Disclaimer: I don't own any Naruto characters just the plot.

Summary: Sakura has been Kidnapped by the Akatsuki, so after months and months of her old friends not coming to her rescue Sakura has finally given up hope and decides to make the best of this situation.

Chapter One: The Best Out the Worst Situation

Bonded by thick ropes Sakura awoke to the sound of thunder. It was dark and cold, she couldn't see anything she scanned the room and saw two red eyes.

"Sasuke?" Sakura whispered to herself the only response she got was the red eyes slowly moving towards her. As the figure came closer she realized it was Uchiha, Itachi. He went quickly behind her and knocked her out conscious once again. Two days later she awoke in bed in a room lit only by one window. Just then a person who looked strangely like a fish entered. Sakura knew exactly who she was she wasn't an Anbu member for nothing.

"Your Kisame aren't you?" Sakura finally questioned after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah i am, how do you know me." He asked lifting an imaginary eyebrow.

"Ive heard of all the Akatsuki members, its my job to know you guys hunt you down and kill you, why am i here i demand you tell me."

"I was told you were a shy timid girl who would cower at the sight of us whats with all the demanding questions?"

Its true Sakura used to be shy and timid. The girl no one need fear. She was weak then, but that was then, she went under strenuous training as Tsunade's apprentice and now she was a full fledged Anbu member just as good as Naruto and Shikamaru.

"I asked you a question first answer me tell me why am i here." Sakura yelled

"I'm sorry but i cant answer that its on a non need to know basis." Kisame replied

"Fine, then if you wont answer me i feel no need to stay" Sakura said as she pushed passed him. He figured there was no need to stop her, it was about time she got to meet some of the other Akatsuki members and learn they were someone she needed to fear and respect. Sakura slammed open the door and ran down the hallways and was about to turn the corner when she ran into something hard and fell on her butt.

"Move out of my way before I'm forced to kill you." Sakura threatened before even looking up.

"I believe you are in no position to make threats kunoichi." Itachi laughed. Sakura went to grab some kunai from her back pouch and found it was gone.

"I guess i will just have to beat your ass the old fashion way." Sakura smirked and ran towards him pumping chakra into her arms and legs and was about to make her strike when he suddenly disappeared.

"Your going to have to try harder than that little Sakura." Itachi taunted. She ran towards his voice but he appeared behind her, turned her around and pinned her up against the wall with his body.

"You need to be a good little kunoichi and behave until Naruto comes and tries to save you." Itachi said.

"So thats what this is about, trying to get draw Naruto in so you can steal the Kyuubi, I'm sorry but i cant let you do that."

By this time Itachi was getting frustrated with Sakura and grabbed her by the throat

"If you don't shut you mouth soon i will shut it for you" Itachi smirked.

"I would like to see you try." Sakura spat back, and with that statement Itachi pushed his mouth onto her, kissed her roughly, and bit down on her lip.

"I tried and i succeeded" Itachi laughed as he threw her back into her room with Kisame.

As the months passes Sakura began to doubt Naruto coming, he probably wasn't allowed. Sakura knew how Shikamaru who was the new Hokage could be when it came to the old rookie nines safety.

She didn't blame him either, in a way she didn't want Naruto to come she had grown rather close to Kisame who was always making her feel better after her and Itachi or one of the others had been at each others throats. After the first day of being here with the Akatsuki in the god forsaken desert Sakura knew her limits how far she could push them before they would get really mad. At least they had given her more privileges. For instance she was aloud to go and train with them when invited, Kisame always told her she held a lot of promise. Something she always wanted to hear back in Konoha no matter how hard she tried and or improved she was always little weak Sakura. Not here, here it was like she got a fresh start to show what she was really made of. Maybe that was why in the back of her mind when she was asked to join the Akatsuki she was screaming yes, but her mind would only let her say she would think on it. It had taken a whole year for them to finally trust her to let her leave as she wished because she always came back and now after a couple months here Haruno, Sakura was sitting a full fledged Akatsuki member with the cloak and all. Her and Itachi still didn't get along very well but Sakura who would never tell anyone only trained hard and stayed with Akatsuki to get Itachi to acknowledge her. Maybe it was the fact that he was Sasuke's brother and she wanted to prove to herself that she was worth being around the Uchiha's.

A/N: So my first chapter is up I'm new to the whole fan fiction writing thing, but Ive been a reader for a while. Reviews please Id like some feedback. Sorry For the short chaps but short chaps means ill probably update two or three times a week.
