Disclaimer: I own movies, books, pictures, but no rights to them.


Seven Months After the School Year's End

Embre stared out of the tall French doors at the scenery of the English countryside. Beyond the glass the entire outside world was covered in snow and still more was falling. It meant that there would be a sparkling thick layer of snow to celebrate Christmas with in a few short days.

But today was the celebration of another sort. It all seemed like a dream with the downy snow outside falling gracefully and the house decorated more beautifully then anything she had ever seen., surrounded by friends wearing a beautiful gown.

Lily placed the white veil on Embre's long deep brown tresses and the feeling of reality became a little clearer. As Lily held up a mirror for her to look at her appearance in, her stomach fluttered in anticipation as though a few Golden Snitch were inside her belly.

"Very pretty," Lily said grinning down at her friend.

Embre carefully lifted the delicate white veil from her head and beckoned for Lily to sit. She set the ornament down and nestled it securely in her friend's red hair that was piled up elegantly on her head.

"You make a much more beautiful bride then I do," Embre said as she dutifully soothed a few stray ringlets of hair decorating the sides of the bride to be's face.

Embre stepped back and couldn't help from smiling and tearing up all at once.

"James won't be able to take his eyes off of you," Embre said admiring her friend in her amazing ivory dress that fanned out into a train at the back with crystals sewn into the snug bodice and long bell sleeves.

At first the rest of the wedding party had been apprehensive about Lily's wish for them to wear Muggle attire rather then customary Wizarding robes. That was until the men had been fitted for their tuxedos. When they had seen how good they looked they had needed no further prompting.

"Even if that bloke did come too close to the trouser snake area," Sirius had remarked.

Meanwhile Embre acting as the Maid of Honor was wearing a cranberry shaded dress. It had sleeveless collars that dropped an inch below the shoulders and had long swaying skirts..

A gentle knock at the door revealed Remus looking at the two girls expectantly in his black tux.

"Its nearly time," he said.

"Oh Merlin," Lily gasped fanning her face. She laughed nervously as Embre clasped a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I'm really getting married."

"To a wonderful guy that loves you and wants nothing but to spend the rest of his life at your side," Embre added.

"I know," Lily nodded. "Thanks."

Embre lifted the veil and let it fall against Lily's ethereal face. She then retrieved the bride's bouquet of white roses and lilies that had been a personal request of James' and placed them into Lily's hand.

The sound of music spilled in from the room beyond the bridal chambers.

"I'm ready when you are Lily. Might I say you're the most lovely, nervous bride that I've ever beheld?" Remus said in a way that had Lily laughing and becoming gratefully calmed.

"You must not have seen a fair few," Lily joked nervously taking his arm when he offered it. "Thank you. It means so much to me to have you be the one to give me away."

"What are friends for?" Remus said with a warm smile.

"I'll see you two out there," Embre said grabbing her small bouquet of snow drops. She looked back at Lily one last time and slipped out of the room before she became teary eyed again.

She stepped into the ballroom of the Potter mansion and walked steadily down the aisle past the small gathering of close friends serving as guests. To the right of the room tall Cathedral like windows gave a perfect view of the snow fall outside. A spell courtesy of Dumbledore allowed the outdoor activities to come inside as snow fell lightly in the room.

As Embre moved over the white translucent silk runners beneath her feet she could feel eyes directed at her from the few intimately small rows of guests gathered. Her gaze stayed on the front of the room where the rest of the wedding party was waiting patiently.

A middle aged man in traditional Wizarding robes who would be conducting the ceremony stood solemnly with a large leather bound book clasped to his chest. Beside him James stood looking handsome but noticeably anxious in his tux. His untamable hair was worse then ever from the way he kept running his hand through it nervously. His posture was rigid, his face was as white as chalk, and his hazel eyes fixed hopefully on the door at the back of the room.

Then her eyes fell on the best man. He was looking only at her. He looked as incredible as ever with his black suit on and his black bangs falling into his eyes gracefully. He smiled and winked at her making her nearly trip on her skirt. She quickly averted her eyes so she would pay attention to reaching the alter in one piece and managed to take her place without injury.

Gradually the soft lilting music that had filled the room stopped. It was replaced by the soft chords of a piano playing a gentle song that was beautiful. The doorway at the end of the room opened and Remus stepped out with Lily on his arm.

Lily beamed as Remus helped her along past the admiring guests. The look on James' face was one of pure awe as Lily came towards him slowly. When they reached the alter Remus paused to squeeze Lily's hand before placing it securely in James'. He took his seat in the front row as Lily handed off her bouquet to her maid of honor.

Lily then turned towards her groom and smiled affectionately at him as she fingered his unruly hair. He in turn took her wrist and kissed it tenderly. They turned back to face the man who would bind them and the ceremony at last started.

The wedding rituals were very touching to everyone who was there to witness them. It was obvious how much love there was between the couple being bound together. After they had recited their traditional vows of love and promises to be there for each other until death, the man conducting the rites took out a scarlet ribbon. James and Lily intertwined both of their hands together and the ribbon symbolizing the love of their bond was wound around their wrists. Finally the string was tied off securely and an incantation spilled from the couples lips simultaneously as the magic of the bond took over. Their joined hands glowed as their combined auras became visible until the ribbon disappeared from sight and the couple were left holding hands with eyes only for the other. They shared a soft kiss and the entire room clapped lightly.

"In the name of the magic binding you through this life you are bound and married," the old wizard announced closing his book. Lily and James made their way down the aisle looking as happy as they felt clutching hands.

Embre wiped a tear from her face as she watched her two friends walk down the aisle. But she smiled through her tears of happiness and stepped forward to take Sirius' hand as they followed the newly weds.

"That was…brill," Sirius said.

"It really was," Embre agreed.


"All I can say is its about bloody time," Sirius commented watching Lily and James as they shared their first dance as a married couple.

"And what an eloquent Best Man speech that was," Remus remarked with a grin while Peter laughed.

"Yeah well it wasn't as good as our beautiful Maid of Honor's but I think I got my point across," Sirius said taking a drink from his flute of champagne. He eyed her as she came towards them across the room.

"Looks like its picture time," Peter said meaningfully.

"If we must," Remus said in an even tone.

"Yes we do Moony. And do you know why? Because it will be bloody hilarious," Sirius stated removing a stack of photos from his pocket.

Embre smiled seeing the three unwed Marauders looking towards her. Spending time with all of them on such a happy occasion was the perfect Christmas present.

"Is there a seat for one more?" Embre asked them.

Sirius grinned devilishly and slid his chair out patting his knee. "Right here there is. OW!"

He turned to look at Remus who was taking a large sip from his flute of champagne and frowned.

"That was not very nice Moony," Sirius pouted.

She looked at him sympathetically and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll kiss you better later."

Sirius exhaled and nodded.

"Yes well," Remus remarked with forced joviality. "Now, shall we see how you and Lily celebrated her last night as a single woman?"

"Okay. Here they are as promised," Embre said sliding a pile of photos across the table as she was handed her own to look at.

Wordlessly the men looked at the pictures they were given as Embre examined hers bursting into laughter.

On the top of the stack was one of James and Sirius in their tuxedos. Only James was carrying Sirius bridal style while the best man wore Lily's veil over his face blowing kisses at the camera and waving avidly.

"When did you manage to steal her veil?"

"Oh about the first day she picked it up from Bewitching Beauty," Remus said smiling as he recalled taking the picture.

"Looks like you guys had fun," Peter said as they flipped through photos of Lily and Embre in the stages of receiving makeovers and drinking Butterbeers.

"Is this it? I mean we wahhhhhhhhhh!" Peter whimpered as they flipped to a picture of a girl wearing a green mud mask with cucumber slices in her eyes.

"I think I may have a heart murmur now," Remus said staring wide eyed at the picture.

"Is that Lily?" Sirius said barking with laughter. Remus flipped another picture over and the boys all jumped in fright at the sight of yet another woman with green paste on her face.

Sirius glanced at the picture and back up at his girlfriend a few too many times before Remus sighed in exasperation.

"Yes Padfoot its safe to say that is Embre covered in the green stuff," Remus remarked.

"Why did we agree to this again?" Embre said turning bright red as the boys looked at her cautiously. She turned another picture to find one of Remus with bed head staring at the camera with a murderous expression.

"I hadn't realized that Moony hadn't taken his Sober Up Potion so you can imagine how happy he was by the bright flash of light goin off in his face," Sirius said patting Remus on the head and laughing sheepishly. "Ooh hey look the girls are having pizza."

"Well it looks like we all had an interesting time in preparing our friend's for matrimony," Remus said. "Not that they needed it. Even if we are fresh out of Hogwarts I think they're suited for marriage."

"Only because they acted like they'd been married for twenty years in the span of a year," Sirius snorted.

"Its sweet," Embre said watching the newlyweds continue to dance.

"So I guess this means that Sirius and Embre are probably next right?" Peter remarked causing said couple to freeze.

"Well that came right out huh Wormtail?" Sirius laughed nervously.

"What did I say something? I mean you two are going out and everything," Peter said.

"Come on mate," Remus said clapping Peter on the shoulder. "Let's see if there's any cake left right?"

Peter nodded looking at Embre fidgeting with her dress and Sirius gulping his whole flute of champagne. When the other two Marauders had finally left Sirius chanced a look at Embre. She was staring at her lap with a thoughtful expression.

"So can I get you one?" he said nodding to his empty glass.

She smiled. "I'm trying not to. The last time I drank I ended up in some strange Gryffindor boy's bed."

"Hmm…was he hot?"

"Very," Embre said looking directly at him. She got up from her seat and walked to stand in front of him. "Is this seat taken yet?"

"No. I saved it just for you," he said as he pulled her into his lap. "Gods I missed you."

"I missed you too," she murmured resting her head on his chest. "I had no idea it would be so hard waiting for both of our midterms to be done. But this, makes it worth it."

"Yes. Yes it does," Sirius said playing with the ends of her hair. "You know I love you right?"

"Whenever I'm alone with you. Every time I open a letter you've sent me," she said looking up at his solemn face. "How come?"

He furrowed his brow. "I'm trying to say this right. I don't want to muck it up so you misunderstand me."

Embre waited patiently for him to continue.

"I don't want to get married," he said quietly looking right at her. "At least not yet. But if it happens for me someday….I know who it will be. The only woman I could ever ask. And until then I still want her to share her life with me just how we are," he finished.

Embre looked back at him with tears in her eyes even though her tone was light. "Sirius, I'm not ready to get married either. I haven't even left Hogwarts yet. I want to wait. The way things will be when I leave and we can see each other more, that will be perfect to me."

She didn't say another word when his mouth descended on hers soft and loving. Every time they kissed she knew it would work. It was nothing like her last relationship. She and Sirius would make it even if it was hard not being together as often as they liked. Because when they kissed she knew just how much she was missed and she was sure to let him know that as well.


Okay that's really it. Admit it, how many of you thought it was Embre and Sirius' wedding at first? Teehee. I'm feeling kind of sad, but it will be alright once I start writing the sequel. I cannot stress how much I appreciate all of you for reading and making me feel it was worth it to keep the story going. But most of all the person who deserves this story's dedication is my sister JackNSallyGal. Not only has she been my trusted beta, but she is also the one who kept me writing this out before I posted it by being so supportive and great. So thanks again and please tune in for the sequel Committed to Memory. Hopefully I'll have a chapter from that ready sometime in August. It will probably be longer then this story but I plan on keeping a plot going through to the end and not just have the last few chapters be lots of pointless fluff and humor despite you lovely readers telling me you liked that. You all make my day sparkly. Love, Operamuse. Byeeeeeeeeeee!