight fabric of my jeans as they rubbed against my groin, my movements not fast enough for my preference.

By the time we had stumbled into the bedroom, I had straddled him, tongue running along his neck, biting him hard enough to cause the barely audible moans to escape his mouth. He lowered me down onto the sheets, both hands securing me onto the soft fabric, while placing feathery kisses on my hair, fingers tracing down my spine, the pressure making me arch.

'I want you so badly...'-he hissed, breath hot against my skin. I laughed, a guttural sound escaping my throat. His hands were now roaming my sides beneath my shirt, mouth half open, lips tracing down my neck, my own hands preoccupied with his hair and back. He pulled my shirt upwards and over my head, discarding it to the side onto the dusty floor. I took that as a sign to do the same and began to pull on his towel yet he moved lower down and consequently out of my reach. And it was only when he tugged at the rim of my jeans with his teeth did I realised there was no going back. My hands automatically went for his head, palms pushing him to go lower. However he seemed to be hell-bent on torturing me and going as slow as possible, his heat so close to my flesh, teasing and frustratingly far away. And then he ran his lips along the fabric, my hips buckling upwards, hands tugging hard at his hair.

And then he stopped.

'I want you to be sure.'-he said, tone flat, all the sexual energy gone at once, his face stern and serious as he looked at me, eyes barely visible due to obstruction from his hair. I on the other hand, was anything but calm, for me suppressing my urges wasn't as easy, my need for release being the only thing on my mind.

His face was so close to mine that I couldn't help leaning forward in an attempt to capture his lips yet he pulled away.

'Hatake!'-was the only reasonably, comprehensible protest I could come up with, the rest of my English lost somewhere in my lower region. He smiled in turn but remained still. In answer to his actions I could only produce a whimper, hips pushing up as I couldn't stand my neglected arousal.

I wanted to form some witty come back, my actions being enought to tell him what I wanted or shout out something insulting yet I couldn't. It was as though I forgot how to speak, my thoughts revolving souly around my erection. It was only when I noticed the tips of his mouth twitching that I realised this was another one of his jokes. I reached out to hit him but he ducked, grabbing me and repositioning our bodies so that I was now on top of him.

'You wanna know what I think?'-he asked playfully.

I shook my head, still not able to speak.

'I think I'm in love with you.'


Ok, I know I promised to update last friday but I didn't. Well, the reason is because my wonderful as shit computer broke and I lost the old chapter.

I know it sounds typical but ha, whatever. It did, deal with it.

You will not believe how much I cried...I lost everything...all my files...everything...

And now that its holiday I can't write, cant play all those games and can't even surf the INTERNET!


Well, who votes sex now and who votes sex later?

Ahaha, since I already wrote the next part it wont matter but its interesting to see anyway.


Will update soon!