Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. Do I have to spell it out? By now every one should know it's owned by the BBC. Unless you're a very thick someone……

Doctor Jane Fletcher sat at her desk writing up a progress report on a patient before her next one was due. A buzz came from her phone.

"Dr. Fletcher, Rose Tyler is here for her first session,"

Ah. Rose Tyler.

She had heard that she worked for Torchwood. An interesting and unique individual they all said, who took her work far more seriously than anyone else.

"Let her in Lucy"

No less than twenty seconds later a knock resounded on the small oak door

"Come in"

Rose Tyler was startled by the kindness in the voice of her psychiatrist.

"Um. Hi I uh.. Are you Dr. Fletcher?" Rose asked with trepidation

"Yes. Yes I am. Would you care to take a seat Miss Tyler.)

"Yeah of course"

Rose Tyler had seen a lot in so little time. Knowledge was etched into her eyes. Like she knew things anyone would have thought impossible. And she did. she knew, and saw, and did the impossible.

A few days before Dr. Fletcher had received a note from an anonymous person.

Dr. Fletcher,

Rose Tyler has been sent to you to cope with loss. She is not insane. Every word that she says is true.

Remember that.

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