Love Troubles

By YingFa08


Li Syaoran is the future leader of the Li clan; he is a bit cold but is nice to his family and friends. He was engaged by his parents to a girl named Hyuuga Tsuhana. They got along well, but what happens when a girl named Kinomoto Sakura, a simple, cheerful yet dense girl, comes into their life? Will Syaoran change his mind about the engagement? Read my story to find out! SxS, ExT. RxR please!

Author's Note: Hi there! This is my first fanfic ever! So please bear with me… Anyway, in this fanfic I plan to use some Japanese words that I've learned. So here are the Japanese words that I'm gonna be using in this chapter and their meaning in English:

-nani -what

-hai- yes


-sore wa nan desu ka? -what is that?

Key:"blah"-Talking blah-flashback

/blah/- Thinking (A/Nblah)- Author's Notes

Change of Scene or POV

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS or any of its characters, CLAMP does. SO please don't sue me! But the characters that I made up (Tsuhana Hyuuga, Youichi Hyuuga, Maya Korowa and Tasuki Hiruyo) are mine!

Chapter 1: Going to Japan

Syaoran's POV

"XIAO-LANG!!!" said a high-pitched voice, "Xiao-Lang get up!!! Have you forgotten that today is our flight to Japan!?"

"What? Oh yeah… today is our flight to Japan. What time do we leave again? Oh right, 10:00 in the morning. I'm sure it's only 6:00 or something, I can still sleep. So go away Tsuhana!" I said with my eyes still closed and still half-asleep.

"Syaoran, what are you talking about!? It's 8:00 already! So get up!"

"WHAT!!?" I sat up and looked at the clock. It is 8:00! Oh no! I'm gonna be late! I stood up and rushed to the bathroom; I took a bath and changed my clothes. I am wearing a dark-green shirt and black pants. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair to make it look perfectly messy.

When I went out of the bathroom, I saw Tsuhana waiting for me. She was sitting on my bed. Tsuhana is my… well… my fiancée. Our parents arranged for us to be married when we were just 9. We've known each other since we were 6 years old; I'm usually not very friendly to anyone. But with Tsuhana, I feel like I can share anything with her. I feel very comfortable whenever she's around. We became good friends when we were 9 and so our parents agreed to make us marry each other. We agreed, but with one condition, if one of us falls in love with someone else, he/she can cancel the engagement. But I don't think that I will be the one to cancel our engagement, because I'm very fond of her. I'm not saying that I'm in love… I just like her.

Tsuhana is a good-looking girl; she has auburn hair, which has curls at the bottom, which reaches just below her shoulder. She has emerald-green eyes that look sad, but she is always cheerful. She practices martial arts with me. She is smart and nice too, so what else can I look for in a fiancée right/Oh no, I think I'm starting to blush./

"Yo Syaoran! You alright?" Tsuhana asked while waving her hand in front of my face. "Hello!? Earth to Syaoran! Hey, you're all red! You got a fever or something?" She asked while she touched my forehand to check my temperature.

"I'm alright. Let's just go and have some breakfast," I said while trying to shake off my blushing. /Darn it, I don't usually blush like this, I have never even blushed before./

Tsuhana smiled at me and took my hand. We went to the dining area and we found out that the whole family was only waiting for us to come.

"What took you so long!? I'm really hungry, you know!?" said my annoying friend, Tasuki Hiruyo. He has black hair with navy blue eyes. He's very energetic, and I've known him since I was 8 years old. But Tsuhana and he were already friends before that. Even though he annoys me, we still treat him as part of our family. He's actually staying with us, because my mom felt sorry for him; his whole family died in a fire accident.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just eat." I walked towards my chair, followed by Tsuhana. I stopped because I saw my mother, Yelan, grinning at us. "What is it mother?"

"I never knew that the two of you have gotten very close," she said, still grinning.

"What are you talking about, mother?" She seemed to be looking at the space between me and Tsuhana. I looked over and…

"NO!! It's not what you think!"

Tsuhana and I were still holding hands. I totally forgot that she held my hand before we came downstairs. Everyone at the dining table was laughing at us.

"Let's just eat!" I said sitting down. "Sure Syaoran," said Tsuhana's cousin, Youichi Hyuuga. Now this guy is a gentleman, he has green hair and golden eyes.

"Mother I still don't understand why I need to go to Japan," I told my mother after finishing my meal.

"Syaoran, my dear, it's good for the future leader of the Li clan to get some exposure you know and besides, Japan is a nice country. Meiling and Eriol say so, whenever they call us," my mother answered while wiping her mouth with some tissue.

"Oh yeah… I almost forgot that those two are in Japan already," said Tsuhana.

"C'mon go upstairs and get your bags," said my mother while pointing in the direction of the stairs. "Tsuhana, Syaoran, Tasuki and Youichi go to your rooms."

"Yes!!" The four of us said in unison.

We all went upstairs and fetched our bags. At 9:30 we got into the limo and headed for the airport.

Tsuhana's POV

Syaoran is such a nice boy. Although he is sometimes cold but he is nice to his family and those whom he considers as his friends. I'm so glad that I'm his fiancée. He's got auburn hair and amber eyes. He is also a gentleman. I love him very much.

"Yo! Tsuhana! Are you coming in the limo?" Syaoran shouted from the limo. "Ah… What? Oh, yes coming!" I sat in the limo beside Syaoran.

/Wow, sitting here beside my Syaoran really feels comfortable. But I really am worried, because Syaoran might fall in love with someone else in Japan. / I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head /But I do trust Syaoran, but if ever that were to happen… I guess I would just have to let him go./ I felt myself frown… I hope that Syaoran doesn't notice because he might worry about me.

"You alright?" Syaoran asked me while looking outside the window. I guess he noticed.

I was clinging unto his arm with my eyes closed. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just… well… I…"

"Just what?"

/How can I tell him that I'm worried that he might fall in love with someone else in Japan!?/

"I see you two are really getting along just fine," said Tasuki while grinning.

"Says the annoying little kid," said Syaoran while taking me off of him. "And what are you grinning about?" said Syaoran while glaring at Youichi.

"It's just that you two make such a cute couple."

I felt myself blush and… oh! What's this? Syaoran is also blushing? Oh my! I must stop my giggling or else Tasuki and Youichi will tease us more.

"Just shut up! You are starting to get on my nerves Youichi," Syaoran said, while clenching his fist, "Watch it… or else."

Youichi just smiled at him and that made Syaoran more annoyed. After minutes of silence, we finally arrived at the airport. The butler led us to the boarding area and we said good bye to him.

The four of us got into the plane and we looked for our seats. I sat beside Syaoran; behind us were Tasuki and Youichi.

"So… Syaoran," I began, breaking the silence between us, "Why don't you want to go to Japan?"

"I just have a feeling about that place"

"What kind of feeling? Good or bad?"

"I'm not sure. That's why I don't want to go"

I saw confusion in his eyes, maybe my premonition was right. He might fall in love with someone else… I'm getting second thoughts about this trip. I tried to hold back my tears. /Tsuhana, remember, you would be happy as long as he's happy/, I told myself. But, it still hurts in my heart. /If he does fall in love that just means that we weren't made for each other./ It's getting harder to hold back my tears. I cling unto his arm and closed my eyes/Syaoran… I love you so much and I want you to be happy/, I want to tell him that but if I do, he'll just get more worried about me and I don't want that to happen.

I looked out the window hoping that none of my premonitions would happen.

In Tomoeda, JapanSakura's POV

"HOE!!! I've got to hurry! I'm gonna be late!"

I went into the bathroom, and took a bath. I fixed my hair into two pigtails. I got dressed and went downstairs.

"Good Morning!" I said while going into the dining room.

"Good Morning monster," said my oh-so-annoying big brother, Touya.

"I am not a monster!" I was going to step on his foot but stopped because I saw my father, Fujitaka, looking at us.

My big brother is in college right now. He has lots of part time jobs so he could help father. He is a kind brother, but he annoys me whenever he calls me a monster. Oh! His best friend is Yukito. Yukito is really nice; he's got a big appetite though. The two of them are pretty popular at school; a lot of girls adore them. They are athletic, smart and good looking.

My father is a professor in a university. He is also an archaeologist. He is a really great father. He has such a warm smile. He is also athletic.

My mom? Well, she passed away when I was only 3. I can't remember much about my mom, so I ask dad to tell me about her. He said that she is very beautiful and has the warmest smile in the world. She is clumsy at times and is not very good at handicrafts but she still works hard in making handicrafts.

"Hey Sakura," my father said


"Come here"

"Hai! Ahh… sore wa nan desu ka?" I asked my father because I saw that he is holding something.

"You mean this?" He raised his hand to reveal a box wrapped in green cloth, "This is something I made for you and Tomoyo."

"Thanks dad!" I grabbed it and headed for the door.

"I'm going now!"

"Bye Sakura, take care of yourself!" my father said

"Make sure you don't eat all of those sweets before you get to Tomoyo's house, monster" my brother teased.

I just ignored him and I went out of the door and headed for Tomoyo's house… err… mansion.

Tomoyo is my best friend and she also happens to be my cousin. She has long navy blue hair that reaches just below her waist and navy blue eyes. She is very nice; she loves to make designs for me. She is also very smart and she is a great cook and she is also very beautiful. She loves to make videos of me.

Oh! I can see Tomoyo's mansion and there's Tomoyo by the gate!


Tomoyo's POV

/Oh no where's Sakura? I hope nothing bad happened to her./

I've been waiting by the gate for 10 minutes and she hasn't come yet.

/What if something bad happened to her?/


Oh! Could that be Sakura?

I turned to my left and I saw Sakura rollerblading towards me.


"I'm so sorry I'm late Tomoyo"

"Iie, it's alright. Don't worry about it; I'm just glad nothing bad happened to you." I can see that Sakura really hurried to get here; she's trying to catch her breath right now.

"C'mon Sakura, let's go in."

"Sure Tomoyo"

Sakura and I have been best friends since forever. I like her very much. She has short auburn hair and emerald-green eyes. She always helps her father by doing household chores. She is pretty dense but she is nice. She is also cute but she is cuter when she puts on the clothes that I made for her. She is smart except in Math; she really hates Math. She is also very athletic and humble. She is always cheerful and she is in the cheerleading squad of our school.

"Ummm… Tomoyo"


"Would you like some sweets? My father made us some."

"Oh sure Sakura. If your father made them, then I'm sure that they're delicious. Let's go in my room first"


We went into my room and sat on the couches by the table and we started to eat the chocolates made by Sakura's father.



"What school are you gonna be studying in?"

"Tomoeda High School, you?"


/That was good, I'm going to the same school as Sakura and all of our other classmates back in the sixth grade./

Back in the planeSyaoran's POV

/I've got to remind these guys which school we're gonna be studying in./

"Do you guys know which school we're gonna be studying in?"

They all looked at each other; and finally Youichi answered, "Nope"

"We're going in Tomoeda High School"

End of Chapter One

Author's Notes:

Hi there you guys! Thank you for reading my story!

I think I've got to explain a few things for you:

1. Syaoran and the others don't speak in Japanese because they haven't learned it yet. By the way, they're from Hong Kong.

2. I needed Syaoran to have a fiancée, alright?

3. Tsuhana is a very nice girl not like those girls that are very… well… bitchy. (I'm not referring to anyone)

4. I didn't describe the other character's looks because you already know what they look like.

5. Tsuhana's eyes appear to be sad, but she hides it with her cheerfulness.

That's all the explanations I needed to make, but if you have any other questions just ask me in your reviews alright? And if you have any suggestions for the title just tell me because I don't like the title very much but if you want me to stick with it, please tell me as well. Pls. go easy on me; this is my very fist fanfic. Thanks! RxR please!

P.S. Here are their birthdays and ages in this story: (These are not the real birthdays of the characters in CCS I know their real birthdays but I'm not gonna be using them in this story but these are the real ones for my made up characters)

From CCS

Made-up Character

Name -Birthday - Age

Syaoran Li -February 28 -13

Sakura Kinomoto -December 3 -12

Eriol Hiragizawa -January 8 -13

Tomoyo Daidouji -October 19 -12

Tsuhana Hyuuga -July 28 -12

Chiharu Mihara -August 14 -12

Takashi Yamazaki -February 15 -13

Rika Sasaki -May 18 -13

Naoko Yanagisawa -August 5 -13

Meiling Li -March 29 -13

Youichi Hyuuga -January 4 -13

Maya Korowa -June 18 -12

Tasuki Hiruyo -May 24 -13