OK, this is my hrrible attempt at a longer than oneshot fanfic of Twilight. It's set after New Moon.

Disclaimer: Ms. Meyer owns all. (I wish Edward was mine.)

Summary: What happens when Carlisle discovers cancer in Bella's blood? Will Edward finally decide to change her?

Chapter One: Good or Bad news?

This couldn't be happening to me. As if I needed to complicate my life even more. Carlisle looked at me with comforting eyes, and then at Charlie. My poor father was dumbstruck. He couldn't believe it either.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"We could start the chemotherapy, but I'm not sure it will help that much. It's too advanced. It may just weaken her constitution." I could see the tears in his eyes.

I had cancer. Leukemia. I would die sooner than anyone anticipated. Carlisle said that the cancer was in the more advanced stages, and that the chemotherapy would only make me suffer even more.

"If it had been discovered a year ago, maybe two, we would have been able to help, but I'm afraid it's too late." I saw the suffering in Carlisle's eyes. He was thinking the same thing I was. Edward. How would he react? Charlie was beginning to cry beside me. I put my arm around him comfortingly. He looked at me with watery eyes, and I realized I was looking at him the same way. I tried to make him feel better.

"Don't worry dad, everything will work out." The tone in my voice suggested to Carlisle what I was thinking. I would have to persuade Edward to change me asap. My dad would have to know about it, too. And if Edward didn't agree, I would get Carlisle to do it. For the sake of my parents. I don't think they could take losing me. I needed to be able to take care of Renee, and I didn't want to make Charlie suffer anymore than he already had with Henry's death. He took hold of my hand and stood, ready to leave.

"I hope so, Bells." I felt so bad for him, I couldn't take seeing him suffer this way. How would he react when I proposed my solution? "Thank you Carlisle."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything more . . ."

"It isn't your fault, no one could have know." My dad could see that Carlisle was suffering, too. After all, his 'son' was my boyfriend. My dad didn't hate Edward as much as he had when we came back from Italy. They were on speaking terms again, and could see that Edward had suffered just as much as I had during our separation. My dad left the office, telling me to wait for him while he got the car, I nodded, watching him leave, looking dejected. Once I was sure he was out of earshot, I turned to Carlisle.

"Please don't tell Edward."

"Bella he needs to know."

"I know that, but I want to be the one to tell him. Do you think he'll decide to change me?"

"I'm not sure, Bella."

"Well, if he doesn't, then, can you do it?"

"Of course I will, Bella. I can only imagine how much your parents and Edward will suffer. It will be hard to keep it from Edward, though. I can't make any promises. He will notice there's something wrong before you tell him. Are you going to tell Charlie about the transformation?"

"Yes, if it's ok with you, of course. I hope he won't react too badly. Once he figures out it can save me, he probably won't put up a problem, as long as Edward doesn't begin to preach about soul-damning."

"It's fine by me, but we should ask Alice to be sure. When can you come over to the house?"

"I'll go tonight. Don't tell the others, either. You may be able to keep your thoughts hidden, but the more people know, the greater the chances of Edward finding out without me telling him." He nodded, and I realized he sensed that Charlie was near. I left the room, glad that I would be able to thin freely tonight, without Edward realizing anything unless I told him.

I got into the car with Charlie, doing my best to keep a happy outlook. I could tell that Charlie appreciated my efforts, and he had a ghost of a smile on his face. When we got home, he made the phone call to my mom. I heard him tell her the news, and he gave me the phone. I could hear my mom crying on the other side. I kept trying to reassure her that I'd be fine. The last time I had seen her was when Edward and I had used my birthday present to go visit her in Jacksonville. That had been a month ago. It was August now, and Edward had been putting off my transformation for a while. I continued to reassure her, telling her I wasn't going to die. She was still sobbing when she hung up the phone. I had been talking to her for three hours, and it was now nine o'clock. I decided to turn in, afraid of what I had to face now.

"Good night dad."

"Good night Bella." I could hear the remnants of crying in his voice.

"Please try not to think about it, dad." I said that for two reasons. "I want you to be happy. Everything will be ok. I promise you, I will not die." He just nodded, surprised at the outrageous promise I had made. I went upstairs, and was glad that Edward wasn't there yet. I got read for bed. Half an hour later, I heard my dad go to his room. An hour after that, I felt Edward come into the room. I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He spoke first.

"B-Bella?" He knew, the tone of his voice made it evident. I stood up from my bed and walked to the window, where he stood. I wrapped my arms around him, letting my head rest against his marble chest. "So it's true then? What I heard from Charlie?"

"Y-Yes." I had begun to cry. I looked up through my tears at Edward. His face was completely still, emotionless. His topaz eyes were lighter than I'd ever seen them. He put one hand on my cheek, and wrapped the other arm around my waist. He leaned down to me and captured my lips with his, the careful boundaries once again dropped. I responded eagerly, moving my arms to wrap them around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. He began to move towards the bed, causing me to walk backwards. When we reached the bed, he laid me down gently, being careful not to break me. I probably seemed even more fragile to him at the moment. He laid down with me, turning me on my side and resting on his. We never broke apart, though. My need to breath separated us, but only our lips. He held me close, wrapping my entire upper body with his arms, so that my arms were pressed against his chest and my head hid in between is neck and shoulder.

We stayed that way for a while, until my crying stopped. It must have been an hour. I finally removed myself from him slightly, and looked up at him. He was looking at a spot behind me with a faraway look in his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How the odds are always against us." I was confused. This new development seemed to be in our favor, so that he can change me sooner.

"They're not really against us. Your going to change me before I die." He didn't respond. I began to panic. I stood up, putting my shoes back on and turning to him. "Edward, Carlisle asked me to go over to your house tonight." He just stood, taking me and picking me up bridal style, climbing out the window. We arrived at the house shortly after, and Edward seemed very tense. He held my hand tightly. We went inside and everyone was waiting in the living room. Carlisle must have told them while Edward went to see me. Esme immediately came over to me and hugged me. Alice and Rosalie followed suit. Emmet hugged me, too. Jasper offered me a comforting smlie. "I guess you all know then."

"Yes, I've already told them."

"Edward," this was Alice speaking, "you have to change her soon. My visions are getting stronger and, while you're still indecisive, I see her dying." This didn't affect me as much as it should have. I kept a straight face.

"If Edward doesn't change me, Carlisle said he'd do it. I don't want to die and leave my parents to suffer." That tables were turned now. Instead of being worried about leaving my parents, I was changing so I could stay with them. Edward seemed as if he would object, but Carlisle spoke first.

"Edward, she's right, you know she is." He merely nodded. He was going to change me.

"How long do I have, Alice, before she dies?"

"A few months, at most."

"We have to tell Charlie." At that, everyone turned to look at Carlisle. Emmet spoke this time.

"What? And blow our cover?"

"He's right Emmet, it would be worse if Bella is miraculously healed. The questions would never stop. That would be worse for us." Rosalie actually wanted to tell Charlie. Emmet backed down, ready to do as he was told. Jasper nodded in consent, as did Alice.

"Whatever it takes to save Bella." Esme was always so kind. My family looked at me, ready for my decision.

"Yes, we'll have to tell him, soon. But, how?" At that moment, Alice became completely still, her eyes closed. After a few seconds, she came back.

"Bring him here. We all have to be here for this. He'll be . . . doubtful at first, but everything will work out, in time." It was settled then, I would bring him as soon as possible. We decided to say that Carlisle wanted to talk to him about my cancer, and Edward and I would take him. If everything worked out fine, I would be a vampire by the end of the month.

Well, there it is. I will update depending on feedback. I hope you like it, please review!!!!!