--dedicated to Dear Julie, who seem to like this story a lot, and also to littledoggy as a present from me to you :')--

--corrections done in the story are attributed to littledoggy who was a wonderful beta-reader for this chapter--






. Disillusioned .



There are words in the winds,
That cries of the sorrows of the people,
Of love lost and found,
Of happily ever afters.







Epilogue: Words in the Wind (風の語)

They buried them together beneath the sakura tree side by side, just as Mikan had wanted.

They kept the masks out of the graves in respect; because they knew deep down that it had been the anonymity of the masks that had killed both her and him.

There were tears from those who knew the bubbly girl who extended her hand in friendship to everyone she knew.

There were also smiles together with the tears, because they knew she was finally reunited with him.

And that, for Mikan, would have been more than she could ask for.




Three years later…

Hotaru sat on a cushioned window-seat, the swish of the waves crashing against the rocks as her sole companion.

She listened quietly to the soft whisper of the wind that brought in the soothing smell of the sea and lifted the ends of her now shoulder-length violet hair effortlessly.

Occasionally, she would reached up to pushed her wayward hair behind her ear, the other hand reaching down to stroke her growing stomach with a gentle smile on her face.

She wondered what Mikan would have said if she was able to see her friend as such: mellowed, married and with child.

She probably would have squealed and tried to hug her, Hotaru reminisced with a small smile. What she would give to feel those arms around her again, to hear that excited chatter, to see that brilliant smile just once more.

But Mikan was gone, and no invention would be able to bring her back to life.

So Hotaru lived and remembered her best friend who had been a bright beacon in the lives of those she had known.

A year after Mikan's and Natsume's deaths, the Anti-Alice organization was broken up after a sudden attack by the Secret Corps, instigated by the deaths of Mikan and Natsume.

Ruka had proposed to Hotaru soon after, dropping down on his knees in front of a very surprised Hotaru and she had accepted…after letting him sweat for a while by keeping silent, a glint in her violet eyes.

And now…life was certainly different and quieter without the bubbly brunette around, but it went on just like it did everyday.

"Hotaru?" Hotaru blinked slightly at the interruption as Ruka's deep baritone broke through her stupor. She twisted slightly in her seat to find Ruka walking towards her, his azure eyes questioning.

"What are you doing?" Ruka asked gently as he took a seat behind his wife, his hand automatically covering hers over her stomach.

"Thinking…about Mikan." Hotaru replied quietly as she leaned back into her husband's embrace.

There was silence from the blond for a while as he gazed out of the window into the open sea that glimmered as though it was on fire in the wake of the setting sun.

"She is happy." He said finally, his chin coming to rest gently on top of Hotaru's head. His fingers intertwined with hers as he continued, a smile gracing his handsome features. "After all, Natsume is with her."

Hotaru simply nodded and closed her eyes, but a small smile graced the corners of her mouth.

Yes, Mikan would be happy. There had been a happy smile on her face the day they had found her entwined in Natsume's arms, a smile that had not appeared since his disappearance.

"What about our baby's name?" She asked suddenly, eyelids fluttering open.

Otonashi had predicted their baby would be a girl, much to the delight of Ruka and displeasure of Sumire, who had wanted to engage her year-old daughter to their child. Hotaru couldn't really say that she was disappointed that Sumire's plan had failed.

"What about 'Mikan'?" Ruka suggested with a hint of a smile in his tone, his azure eyes twinkling.

Hotaru's smile widened.

"And maybe, when she grows up, she will find her Natsume."

Just like her.




Neh Natsume?


I have a secret to tell you.

Hn. Not interested.

Hmph! I am going to tell you anyway!

Because…I think…I love you.












I finished another story lol.. :D

Thanks for reading :D I hoped you guys will like it enough to review :)

Review please? Thanks :')