Notes: This is primarily Naley, Leyton drama, and will have a Brooke relationship, but it might be with an original character. It takes Mark Schwan's plan of fast-forwarding the show about five years after graduation. Some spoilers for Season 4. Please read and review. Thanks!

Chapter 1

"Lucas, I can barely hear you," Haley said into her cell phone, covering her other ear with her finger to better understand her friend.

"I have a reading in Raleigh next weekend, Hales," he said. "I want you to be there."

She shifted her weight. "I don't know, Luke. We're really busy right now."

He shut his eyes. He was losing her. "C'mon, we haven't seen each other in three months. I miss you, Haley."

She smiled even though he could not see it. She envisioned his straightened hair and bloodshot eyes, tired from writing on his laptop all day. Writers. Sighing, she said, "Okay, I'll go. To see you and that's all."

He paused for a second, leaving a still silence creep between them. "Fine. I've bought an apartment here in Raleigh. You can stay with me."

Sniffling back tears, she said, "Good. I'm excited to see your new place. You'll have to autograph your book for me."

"I can't wait to see you." He could hear her pain on the other end of the line and hated himself for manipulating her into coming. He knew what else was in Raleigh next weekend, and he knew that she knew as well. He had to push. "I love you, Hales."

She wiped her hand across her forehead, forgetting about her makeup. "I love you, too, Luke."

As she hung up the phone, she looked into the mirror. She did not recognize this old face staring back at her. She was only twenty-four, but she was fairly certain she already had frown lines. Dark circles loomed under her eyes that she tried to hide with makeup. What was more disconcerting was that no one seemed to notice how unhealthy she looked.

The music pulsating on stage showered around her.

She looked down at her left hand.

It was bare of any rings.

She gasped as someone came from the darkness, wrapping long arms around her. "How's my favorite star?" he asked.

"Still having stage fright," she said. Her lips curled into a small smile as she folded his arms with her own. She liked the feel of his body next to hers, but it was not the same. It did not feel like it did when she was younger.

"You've won a Grammy, Haley," he said. "I think it's time to stop being nervous."

She turned around and kissed him softly on the lips. "I'll feel much better once you're on stage with me, Jake."


"This is the happiest day of my life, Haley. We're going to have a baby." Nathan whispered as he kissed Haley in the rain. Tender drops fell around them, caressing them, warming them until all either knew was the love of each other.

"Love me, Nathan."

He smiled. "Always and forever."

A baby began crying. The rain fell harder, beating down on them, pounding their bodies. Haley cried out for him, reaching for his hands, but neither could find their lover.

The cry was louder and shriller until only Nathan's head throbbed. "He's dead, Nate. Our baby is dead."


"No!" Nathan jumped, almost falling out of his king-size bed. His heart thrashed in his chest, sweat trickling down towards his stomach. He looked over at the body next to his. She had yet to stir from a deep, sex-induced sleep. He could barely breathe. This had been the second nightmare he had this week about Haley's miscarriage.

He stood up, naked, and headed for the bathroom. It had been five years ago when she had lost their son, but it still felt like only hours had passed. They had loved each other so much, but were too distraught to look at each other, let alone touch each other for months. Finally, one final blowup dissolved the marriage, two months into their freshman year of college. Nathan stayed at Stanford to play ball. Haley left to tour. He had not seen her since.

He could still smell her sweetness when he stood in the rain. He could see her smile when he walked on a pier. He still dreamt of her every night.

Splashing water on his face from the sink, he looked up into the mirror. His handsome face had only improved with age. His jaw was more defined and his blue eyes were bright and enhanced by his coal-black hair. His body was even leaner and more muscular. But all he saw when he looked into a mirror was tears. He looked tired.

He dried off his face, cursing underneath his breath. He was in the NBL now, playing for the New York Nicks. And he had a big game next weekend in Raleigh, North Carolina.

He had promised Lucas that he would go to his book reading. Nathan knew his brother well enough to surmise that Luke had invited Haley as well. He had been harping for their reunion ever since they parted. Nathan sometimes hated to see him. It only reminded him of Haley and the baby.

He heard footsteps padding towards him. He smiled, needing the distraction.

"Baby, are you all right?" she asked as she entered the bathroom. It was too dark to see him, so she sucked in air when he put his hands on her hips, pushing her towards the door jam.

"I am now," he growled. He bent his head down to nip at her neck. She sighed with growing passion as she lifted her hips suggestively into his.

"Are you sure?" she asked. He could hear the need for reassurance in her gravelly voice.

He licked at her lips, then said, "Brooke, let's go to bed and I'll show you how fine I am."

"Pretty cocky of you. Going around telling people how fine you are," she whispered into his ear, never realizing he had told Haley the same thing a very long time ago.

He froze. When he looked down at Brooke, he saw Haley looking back up at him. He blinked furiously until Brooke came back into vision. Nathan kissed her hard, then picked her up and hauled her back to bed.