Disclaimer for the whole story: I do not own Twilight, or New Moon. I wish I did. They belong to the amazingly talented Stephenie Meyer to whom I am eternally grateful for having the awesome dream that inspired these books. I do; however, own Noxtual Rim and you are not allowed to take her from me. I also own any other original characters that may pop up in the story.

Chapter One: Scared Edward?

I turned from him, unwilling to look into his warm butterscotch eyes. I knew what I was going to say would anger him, but it would be better if he heard it from me then from someone else. "Edward?" I spoke to his cold hand resting on my stomach. I couldn't even remember what movie we had put in. I knew his eyes were on me, waiting for me to turn.

"What's wrong?" The concern in his voice almost convinced me not to tell him. I knew Edward didn't trust him, but I knew he would never hurt me. Things had been going perfectly, even with my grounding still in place. Edward came over after school, of course, when Charlie wasn't here and left before he came home. I sighed, still indecisive.

"Bella?" he prompted.

"There's something I need to tell you." I felt him stiffen against me. He stayed silent, picking up one of my hands and placing it on his cheek while using the other to turn my face toward him. I finally looked into his concerned eyes. I was doing the right thing; I had to tell him. Besides, he had made it sound important that I told Edward. "I talked to Jacob yesterday." Fury filled his eyes, and I quickly averted my gaze.


The word was clipped, furious. "I thought I could convince him that you were harmless, and that maybe I could fix things between us." I didn't dare look at him. I hated confrontation. "It didn't work and nothing happened." Edward growled.

"He could've hurt you; he's a werewolf."

"You're a vampire," I countered. I rarely thought the word in reference to him, but I was suddenly angry and it seemed appropriate. "You're considered just as dangerous as he is." Edward growled again, deep in his chest, a protective and predatory growl at the same time.

"I have more self-control than he does. He's a very young werewolf still learning everything. I've been… a vampire, if you please, for almost a hundred years. He has been a werewolf for less than a year. He could loose control and hurt you. You know he is capable of doing that; they all are. You saw what the leader did to his girlfriend." I sighed again. I knew what he said was true, but I didn't believe Jacob would ever hurt me intentionally. Not physically anyway. "Have you talked to him other times that I don't know about?"

My temper flared at this. I didn't have to report to him. He was my boyfriend, not my keeper. "I don't know. I don't have to tell you if there is." I heard him sigh as his arm went back around my waist.

"I didn't mean to be overbearing. I just worry about you." It was simply not fair when he looked at me like that. It really wasn't. No one should be able to do that with their eyes, human or not. "You can get into an accident simply walking. I can only imagine all the things you could do in the company of a werewolf."

I knew it had all been said out of concern, and his smoldering eyes had erased my argument from my brain. I wasn't going to remind him how I had been in Jacob's company the whole he had been gone, his and other werewolves. I knew I was never going to convince Edward that Jacob was harmless, or vice versa, but I still needed to tell him something. "He said something that you'll want to know about." He stiffened again, eyes wary.

"What do I need to know about?"

"I don't know what it means, but he said the name would mean something to you. He only told me the name." I was examining his face, watching for reaction, but his expression stayed frustratingly blank.

"What was the name?" His voice was as expressionless as his expression.

"Noxtual Rim." That definitely got a reaction. He became even paler, the palest I've seen anyone in my entire life. "Who is she? Jacob said the person was a she, but he wouldn't tell me anything else about her."

"Did… did he tell you why he mentioned her name?" I was shocked, and startled. His voice had trembled on the word name. Was he scared? The only thing I had ever seen him scared of was loosing me. This was obviously not good and would most likely result in one of us being in a life or death situation.

"He said she was coming in a couple of weeks." I hadn't thought it was possible for him to turn any paler; I was wrong. I was suddenly pressed tightly against his body, painfully so. "Edward," I breathed.

"Sorry," he mumbled releasing his tight hold. I was halfway on his lap, both of his arms around me with my head cradled against his granite chest.

"Who is she? Why is it so bad that she's coming?" He mutely shook his head, and it was only then that I realized he had a cell phone against his ear. His words were rapid, too rapid for my human ears to catch. He growled again, frustrated, but this time it sounded very teenage. It didn't sound like a real vampire growl, but like a kid annoyed with a parent or sibling.

"Fine, I'm talking "normal" now." I could hear the quotations in his voice. I was surprised at his annoyed tone. I wasn't sure to whom he was talking to, but it was betting it wasn't Carlisle or Esme. I had never heard him be anything but respectful to them. I had turned away from him for a moment to look at the clock. Charlie was due home any minute. Edward was to involved with his conversation to leave at the moment though. I muted the movie and turned back to him.

He was looking down now, and I could hear Carlisle's voice coming through the phone. From what I could hear he sounded almost angry, stern. I had never really imagined Esme or Carlisle actually playing the role of parents and scolding any of their adopted children. It certainly sounded like Edward was being scolded and judging by his expression, I thought I was right.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I…"

I could hear Carlisle's voice again, not specific words, but sounds. It was more quit and soothing. His eyes flickered to me, guilty. Guilt that wasn't direct at me though. He had obviously been scolded. I resisted the urge to smile. It was nice to see something so human and ordinary happen to him, something very teenage like being disrespectful to a parent and getting in trouble for it. I couldn't hear anything Carlisle was saying now, hearing only Edward's end of the conversation.

"Dad, what if she comes?" I sighed lightly, snuggling against him. I would simply get the answers out of him when he got off the phone. If he was reluctant to tell me I was pretty sure I could persuade him to tell me. I had a feeling this was something that I was going to need to know, but something that he didn't want me to know even though it was necessary. I laughed aloud as Edward tried to talk.

"But, Dad-" Carlisle obviously cut him off. After about twenty seconds he tried to say something again, but didn't even get a whole word out before I could hear Carlisle through the phone. This happened for five minutes with gorgeous, perfect Edward only managing to get a syllable or two out before he turned to me. I was laughing quietly, my dad completely forgotten. My laughter stopped as my dad's voice carried into the room.

"Bella? Is Edward here?" It was a useless question because he had obviously seen Edward's car in the driveway.

"Yes, we're in the living room. He only came over to drop off a book that I needed for school. He was just about to leave." I wasn't allowed to have visitors without my dad here. "Dinner should be done in a little while. I haven't started it yet, but I was thinking chicken." I was now seated simply beside Edward as he continued to talk into his phone, actually getting whole sentences out. Charlie sat down across from us as Edward hung up the phone and smiled at my father.

"Chicken's fine. You know I'm not picky," Charlie answered.

"Actually," Edward spoke up, "I was wondering if you could come to my house for dinner. My parents really would like to spend more time with you and Bella. I'm here always over here, but Bella's only been to my house a couple of times." My dad's eyes narrowed at the "always," but he didn't say anything. I could see him hesitating to say yes.

"Dad, why don't we go? It's been a long time since you and Carlisle talked, hasn't it?" I could tell I was winning. "Edward has a point. I have only been to his house a couple of times, not that it's your fault, but it would be fun to see them again, wouldn't it? Especially outside of the hospital." They both grimaced at my remark to my talent for getting into accidents.

"It would be nice to talk outside of the hospital, especially about something other than your injuries." Yes, it would, I thought. Please say yes. "Alright, we can go." I smiled widely, getting up to hug him. "I don't know how to get there though."

"I can drive and bring you back here, if that's okay with you, sir. It's hard to find unless you already know the way." His voice was open, giving Charlie the chance to object. I could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

"You can drive. This will give me an opportunity to see how well you really drive." I groaned. I had two overbearing men in my life.

"That's fine, sire, but I can assure that I am an excellent driver." It wasn't a challenge, simply a statement. I supposed it was true in a way even though he was a speed demon.

"We'll see. When are we going to leave?"

"Whenever you're both ready." I excused myself, nerves suddenly on edge. Why I had wanted so badly to have dinner with the Cullen's and my dad? This wasn't going to turn out good, was it?"

Why shouldn't it turn out good though? They all liked my dad, and he liked them. What could go wrong?

I knew as I soon as I though that that I shouldn't have. There were a million things that could go wrong, and knowing my luck, they would.

I realized as we pulled up to his house that I had never found out who Noxtual Rim was and why only a name could make him tremble in fear.

Author's Note: So, what do you think? I realize Edward it a little OOC, but logically, I think Carlisle and Esme would end up playing the role of a parent disciplinary wise because there's no way Edward was respectful to them all the time for ninety odd years. They're respectful to him, and I'm sure the except that back. And frankly, I wanted to write that. It's fun to make his human traits come out. I have part of chapter two already written, and reviews will make it write and post faster! PLEASE REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! FLAMES WILL KEEP ME WARM!

NEXT CHAPTER (If I post it) The mystery behind Noxtual Rim is found out, and some of Jacob's information turns out to be faulty.