Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the characters seen in the game of whom appear in this fic. 'Cause if I did, like other Yaoi fans, I'd have locked Kairi on the other side of the Door of Darkness and left Riku and Sora to stay together on the Destiny Islands.

Anyway! Here's my first KH2 fic, so don't blame me if I messed a few things up. I messed Sora up a lot in this chapter. xD! Anyway, get on with it.

Black Velvet

A Kingdom Hearts 2 Halloween

By Emerald Twin Blade

: Fragment No. 0 :


"Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Ghosts, and other Monsters… They're usually seen in Horror films, and especially seen out on Halloween. Humans dress up as these abnormal creatures on the Halloween holiday… but exactly how many of them are the real thing?

"Yes, you heard correctly… How many are the real thing? These beasts are existent; you just can't tell them apart from the rest of us… or you're just not looking in the right place.

"It's said that Vampires don't like the Light, and this much is true, however, they actually can come out during the day. They just have to be in their seemingly-'ordinary' forms. Same for Werewolves… They're normal people outwardly, but they can will themselves to change whenever they choose… When the full moon is out, though, they don't have a choice but to change. Zombies and Ghosts are similar to each other… A Zombie is the animation of a dead corpse, whereas a Ghost is the Spirit that once inhabited it. In the end, they're all monsters that frighten many people…

"It's still hard to tell… Who are the real humans, and who aren't… WAH!"

"AAAAH!!" screamed poor Selphie Tilmett, jumping in her seat and holding her hands to her chest reflexively.

Mr. Cid Highwind had been reading out of a book to the whole class, and then hastily hopped forward to scare the unsuspecting freshman. Everyone else, except for Selphie and two boys, burst into laughter at the scene that'd just taken place before them.

Sora Hikari sighed, having been sitting behind Selphie the whole time. He could see the trick coming from a mile away… It was why Cid kept staying in front of her the entire time he read, rather than moving about the rows of the desks like he usually did. He had his elbow on his desk, resting his chin in it as he watched uninterestedly as Selphie blushed embarrassedly at the rest of the class's laughter.

His brilliant shade of blue eyes looked over to the boy sitting beside the victimized girl. He wasn't laughing… but rather looked a bit sympathetic. Sora put his arm down and held his head up, causing his spiky brown hair to bounce a bit. A chocolate-colored eyebrow went up as he noticed how uncomfortable the two looked, and he decided he'd do something about it.

He rolled his eyes visibly, knowing full well that the teacher had an eye on him, and then mumbled audibly.


This caused the class to fall silent and stare at him; Mr. Highwind merely smirked at him.

"What's with you, Hikari? 'Have a problem with the way I'm teaching my class?"

Sora glared at the adult who was obviously taking advantage of his superior position. Ever since he'd started going to Destiny High, he just didn't feel like he could fit in with everybody else. He was normally a happy person, but he was always a bit miffed by Cid Highwind picking on people, namely Selphie.

"No, not really… I just think that you should stop being a bully. Are you like this to other students, or is it just Selphie?"

Selphie turned around to look at him, a worried look on her face. She knew that he was standing up for her, but she didn't want him to get in trouble because of her…

The blonde who sat beside her, Tidus, also glared toward the teacher, "Yeah, I'd like to hear the answer to that, too!"

Mr. Highwind looked like his temper was building up as the two mouthed off to him. He had only just opened his mouth to yell at them, but the bell rang. He just froze; unable to move due to the surprise of how fast the class had just dashed out the door, Sora and Tidus included.

He growled, stomping his foot on the ground several times in a sad attempt to vent his anger, but it didn't work. In the end, he just started counting.

"1… 2… 3…"

Sora walked down the hallway, ignoring the hustle-and-bustle of all the other freshman around him. It was Tuesday, October 31st, 2006, and he had no clue why he was the onlyone wearing black. Well, he was always the only one wearing black to school, but it wasn't something that he noticed right away.

He was wearing a dark blue T-shirt with a black jacket over that and a pair of baggy black pants. There were several belts and buckles hanging from both his pants and his jacket, of the colors yellow and red. Fingerless black gloves were on his hands, and he wore enormous yellow shoes with black here-and-there.

He put his hands in his pockets, staring down at the ground as he walked. He always stood out of these crowds… and he didn't know why.


He stopped, looking back over his shoulder with blinking blue eyes. There stood Selphie and Tidus, both smiling at him. He raised a knowing eyebrow at them, managing to grin back at his only two friends.


"Thanks for… standing up for me back there." The girl thanked, bowing.

Her hair didn't move… and that struck Sora as a weird thing. Her hair went into huge outward curls, and they didn't move whenever she did something. He decided not to think about it when he concluded that she probably used way too much hairspray.

"Hey, no problem… Ol' Cid's been messing with you for a while, now, hasn't he?"

A pathetic nod came from her as she gazed down at the floor before looking back up with the same smile as before.

Tidus watched the two before clearing his throat, taking this chance to change the subject, "Hey-uh-You going to the Halloween Party later tonight, Sora?"

The black-clad teen shook his head, folding his arms as he started walking again. The others followed at either side of him.

"Naa… I'm not a big fan of dressing up like a weird monster and going to parties where I'm probably going to be the only scary person there."

Sora had been to Halloween Parties before… Every single one he'd gone to since he was 9, he'd been the only person wearing a scary costume. He was literally the only person who had any real Halloween Spirit. He was once kicked out of one of those parties when he was 10 for being 'too scary.'

"Then… Why don't we all go Trick-or-Treating? I know it's a bit immature, but you're never too young to go out and grab some candy!" Selphie suggested, smiling enthusiastically.

"—Or, we could go out and tepee Highwind's place. Maybe egg his car, too." Tidus added, smirking temptingly.

The other just chuckled at how his friends were trying to cheer him up. He merely shrugged as he turned the corner to exit the building.

"Messing up Cid's house sounds fun… Maybe we can go Trick-or-Treating afterward, Selph."

His two friends laughed, nodding, and then Selphie ran out in front of them, causing them to stop. She held her hands behind her back as she leaned forward on her heels.

"So then! We'll meet up in front of the streetlight by your house? We can sneak over to his house without being seen if we don't meet up suspiciously over there."

The boys nodded in response, and then they all took their separate paths to their houses.

Sora smiled, his hands slipped into his pockets as he walked down the sidewalk west of the school. At least he wasn't the only person in the city who decided to do mischievous things with his friends.

Brilliant blue eyes looked up at the sky he was named after, "I have a feeling… Something different is going to happen."