Hi Minna! This is my first fanfic ok..so if please review and tell me what you think. I need all the help I can get. Thanx so much to Irene for editing the fanfic for me.. She did a great job too.. and thanx Lisa for helping me come up with the title..

Ohh one more thing..i do not and will never own Sailor moon. Now on with the story

Secrets chapter 1

Usagi Tuskino had just come home to a small apartment that she and her boyfriend had shared for almost a year, and tonight was the night of their one-year anniversary. She got home early to get everything ready for her love to get home. He was supposed to come home right after work at 5 o'clock, but
it was 6and he was not home yet. Usagi waited patiently until 6:30 when the front door finally flung open, revealing a very tired Mamoru.

"Why are you late Mamo-chan?"

"I'm sorry baby, but I got caught with a very important client."

"Well, you should have called me or something, I was getting worried. I waited for so long for you to come home. Today was supposed to be for the two of us remember??"


"I'm sorry honey, I was just worried that's all, please don't get mad at me." Tears were threatening to spill out of her baby blue eyes.

"Don't cry Usako, I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's just been a stressful day." Mamoru tilted her head and gave her a deep soul-searching kiss that told
her how much he loved her.

"I love you so much Mamo-chan."

"I love you too Usako, and I'm so sorry for ruining tonight, I know how much it means to you."

"That's ok, we can do this again tomorrow, but tonight you are all mine...no work, no phone calls... nothing but us ok?"

"But I..."

Mamoru was silenced by a mind-boggling kiss. The "innocent" little kiss soon turned into much more as Mamoru wrapped his strong arms around her tiny waist. He released her from his embrace and held her delicate face in his
hands. He gently kissed her cheeks, her chin, her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips. Usagi responded to the kiss whole heartily. She snaked her arms around his neck and laced her soft fingers through his raven hair. Mamoru softly parted her mouth and together their tongues danced. Mamoru's hands went underneath her blouse and started stroking the small of Usagi's back. Mamoru then started kissing down her neck. A moan of pleasure escaped from her lips. Mamoru stopped for a minute and looked at her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mamoru asked his love to make sure that she was ready. She took his hands and laid it on her heart. She smiled and she answered back with a kiss.

The next morning when Usagi woke up, she was alone in bed. She walked out of their bedroom and found Mamoru furiously working on his computer.

"You promised me, it was just going to be us and no work."

"I know sweetie, but I have to get this work done, besides I did stay with you till you fell sleep."

"Is that all I am to you? Am I your lover only at night? You always spend most of your time at work or with your friends."

"Please let's not argue Usa, I am already late as it is. I promise I'll spend more time with you once I get all this work done ok?" Mamoru took one last sip of coffee and stood up from his desk. "I have to go to work, I'll be home at 5 as usual." Usagi leaned over to give him a kiss goodbye, but he walked right past her to pick up his briefcase.

"Don't forget about tonight..." before she could finish he was out the door.

Later that night....

Usagi was sitting on the couch waiting for her Mamo-Chan.

' I wonder where he could be? It's already 8 o'clock. I hope nothing happened to him...I know... I'll just call his friends and see if they know where he is.'

Mean while at a club downtown...

"Hey Motoki, Give me another beer!"

"Mamoru, don't you think you had enough to drink tonight? Besides, aren't you supposed to be home with your girl right now? She sticks to you like glue, I'm
surprised she hasn't called out a police search for you yet."

"Shut up and just give me another beer, besides I do what I want. I don't have to answer to no one."

"Uh huh...whatever you say Mamoru."
A doe-eyed petite blond poked her head through the doors and warily stepped down the stairs.

"Like I said Mamoru, you might as well be married to her. It's like she has you wrapped around her little fingers."

"Motoki are you deaf? Hit me with another one!" Dazed and intoxicated, Mamoru spun around to face the bartender, but instead he found himself staring into the most beautiful pair of eyes. In the dim lights they sparkled, reminding Mamoruo f two twinkling sapphires.

"Mamo-chan! What happen? Why are you here?" Appalled by all of the beer bottles on the counter she turned back to him. "Did you drink all of these? You've never drunk more than one before. I'm taking you home right now."

"Usagi I'm...I'm..." Mamoru was ashamed of himself. He hated for her to see him like this. He was about to apologize, but he caught his friend snickering out of the corner of his eye. "I'm...I'm going to do whatever I want, you're not my wife!"

"Mamo-chan you are drunk, I will take you home now."


"Don't be so stubborn. Look at you! You're a mess. I do this because I love you Mamo-chan."

"I said NO! Who the heck do you think you are, telling me what to do? Do you know how embarrassed I am of you sometimes? Why are you always so controlling? Who wears the pants in this relationship anyways? You don't own me. I can do
what I want and if I want to drink, I can drink all the beers I want!"

Hurt reflected upon her face as she fought back tears. " You don't mean that, you're just drunk and you're talking nonsense!" But inside, she could sense that he was telling her something that had been bothering him for a long time.

Two weeks went by and since then they have never talked about the incident that happened at the bar. Usagi was trying not to cling on to him, but she couldn't help it. She was so afraid of losing him. Spending most of her life in an orphanage after her parents died left a deep scar in her. No one wanted
to adopt her. Most of the foster parents rejected her because she was too old. Ever since then it was really difficult for her to make friends because she felt that people would not accept her. When she turned 18 the directors of the orphanage told her that they had to let her go to make room for the younger orphans. Usagi left and never looked back. For a time she lived in a cardboard box wrapped in newspapers. She met Mamoru one rainy night. Huddled up in newspapers, she was soaked to the bone, but more drenched with her own tears than she was from the rain. When her home became a heap of wet mush, she
felt that the clouds took pity on her and stopped raining. Instead she found that someone had blocked the rain with his umbrella. Usagi turned around and found Mamoru. Ever since then they've been together. She felt that fate had brought them together. She just could not bear to think what would happen if
he were to ever leave her.

In Mamoru's office...

Mamoru had been frustrated; he'd been offered a job in America and the plane would be leaving the next day. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it also meant that he was going to have to leave his Usako. He hated the thought of leaving her, but he had to think about the future-- HIS future, and if fate would have it, a future without Usako. 'Your girlfriend sticks to you like glue, it's a wonder why she hadn't call out a police search for you yet.' He did not want Andrew's words to be true. As much as he loved her, he was still young and did not want marriage to be in the way of him having the
better of his career. He stared at a framed picture of Usagi on his desk. He put it faced down. He was going to leave his Usako. Now the hardest part was next: telling her.

'I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about.' Usagi had received a call from Mamoru telling her that he had something really important he wanted to talk to her about right after work. Now she stood at their front door anticipating for what he had to tell her. 'Maybe he wants to apologize for his
behavior... or maybe he is going to...no he couldn't...would he...would he propose?...no don't besilly..get over yourself ...' The creak of the door interrupted her thoughts. Usagi expected to find a little black box in Mamoru's hand, but instead found him carrying a bag of luggage.

"Mamo-chan? What is this? Why are you all packed?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a job in America"

"What? Why? You can't...you can't just leave me..." Tears fell freely and she had no desire to wipe them away.

He saw the hurt in her face and hated himself for inflicting so much pain on this beautiful angel. He felt ashamed. But he had to do this. He masked his feelings under an austere face and told her without any emotion,

"Stop being a crybaby! I don't see why I can't do what I so please, it's not like we're married or anything, so stop trying to control me!"

He couldn't believe what he had just said. He knew that he had broken her heart into a million pieces.

He grabbed the last of his belongings and was about to walk out of the door when he heard something fall hard to the ground. He ran to the kitchen and found his Usako on floor, knife in one hand and blood spilling out of the cut around her wrist. She was delirious from the loss of blood and her tears made everything around her blurry. She felt so empty, like a deep pit had formed a void in her stomach, becoming a vacuum for all her being. She heard the pitter-pattering of footsteps, coming closer and closer, like the sound of rain on a roof.
She smiled and remembered the time she first met Mamoru.

When Usagi woke up, she was in the hospital. She looked around and found an envelope on the side of her bed. It was from Mamoru. She quickly opened the letter and it read,

Dearest Usako,

I am leaving you with the apartment and some money. I'm sorry for doing
this to you. Don't make things harder than it is. Let us go on our separate
ways. Please do not be foolish and end your life because of me. I am not worth
it. You deserve so much better than me, please forgive me.

My love with you always,

At this time, Usagi did not know what to do anymore; her whole world had shattered. Things could not get any worse. The doctor walked in,

" Hi, I'm Dr. Mizuno, but you can call me Ami. Are you feeling any better Usagi?"

" Yes I'm perfectly fine. I want to leave now..."

" As soon as I get a quick check-up, you can go ok. By the way Ms. Tuskino, congratulations, you're two weeks pregnant!"

"What?!" with that she fainted.

After Usagi left the hospital she walked around the park trying to get her thoughts straight. 'What do I do now? What am I going to do with this child?'

"Excuse me miss? Hi, are you all right? You looked troubled?
Usagi looked up and for a minute thought Mamoru had come back to her. Then she blinked.

"Sorry, how rude am I? I'm Seiya Lights," with this he took Usagi's bandaged hands and kissed them delicately. "May I have the chance of knowing the name of such a beautiful lady?"

"My name is Usagi, Usagi Tuskino."

"I don't do this often, but would you like to have lunch with me and grace me with your presence?"

She couldn't help but blush. He looks kind of like her Mamo-Chan (AN: I know they don't really, but I have to say that for future references.)

Usagi thought about it. She didn't really want to in her current situation, but she didn't have anything else to do. "Why not?"

The next two-weeks they spent every waking moment together. He made her feel like she was loved again. Today Seiya had told her to meet him at the restaurant where they had their first lunch. She was scared. What will he say?
What will happen? The last time that happened, her love had left her. Is he going to leave her too? Just thinking about it made her eyes watery.

She walked into the restaurant and immediately spotted Seiya sitting in the same seats they had sat before. She slowly walked to him, afraid of what would happen.


" Usa, I want to tell you something..."

"Yes?" Usagi asked, afraid what the answer might be.

Getting down to one knee, he looked up and asked, "Usa, will you do me the honor of being my wife? I want to share my life with you."

Usagi was shocked. Out of all the things she thought he would say, never a thought ran through her mind that he would propose to her. Everything was perfect, everything except for the fact that she did not really love Seiya like she loved Mamoru. She did like him a lot, and she knew he would give her
and her baby a secured future. "Yes Seiya, I will marry you."

" Oh Usa, you don't know how happy you've made me! I will always love you, no matter what. You've made me the happiest man on earth!"

On their honeymoon night, things got heated and soon they were in bed, Seiya on top of her. As Seiya and Usagi joined as one, a tear rolled down her cheek. She didn't really want to do this, but she had no choice.

Later that night...

"That wasn't your first time..." It was more of a statement than a question. Usagi was surprised and she did not know what to say. At this point Seiya was angry, and Usagi just realized that after all this time, she had never really seen Seiya mad. Now this image of Usagi being this perfect angel was shattered. An awkward silence followed. Seiya's face was emotionless and Usagi was scared.

" I don't care about what you did in the past, as long as you don't ever do it again," Seiya gently caressed Usagi's neck, but all of a sudden he clenched it. "I WILL NOT HAVE MY WIFE CHEAT ON ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Usagi gasped for air as he released his grip. "I'm soo sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just mad that you did not tell me this. You know I love you. I love you more than anything and I just don't want anything to get in between us." Seiya began kissing her. All Usagi did was nod as more tears rolled down her cheek.

To be continued.....

So...did u guys like it? Please review and tell me what you think..and for those of you think...this is a Usa/Mamo fic so don't worry!!