A/N: Due to a positive response from each review I recieved, I decided to add a little chapter to this. I don't think that this will get much bigger, depending on the responses. If people ask nicely, I might be able to pull something up.

Warnings: Implied murder.

Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblades, and this plot is probably quite similar to someone elses.

"This is the speech of the News Reporters"

This is normal speech etc



"...authorities report that the crash was due to a broken bottle on the slippery road. According to experts, Voltaire was driving over the speed limit in the snow when he rode over the glass, two of his tires were destroyed by the glass, and he lost control of his vehicle, therefore causing a head on collision with the limestone cliffs. Tara Molotov at the scene."

Crimson eyes watched the news report with an enraptured grin. The young man viewed the screen with absolute concentration… his grandfather… dead? A bubble of laugher managed to escape his lips and the young man praised whatever gods had taken one of the two evil men from his life.

"Tragedy here the only face in this crowd…"

The sound of the front door opening killed thoughts of laughter and elation. The soft footfalls revealed their maker, and Kai felt his emotions drain to mirror his friend's. The lavender haired male slipped silently into the couch, beside the blue haired Russian.
"Kai." His husky voice growled in greeting.
"Bryan." The other replied, nodding to the other. "You hear about Voltaire?" he asked, searching the other's almost toneless eyes.

"Voltaire was the President of the RBBA…"

"I heard, it was all over the radio. That man was a crazy driver." There was no guilt in the man's features, for there was no guilt in the larger man's heart. Voltaire had been evil, had done things to Kai that had no right to be either forgiven, or forgotten.

"…most of his fortune into the Russian team's training…"

"Glass on the roads." Younger male noted, his arms lifting to rest behind his head.
"Really?" There was a slight undertone of sarcasm, but it was near unnoticeable. "I can't say that anyone will miss him though." A slight hint of curiosity appeared in the scarlet eyes of the younger male. "Where'd you go last night? You weren't home when I came back." There was a twinge of suspicion in the slate haired young man, but he daren't mention it aloud… if he was wrong.

"…shall be sorely missed by the entire Beyblading community…"

"I went for a drive up to the Lookout." Bryan didn't elaborate on this fact, his eyes focussed on the television report. The other Russian understood though, sure now of his friend's actions.
"To see Tala?" The question was quiet, the younger male's mind dawning on the full implications of his friend's actions.
"Yes. I was home after 2 am."

"… Expected that the accident occurred between half past 11 and 1 am last night…"

There was a moment of silence, as each listened to the report. There was nothing suspicious about the accident apparently, Voltaire's family was yet to be found and informed of the tragedy.

"Just think, I was less than like, 100 metres away from that accident when it must have happened." The violet haired Russian said, his voice careful as he spoke the words. In reality, he had been less than 30, but Tala's new house was just up the hill from the exact spot where Voltaire was killed.

Moments passed, and the television was turned off. The pair stared blankly at the black screen, each with his own thoughts. Eventually it was Kai who broke the silence, turning to his friend with a strange smile on his face.
"Thanks Bry. He was a bastard." He murmured, patting his housemate on the shoulder and standing up.
"What do you mean?" The other answered, understanding in his cold, almost colourless eyes. "I didn't do anything that wasn't enjoyed."


There we go, that's it for now. I would love some responses, and I hope that answered all of your questions.