Hello Guys!!! It has been awhile since my last update and for that I sincerely apologize. I have been in Connecticut and New Jersey this summer and my uncle did not have access to the internet. But now I am back and ready to hit you guys with another one!!!! Special Thanks to all that have been faithful in reading my story and thanks ahead to the new readers!!!!! I hope that you guys are still interested in my story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of its characters. I do own Monte' so I must ask that no one use her without my permission.

Chapter 7: Anniversary Party

Tonight was the night of Seto and Monte's anniversary party. All the prestigious a list guests were there. The trio (Seto, Bakura, and Malik) stood about observing the scenery. Monte' however, had yet to make an appearance and the party was an hour into swing.

"Where is the bride?" Malik asked.

"Yes, where is she? Seto, did you guys get into some sort of argument or something?" Bakura asked.

"No. She simply isn't ready yet. You know how Monte' likes to make a grand entry." Seto responded. All three nodded in agreement. Suddenly a limo pulls up into the Kaiba manor. People gather to meet the new arrived guest. When the car door opened, people were shocked at exactly who the guest was. Hearing the commotion outside, the trio made their way outside. They were greeted by none other than Maxamillion Pegasus.

"My my!!! If it isn't my old buddy Seto Kaiba!!! Happy Anniversary to you and your wife!" Pegasus shouted. Seto glared.

"Since when have you and I ever been friends?" Seto asked, trying to keep his temper in check.

"Why since duelist kingdom of course! Boy I sure gave you an eyeful!" Pegasus said as he laughed and pointed to his now missing eye.

"And you'll have one eye less if you don't get the hell off of my property!!!" Seto retorted as he lunged for Pegasus only to be stopped by Bakura and Malik.

"Seto, you got to play it cool! The guests are here remember?" Bakura said, causing Seto to calm down, but only a little.

"Now now Kaiba boy, you should know that I would never turn up uninvited to your home. I have an invitation to this party!" Pegasus said.

"Let's see your invitation then." Malik responded. Sure enough, Pegasus had the same invitation that everyone else had. Seto was shocked.

"Who invited you here?!" Seto asked.

"Why the lady of the house did!!" Pegasus responded. Accepting defeat for the moment, the trio allowed Pegasus entry to the anniversary party. Once inside, they noticed that Monte' had finally made an appearance. Monte was in a dark green backless dress that clung to her, revealing her beautiful figure. Her dark red hair was up in a French bun with curls coming down both sides, which brought out her green eyes. The split went up to her upper thigh on the right side. Her shoes were open toe with real diamonds decorating them. Pegasus almost drooled.

"Oh my! Someone pass me the butter and break me off a piece of that biscuit!!!!" Shouted Pegasus as he pointed at Monte'. That did it. For the second time in 10 minutes, Seto attempted to murder Pegasus, and this time he didn't care who saw. Monte' was talking to a guest when she realized that the "Biscuit" Pegasus was referring to was her. She rushed down to assist Malik with holding Seto back since Bakura was too busy laughing.

"If you ever so much as bat your one eye at my wife again, I'll fuck you up!!!! I'll fuck you up so bad that forensics won't be able to verify your fucking DNA!!!" Seto shouted as he attempted to free himself from Malik's iron grip. Monte' hurried and shooed Pegasus off before he was killed.

"Seto! What are you doing?" Monte' asked. Seto turned and glared at her.

"What in God's name provoked you to invite that one eyed bastard to our anniversary party Monte'? What were you thinking?!" Seto shouted. Monte' pulled Seto to the side to speak more privately.

"I only invited him to be nice. I had no idea that he would actually come. I'm so sorry Seto, but please just be nice to him for tonight? I promise, I will never invite him to anything else that we do okay?" Monte' said gently. Seto calmed down once again.

"Fine…but you better be glad that I love you so much." He said. Seto wrapped his arms around her waist and his lips claimed hers in a loving kiss.

Seto and Monte' danced and made their toasts and the party resumed to full swing. Monte' decided to take a break and go get some fresh air, so she went to the balcony. Her thoughts wandered back to Amelda. She still couldn't believe that she ran into him yesterday. He had the audacity to try to tell her what was best for her, and then smack her in the face when she called him out on his faults. It was a feeling she knew all too well. After all these years, she thought that she had let go of the pain and ruin that he left her in, but after seeing him, she suddenly had doubts that the pain has subsided. She closed her eyes and reminisced on the very last day she saw Amelda before yesterday.


"AHHHH!!" Monte' screamed as she fell against the glass mirror in the living room. Blood oozed out of her nose and mouth. Amelda stood over her ready to hit her again, but Raphael stepped in and pushed him back.

"Amelda…why do you do this to me? I thought that you loved me, and here you are beating me like a rabid dog! Why?!" Monte' shouted. Amelda glared.

"Because that is just what you are! A worthless bitch that will never be anything!!! I hate everything about you. You are ugly, whiney and stupid! I want nothing else to do with you." Amelda responded. Monte' looked up in disbelief.

"But why is it when I'm about to leave you, you beg me to come back? Somewhere in your heart you must love me."

"Monte'…naïve little Monte'…let me explain. I pretend to want you back because I know in my mind that you are just that easy. I've only kept you around for some purposes. Your usefulness has finally run out. The sex is terrible, you are disgusting to look at, and all you do is whine and cry!" Amelda spat with venom in his voice. A river of tears flooded Monte's eyes.

"I cry because of how you treat me! I love you Amelda!!! Why can't you see that? I would give my life for you because I love you so much. I can't live without you Amelda…please don't leave me." Monte's voice shook in fear. Unfortunately, her fear could not shake the inevitable.

"You love me…you know, I do realize that you love me…which is why it gives me so much pleasure to kick your useless ass to the curb. You say you can't live without me, well I guess you better start digging your grave because you're about to die!!!" Amelda laughed. Amelda walked toward the door.

"You know Monte', at least when you die alone, you can say that you were honored to be used by someone. Pack your shit and get your broken ass out of my house!" with that Amelda and Raphael left. Valon walked over to help Monte' up, and for the first time ever, he saw no life in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Monte'. I wish that I knew what to say to you to make you feel better, but I don't…let me help you pack your things and I'll take you to your brother's house." Valon said. Monte' lifted her head to look at Valon.

"No…it is I who is sorry…I'm the one who failed to make him love me back…"

End Flashback

Monte' didn't even realize that tears were flowing down her face as she looked into the moonlight. She didn't even notice someone come up behind her.

"Why are you crying Mrs. Kaiba?"

Monte' sharply turned around to only be face to face with Pegasus. She quickly wiped her tears away.

"I wasn't crying. The wind blew hard and it made my eyes water (a/n: that really happens to me a lot.)" she responded. Pegasus gave her the "I don't buy it" look, but chose to ignore it for the moment. He pulled out a box from behind him.

"I got you a gift for your anniversary. Please open it. I hope that you like it." Pegasus said as he handed her the box. Monte' smiled a little and opened the gift. It was a black cat suit from Bebe's.

"Thank you so much Pegasus. It is very nice, and I do like it." Monte' said. She looked up and noticed that Pegasus was giving her a blank stare…as if trying to figure something out.

"Is something wrong Pegasus?" She asked. After a minute, Pegasus finally broke the silence.

"Forgive my intrusion Monte' but… (voice change) you didn't happen to be thinking about me were you?" Monte' watched in shock as the mask and costume were being pulled off, only for reveal Amelda, the man occupying her thoughts. Amelda was wearing a white suit with his hair slicked back. He threw the mask and costume over the balcony to reveal his white shoes. Monte' was shocked and awed at the same time, but quickly regained her composer.

"You bastard…how dare you show up here?" Monte' almost shouted, but only said loudly.

"I came here to see you. Listen Monte', as hard as this may seem to believe, I came here because I want you back. You got your revenge…let's put this foolishness aside now." Amelda said calmly. What pissed Monte' off was the fact she knew that he was serious.

"Old habits die hard don't they Amelda?! I can't blame you though because if this was three years ago, I would have taken you back…but it's not three years ago, so you need to get out of my house and out of my life." Monte' spat. Amelda took a step towards her, and she took two steps back. Amelda glared.

"We both know that you only married him to get back at me and for money. You don't love him and he damn sure does not love you." Amelda said as his anger rose. Monte' laughed she was so angry.

"I love Seto more than anything on this earth. He has loved me more in three years than you have in four. How dare you just pop up and deem to tell me who loves me and who doesn't? It's you who hates me, not him. This isn't about me moving on; this is about your inferiority complex! You put me through hell on earth Amelda, and if God is my only witness, I will never allow you to do it to me again!!!! You hurt me more than any human being can possibly hurt someone without killing them. It took me years to surpass the hurt and trauma you left me with, but I have bounced back, and I will not let you ruin the best thing that has happened to me since you left me beaten and broken in your living room all those years ago!" Monte' said then took time to catch her breath. Silence claimed Amelda for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"I'll admit that I had that coming, and you are right about one thing…I did hurt you. Now it may not be today or tomorrow for that matter, but mark my words, I will have you back." Amelda said with a smirk. Monte' continued to glare.

"Just get out of my house before my brother sees you and kills you…I know I won't try to stop him." Monte' retorted. Amelda simply turned on his heels and walked out of the party.

At about two in the morning, the house was cleared out. Seto, Monte', Bakura, and Malik were sitting on the couch in the living room laughing about the evenings events.

"After the whole Pegasus incident, I had a great time tonight, what about you dear?" Seto asked Monte'.

"I did too…the most important part to me though was renewing our wedding vows. I love you Seto."

"I love you too Monte'….forever and ever." With that, Seto and Monte' began to make out on the chair, earning whistles from Malik and cat calls from Bakura.

"Why don't you meet me upstairs so we can finish this?" Seto asked. Monte' blushed.

"Ohhhh….let me grab a drink and we have a deal" she responded. Seto gave her one last kiss and went upstairs to get ready for their "festivities". She sat there for awhile just thinking.

"I love him so much." She said out loud. When she got no response, she looked over at Bakura and Malik, who were staring at her.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" she asked with a laugh.

"We are just waiting for you to explain to us why that red haired bastard was here at your anniversary party tonight." Malik responded. Monte' went dead quiet.

"You guys saw him?" she asked. Bakura glared.

"Yes we saw him…the only reason why he is still breathing is because Malik talked me out of killing him…for now. You realize you disrespected your husband by having that man here!" Bakura said. Now it was Monte's turn to glare.

"You say it like I invited him here. He came disguised as Pegasus! How was I supposed to know?" She asked. Both Malik and Bakura looked at her in shock.

"You mean to tell me that he was Pegasus?" Malik asked. Monte' nodded. Bakura got angry.

"You see Malik; you should have let me at him! That sneaky little bastard! If I see him again, I swear he's a dead man. Monte', I want to know everything he said to you, but now you shall go and make love to your husband…while I calm down." Bakura said, earning a laugh from both Monte' and Malik. Monte' gave them both a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs to be with Seto. Malik and Bakura gave each other a knowing look.

"…Bakura, you do realize what her ex is trying to do don't you?" Malik asked.

"Yes, and I only hope that Monte' doesn't fall into his trap. You saw what she was like after they broke up." Bakura responded. Malik nodded.

"We have to tell Seto…he is the only one that can protect her." Malik said, but Bakura shook his head.

"No, we must give Monte' chances to tell him, and only if we see things getting bad do we get involved. I love my sister, but I won't butt into her life that way." Bakura said. Malik nodded in agreement. They both got up and left for their own homes for the evening.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! This story is about to get super ugly. Next chapter, Seto finally meets Amelda face to face (without getting knocked out of course). You guys see the purple button in the corner? Push it and tell me what you think.