The Woman in the Kitchen chapter 21: Final Chapter

A/N OK!! YES I've been going insane lately, but I've also been in hell, this is no reason to excuse my writing. Just so that I don't confuse people, a baby CAN be born 6 weeks early, and be held by people. But a little bit after, they have to be put in an incubator. My "aunt" had a baby that was that early and we all got to hold it before it went into the incubator, and now it's 2 years old and fine.

I am going to skip the triple wedding thing, and actually, I'm going to skip about 6 years. I think it's time for this story to come to a close.

Thanks for all the reviews from everybody!

6 Years Later:

Tempe sat on her couch, watching as their adopted son and daughter ran around the room. She was holding on to Kitrena, her daughter.

Raisa and Amiri were five-year-old twins who Tempe and Booth had adopted from a family in Zimbabwe. Kit was three and their biological child.

Temperance was amazed that they had three wonderful kids, but glad that they weren't going to have any more.

Kit had been an accident, and she didn't want something like that to happen again.

In fact, she didn't want any more kids. They had gotten the twins from a family that Temperance had met while she was there. The family didn't have enough money to keep the children so they called Temperance up and she had been on the next flight to Zimbabwe.

Raisa and Amiri were names that Temperance and Booth had come up with, along with Amiri and Raisa's biological parents Uzuri and Zo.

"Mommy!" a shriek brought her out of her thoughts and she looked up to see Raisa sitting on Amiri.

"Raisa Booth you get off him right now!" Temperance said firmly. "I mean it!"

"He pulled my hair! Make him say sorry!" Raisa said, still sitting on her brother.

"Raisa, get off him!" Tempe set Kit down on the couch beside her and got up. She went over to where her adopted daughter was sitting on her twin brother.

She picked Raisa up. "Raisa! You can't sit on somebody so that they'll say sorry!"

"But Mommy! He pulled my hair!" Raisa said angrily.

We sure named her right… Temperance thought. Raisa's name meant exalted in African.

"It doesn't matter Raisa! Don't take matters into your own hands or somebody will get hurt!" Temperance said, looking at her daughter.


"No buts!" Temperance scolded.

"Fine!" Raisa said, glaring at her mother and her brother.

Temperance set Raisa down and Raisa stomped into Amiri and her bedroom, then she slammed the door.

Tempe didn't even want to go after her to tell her off again.

Booth walked into the house, just as Raisa slammed the door. "Woah, rough day?"

"Horrible!" Temperance through her arms up. "Leena never came so I had to take the day off work to look after them, and now Raisa's mad at me for telling her not to sit on her brother."

Booth heard a snicker coming from somewhere on the ground. He looked over to his Amiri laughing.

"It's not funny Amiri," Booth said. "Why did you pull your sister's hair, Prince?" Booth asked, using Amiri's nickname. Prince was also the meaning for Amiri's name.

"I 'ono," Amiri said with a shrug.

"It's not very nice of you to do that," Booth told his son, as he kneeled down beside him.

Amiri shrugged again. "She's always bein' mean to me too though."

"What do me and Mommy always say though?" Booth asked.

"Two wrongs don't make a right, and I know, but Raisa's always acting like she's better than me cause she was born twenty minutes earlier."

"I know Prince, but, I'll let you in on a secret," Booth said, leaning close so his wife wouldn't hear. "All women are like that."

Amiri laughed. "Really?"

"Yeah," Booth said with a nod.

Temperance went over and picked Kitrena up, but then Booth stood up. "Can I see her for a sec?"

"Sure," Tempe said. "I should go and talk to Raisa anyways."

Booth took his real daughter from his wife. "Hey there Kitty, how you doin today?" he asked, talking to her in 'baby talk'.

Kit responded with a giggle. "Da-da!"

"That's right!" Booth said with a smile.

Kit pointed in the direction that Temperance had gone. "Ma-ma!"

"That's right too!" Booth exclaimed, tossing his daughter up and then catching her.


"Raisa?" Temperance opened the door quietly.

"GO AWAY!" Raisa yelled.

"Raisa!" Temperance said, opening the door fully.

"Go away," Raisa said again. "I hate you."

Temperance felt her heart snap slightly. "Raisa, do you really hate me?"

"YES!" Raisa screamed. "I HATE YOU!"

Temperance bit her lip. She had known she would be a bad mother, but having her daughter say she hated her had proved it.

"YOU AREN'T EVEN MY REAL MOMMY!" Raisa screamed again, attracting the attention of Booth and Amiri.

The walked down the hall to see Temperance standing in the room, head still held high being yelled at by her daughter.

"You're right, but I am as good as you are going to get," Temperance said, before turning and walking quietly out of the bedroom and closing the door. "Don't go in there, don't talk to her, don't go near her she is not allowed out. I am going to the Jeffersonian. I will let her out when I get back."

Temperance walked past her husband and her children and left the house.


Angela was at work, holding her second daughter in her arms. Hodgins walked into her office. "Hey baby," he said, kissing his wife on the cheek. "What are you doing?"

"Reconstructions for Saj and Zach," Angela said.

"Sounds fun, but they aren't even here," Hodgins said. Saja and Zach had gone home for the night. Saja was pregnant with hers and Zach's first baby.

"I know, but they asked me to finish this so I said yes. I'll be done in about an hour. Are you going home?" Ange asked, rocking her baby.

"I was going to, but if you aren't done," Hodgins said, looking at her.

"No, you want to go home, take Jenna and go," she said, handing her daughter to her husband.

"You could always let the nanny look after her," Hodgins said. They had hired an expensive nanny to look after their children.

"Where's the fun in that? We may as well fire her and have the children go to a regular day care where they can meet regular, non rich kids," Angela said, still looking down at her reconstruction.

"Do you want me to?" Hodgins would do anything for his wife.

"I really do," Angela said, with a little smile. "They are our kids, not some well paid nanny's. We should be able to look after them ourselves."

"All right, consider her fired as of tonight," Jack said, leaning down and kissing his wife. "How are you gonna get home?"

"I'll catch a bus or something," Angela replied.

"You sure?" Hodgins asked again.

"Jack, I'm sure. It's fine," Ange said with a little smile.

"No, I'll just wait around for you," he said. "The nanny can look after Ali for one more day."

"Thanks Hodgie!" Angela exclaimed. "It'll be about another hour or so," she said, trying to hurry up but still do her work properly.


Temperance sat in her car and put her head against the steering wheel. It was one thing when somebody you didn't love said they hated you, but your daughter?

She finally stood up and got out of the car and went into the Jeffersonian.

Once inside, she walked into her office and grabbed some paperwork that was on her desk. She began to fill it out in silence.

A while later, she got up again and went out of her office to go and work on some of the unidentified soldiers that were still there. She picked one up and walked out onto the examination platform.

Hodgins and Angela walked out of Angela's office and then they saw Tempe.

"Hey Sweetie!" Ange said brightly as she walked up to see her friend.

Tempe didn't look up. Angela looked over at her husband in confusion. "Brennan, sweetie, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing Ange…" Tempe said, looking down at the skull that she was examining still. She was trying to put the markers on it.

"Sweetie, I know when there's something wrong, what is it?" Angela put a hand on Tempe's back to comfort her.

"It's nothing Ange," Tempe's chin dropped to her chest.

"You don't plead a very good case there Sweetie," Angela said with a soft laugh.

"Ange, just leave me alone please," Tempe asked, closing her eyes.

"Temperance, what's the matter?" Angela asked, concerned.

"It's… I think I'm a bad mother…" Tempe regretted saying those words because tears began to fall down her cheeks the moment they escaped her lips.

"Sweetie," Angela hugged her friend. "You're not a bad mom. Look at Amiri and Raisa! They're both beautiful little kids and you raised them."

"Raisa says she hates me," Tempe said, taking deep, slow breaths.

"She doesn't hate you Brennan," Angela couldn't help but laugh. "She's a girl, all girls say they hate their moms."

"I never said that to my mother!" Tempe said in shock.

"Most girls then," Angela said with a comforting smile. "The point is just because she says she hates you, doesn't mean that she actually does."

"Ange," Tempe said, looking at her friend. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Go home," Angela said firmly. "Go home and see your husband and your children."

Tempe stood up and was quickly wrapped into a hug by Angela.

"Sweetie, don't worry, they all love you more than you know," Ange whispered into Temperance's ear.

Tempe smiled at her friend and began to walk towards the exit, which was when she saw them.

One was covered in balloons so she didn't know who that was, the other had a hat on so she couldn't tell who that was, but the third and fourth people were definitely Booth and Kitrena.

They walked into the building and Temperance was ambushed by the balloons.

"I'm sorry Mommy!" she heard a little voice through all the balloons.

Temperance took the balloons from her daughters hand. "It's alright."

"No Mommy, it's not, Daddy said you were sad," Raisa said. "He said that you were crying and I didn't wanna make you cry!"

Tempe looked up at Booth. How did he know she had cried? "It's ok," she said again and she pulled her daughter close.

"I don't want any other mommy!" Raisa sobbed into Tempe's shoulder.

"Look at me Raisa," Temperance held her daughter out so that they were looking at each other. "No matter how many fights we get into, we'll always love each other."

"I love you Mommy," Raisa's breathing was quick and choppy because of crying.

"I love you too Raisa," Tempe hugged her daughter again and then pulled her son into the hug. She released the twins and stood up and kissed her biological daughter on the cheek before kissing her husband.

She smiled at everything that was going on around her.

Jack and Angela walked out to the exit and saw them. Angela smiled and winked at Brennan before leaving the building, the baby carrier attached to her back and her husband's hand in hers.

Temperance smiled and took Kitrena from Booth. She held her young daughter against her and took her other daughters hand.

Booth went behind her and wrapped an arm around her and took his son by the hand.

They walked out of there, happy and content.

Temperance felt tears in her eyes once more as they climbed into Booth's big SUV and she strapped her children into the seat.

"Ma-ma!" Kit giggled as she ran her fingers over Tempe's face.

"That's right, ma-ma," Tempe said, kissing her daughter's fingers as they ran over her lips.

Tempe climbed into the front seat and looked out the window. They began to drive and she watched the road come at her, and it would keep coming.

That road wouldn't stop.

A/N weird ending I think? Anyways, hope you liked it!! R&R!! That was a pretty good ending I think.. having family problems… If you notice, in my story Breaking Point, Tempe and Booth adopt children from Zimbabwe too. I'm very much into the adoption and I like the country of Zimbabwe, so that's why.

THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!! ((tomorrow is the newwwwwwww ep!! YAY!!))


Name Glossary:

Uzuri: Beauty

Zo: Spiritual Leader

Amiri: Prince Raisa: Exalted