A/N: As stated in the previous chapter, I originally was going to take this in a different more humorous, lighthearted direction, but the story kinda got away from me. So, here's an alternate ending that has the same humorous tone that the drabble would have been had it stayed a drabble:
Disclaimer: Same disclaimer applies. Don't own Avatar the Last Airbender but I do own my plot. Please don't steal it. That's just plain mean...and illegal.
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"Where are we going to find a young woman to do that?" Aang asked innocently.
Iroh looked Katara with a goofy expression and raised an eyebrow at her. Finally catching on to his intensions, she blushed. At his sister's blush Sokka also caught on.
"NO WAY! My sister isn't going anywhere near that exploding freak!" Sokka yelled.
Another explosion rang through camp and every one winced.
Katara through her hands up in the air and glared at Sokka. "Well somebody had to do something! He's going to kill himself and/or drive us all insane!"
"You can't tell me you actually want him to fall in love with you?!"
Katara crossed her arms and put her nose in the air. "And what if I do? I'd like to see you try and stop me!"
"Shut up Sokka! Zuko isn't the only one that needs some peace of mind around here! If I hear too many more explosions I'm going to snap! Besides, he isn't all that bad looking and a powerful bender to boot..."
Katara's experience with Aunt Wu, the fortuneteller, had nagged at her mind the first day she had seen Zuko practicing his bending. Iroh had caught her staring and said, "My nephew is a very powerful bender, I know he will be a master some day."
She began to wonder if maybe she was destined for the firebender, who was older and more attractive to her than the younger airbender.
Sokka gave her a shocked indignant expression, his arguments lost on his tongue at the discovery that his sister found the psychopath firebender attractive. He let out a scream and grumbled obscenities while walking away from his sister. He glowered on the other side of the camp fire, determined to watch Katara all night.
Later that night, Sokka fell asleep (his effort to watch Katara doomed from the beginning) and his snores replaced the explosions but were just as loud. The group had generally gotten used to the snoring at night, however, and no one remained awake except for Katara.
She looked over at Zuko, and knew that she would have to act before his nightmares woke up the rest of the camp with him.
She quickly and quietly crawled out of her bed roll, towards the fitful firebender. She was thankful that he had chosen to set his sleeping place a short distance from the others.
Katara hovered over Zuko. She looked at his features, taking in his strong handsome face, her eyes traveling to the bit of his chiseled chest that peaked above his sleeping bag. She smiled with resolve and shook Zuko's shoulder.
Zuko roused from his sleep at the gentle shaking. He opened his eyes slowly. He saw Katara smiling down at him and propped himself up on his shoulders.
"What are you—"
Zuko's eyes widened considerably as Katara flung her body into him, mashing her lips into his own. He grabbed her shoulders before she could push him on his back, and sat up bringing her with him before pushing her out and holding her at an arms length.
"What are you doing?!" Zuko said in a hushed tone, staring wildly about him, making sure that Sokka wasn't anywhere near by ready to cut his head off with that damn boomerang.
Katara smiled playfully and put on her best seductive look. "Giving you balance."
Zuko's confused expression turned into another one of shock as she moved so that she was straddling his lap and tried to kiss him again. He just managed to keep her hunting lips at bay, but couldn't seem to toss her from his lap. Plus, the wiggling around trying to move her from on top of him was doing very uncomfortably pleasant things to his body.
He glared at her and she gave him a fake pout. "Did my uncle try any new strange flowers for your tea this morning?"
"No," Katara giggled and placed her hands on the top of his chest, moving them down towards his abdomen.
Zuko yelped and tried to get away from the obviously insane girl. This only aided Katara. While he struggled she was able to take him by surprise, flipping him over on top of her and wrapping her legs in a death grip around his waste. Zuko tried to escape but every time he tried to move off of her she bucked her hips, forcing him to lose balance and land fully on top of her.
He stopped struggling, but was able to hold himself up slightly as he gave her a frightened expression.
"Zuko, these explosions have to stop."
He scowled at her and was about to retort before she cut him off. "Your uncle told us that the only way you were going to finally be able to bend lightening was if you had something positive happen to you and love," Zuko raised his eyebrow at the word, "is the most positive thing you can experience right now. So stop struggling against the hot waterbending master throwing herself at you and love her already!"
Maybe it was what she said. Maybe it was just the culmination of the attraction and desire he already knew was there. Maybe it was the fact that he was aroused from all the struggling and she was pinned beneath him. Maybe had finally gone insane. Or maybe his teenager hormones, long dormant, had finally kicked in.
Whatever the reason, Zuko pressed himself to Katara so quickly that she didn't know what was happening at first. He ravaged her lips while one of his hands ran up and down the outside of her thigh, the other moving up her already disheveled robe.
Katara snapped back into focus and returned his fervor. She grasped his stocky black hair at the back of his head and pulled him as close to her has she possibly could. She let out a moan as his lips left hers in favor of her neck.
Unfortunately and surprisingly, the moan jarred Sokka out of his slumber. This would later be attributed to his big brother your-little-sister-is-about-to-get-it-on warning system embedded in all older brothers.
After Sokka woke up the night went by in a blur. By the morning the tired grinning members of the group could only recall lots of yelling, death threats, pleas to calm down, and finally a wild chase around the camp that somehow ended with both boys unconscious until morning; now the two were glaring at each other from across the camp fire as Katara prepared breakfast.
Iroh broke the intense air between the two, startling Zuko by shoving a cup of tea in his face. "So, Zuko. I see you are getting a late start on your training today. You have not even meditated yet."
Zuko looked into the fire and sighed. "I think I'll take a break today. What's for breakfast?"
Everyone but Sokka shared a wide smile. It seemed as if Zuko had indeed found his balance.
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A/N: Thanks for reading!