A/N: And here you are, the beautiful conclusion. I know some people wanted me to do more, but I hadn't planned on, and I have no ideas after this point. Besides, I think writing more after this part would ruin the powerfulness of the ending. Not to mention go off topic a bit.

Don't worry though, it's not like this is the only story I'll ever write about the twins!



Wanda's eyes flew open, and she sat up straight before she even knew what was going on. She had been lying on the floor. She shivered violently; the house was even more bitter cold than she could remember before the blackout; though, the wind had stopped. Maybe it was just because she was frightened... Standing upright slowly, she finally remembered what she'd seen, and more importantly, what had woken her up.

"Wanda!" Pietro cried his sister's name, despite still being unconscious. Wanda quickly picked him up off the floor and placed him on the couch, his head resting on her lap. She was too shaken up from her experiences to try to wake him up at first, so she let him thrash around and whimper her name for a few minutes. When he started crying, she got over her fear.

"Pietro?" He ceased his movements, but she hesitated to touch him. "Pietro..." She stroked his hair gently with a shaking hand. Eventually her brother's eyes fluttered open. Pietro blinked through his tears and looked up at Wanda, as if awestruck.

"Wanda...!" Pietro continued his sobbing and trapped his sister in a bone-crusher hug. Because of their positioning, it was a rather lop-sided hug, but it still succeeded in limiting her breathing. Wanda immediately thought of the first memory she'd been placed in. She returned the hug, though not as hard as the frightened Pietro.

"I'm sorry..." Wanda murmured guiltily.

"Huh...?" Pietro sniffled, not understanding. He couldn't imagine getting an apology from Wanda after what he'd seen. What did she have to be sorry for?

"Whatever happened...where ever it was that I went as a child, it was Father's fault, not yours. I shouldn't have taken it out on you..." Pietro released his hold and positioned himself next to her.


"No, it was cruel and selfish of me. You had no power over what happened, you couldn't have helped me; and, if something terrible did happen, maybe... Father didn't know that it would..." Pietro flinched as the horrific sounds and images flashed through his mind.

"Wanda...about that..."

"You don't have to tell me anything; I don't care anymore..." She interrupted again. "I read about this mental illness called Repressed Memory Syndrome; where your mind makes you unable to remember traumatic things, though they're still there someplace... If I went through something so bad that it was repressed, then maybe it's better that I don't know..."

"...Maybe..." Pietro trailed off, tears still trickling steadily. "Wanda, I just have to say...I love you..." She looked at him in slight shock. He sniffled. "You're my sister, and I love you...even if you did try to kill me a couple times..."

Wanda was finally unable to contain her emotions any longer. She burst into tears and pulled her brother into another embrace. "I love you too...!"

They both sat and cried together for a good 20 minutes before either spoke again.

"It's...nice to have you back..." Pietro murmured, sitting back. "At least one person in this dysfunctional family cares about me..."

"You know, maybe Father really does care, deep down..." Wanda quietly searched for something to wipe away her running eyeliner. "He's just so worried about the rest of the mutant race that he forgot to worry about his own children..." She smiled meekly. "Maybe if the X-men stop him enough times he'll settle down."

"Maybe...but I wouldn't count on him softening up exactly..." Pietro folded his arms and became solemn.

"If we forgive him, he might come around."

"If only..."

The sat in silence for few moments.

"So, what do you suppose that firefly was?" Pietro asked, looking out the window and up at the stars in the crystal clear sky. He wanted to tell her what he'd seen, but knew he couldn't. She might've thought he was crazy anyways.

"I don't know..." Wanda wondered if she should tell him that she knew. She decided that it was better left unsaid. "Perhaps it helped us..."



It was now 3am; the dead of night. All of the late-night places had finally closed, and residents had turned in. Besides the occasional dim streetlight, there were no real signs of life in the town of Bayville. Nothing made a sound, nothing moved.

But, if one were very stealthy, and had very good eyesight, one might be able to make out something moving in the blackness. A short, slightly hunched figure slowly but steadily progressing through the area, to places unknown. Who or what would be skulking about at this hour, in such frigid temperatures; and why?

Few knew him, and even fewer ever saw his real face. Jason Wyngarde, better known to the select people who had known him as Mastermind, was who. He scuffed along, shivering despite having a jacket. His feet were really killing him; he didn't think he'd ever walked so far in his life. One would wonder why he had decided to walk so far; in fact, he somewhat wondered himself.

He had walked all the way to Bayville so that he could locate the house where those kids were staying and do a 1 hour job. It had been tiring pulling memories from one jumbled brain and forcing them into another, and then ripping them out again. It was a delicate process, and required more concentration than he could remember mustering before. But, he had committed to doing it, and it had to be done right. If he hadn't been careful, he could've scrambled the memories together, or damaged the subjects' ability to remember, even caused one to be stuck thinking they were the other! That wouldn't do.

When Magneto had told him to mess with that young girl's head, it'd been a real kick to his pride. He was far from proud of doing such a thing, even if she was a danger to others. She had had every right to want to kill her father. But what could he do? He was no match for Magneto. Seeing Wanda's memories had been haunting, and the second time hadn't been any better. He wondered why exactly he had come out here to try and help those two kids. Was it just to attempt to clear his conscience? No.

The world was quickly becoming a hellish place for mutantkind. Prejudice, hate crimes, possibly even a war brewing. Friends no longer trusted each other, and families were being torn apart. Mastermind continued to hobble along, praying he could hold out. It was a hell of a hike back to the hideout, but he had to do it. He couldn't let Magneto know what he'd done. He hoped his efforts had paid off. 'In a time like this, you need a kindred spirit; someone you can trust.'

And those two only had each other.



A/N: Come on guys, admit it. I had ya stumped. You had no idea what the firefly was! Well, I hope I succeeded in surprising and touching you and all that. I know I got a bit teary at a couple parts when writing it (I know, weird, but I get into stuff sometimes). When you think about it, the only one capable of causing such things would be Mastermind.

Please, when you review (you better!), don't give away this ending. I know some people like to read the reviews before they actually read the story, so don't ruin it for 'em!

A Few Facts You May Find Fun:

The 'working title' of this story was 'Judgement'

The 3rd chapter was originally going to explore Pietro's first love

Originally, in the 2nd chapter, the doctor's head was going to explode instead of eyes melting

In the comics, Magda (mom) went to great lengths (including getting herself killed) just to keep the twins away from their father

Magneto is often stubborn, mean, and cranky

If you liked this, I recommend you try out Art Class as well, since Pietro has the star role there. Please review and thanks so much for reading!

Lin-sama the Super Villain