I can't believe that people are actually reading this...thanx for reading it. I wrote this little fic on a day when I was on a Mighty Ducks kick and I decided that I wanted to write a story about Fulton's sister because I eventually wanted to read what I had written. That was a lot of usage of the word "I" which is actually a letter not a word but hey whatever. I just wanted to inform all of you that I will be putting the rating of this story up to M for reasons to be disclosed later…including but most definitely not limited to language. I hope that everyone understands how the story changes POV. The person speaking in the italics continues to tell the story until there is a new speaker in italics etc.
Fulton speaks:
So, I guess having a little piece of home with me here in Olympic training was a good thing…for awhile anyways. Mel is smart as hell (I just rhymed…friggin sweet) but sometimes she can be pretty stupid. Let me explain.
I took off after Mel, as fast as my large stature could carry me. (which wasn't all that fast) Thank god neither of us are long distance runners, so I did not have to go very far before she tired out too.
"I win." I wheezed.
"That…gasp…wasn't…gasp…a race…gasp." She replied.
"Why did you run then?"
"Why not?" she shrugged.
Ah Melanie, the impulsive one. Even as the only girl in our large family, she was always trying to get attention. You would figure that she would be pampered and spoiled rotten, but she wasn't. She refused to be treated any different from her brothers and was as independent as they come. That's just as well; Mom never had time to bother with a girl. Listen to me, I sound like our family was from…I don't know…the ancient times where no one had any time to bother with a girl child because she couldn't carry on the family name. Mom just worked a lot and never had time to distinguish between her daughter and her sons. Not that it ever seemed to bother Mel. Come to think of it nothing ever seemed to bother her.
When our dog died 4 years ago, I never saw her cry and when Dad died ten years ago, I never saw her even look sad (though she was only 7), she just looked angry and I even I cried; all the Reed brothers cried, but she didn't. I tried to be the good big brother and comfort her, but she wouldn't let me. Sometimes she just seems so distant and other times she's out of control. Maybe it's just me.
Since then she's buried herself in her school-work, her music and her writing (and her hockey…as I have recently found out). I don't know how she does it, but somehow she does.
I remember once, when we were kids and Mom and Dad had gone out for the night leaving me, Mel and our next oldest brother, Chris, with a babysitter. Mel decided that it would be fun to strip down and run around the house naked, just to annoy the babysitter. Obviously, we did and we got in a lot of trouble for it, but nothing would keep Mel from doing what she wanted. When she was 6 and I was 7, Mel stole a pack of gum from the supermarket. I remember that the only person she told was me and I felt so guilty for knowing she had stolen that I brought the gum back to the store and told them that I did it. My dad beat me senseless for something I didn't even do, but that never bothered me because Mel is my little sister and I would do anything for her.
When my mom found a pack of cigarettes in Mel's backpack, I took the blame. When she crashed our uncle's car (at age 13), I took the blame. When my mom was missing a necklace, a bottle of perfume and some makeup…well I drew the line at that….but you get the idea. It's not like she ever asked me to do all of these things for her and I wonder if she ever knew what I did….
Now don't go thinking that Fulton Reed, Mr. Bash, is a pushover; you would have done the same thing, wouldn't you?
From what I have seen, she has calmed down from her wild child years. I say calmed down, but that is entirely relative. I mean that she doesn't go streaking through the house when other people are there (I hope), but she does get into the normal teenage trouble: shop lifting, underage drinking, prostitution, marijuana, drug trafficking and the mafia. Alright, so I'm kidding about all of those, but I do know that she smokes and something has been making her crazy while allowing her to do all of the work that she has to do, but I hope it isn't drugs.
"…gasp…Fulton?" she asked
"What? Smoker's lung got you down?" I answered.
"Shut up!"
Mel slapped me in the chest, swung open the door to the cafeteria, flipped her long black hair behind her and strutted away from me.
Melanie Speaks:
So, I made a few mistakes when I was a kid…who cares? That doesn't make me a bad person. When I started playing hockey three years ago, I was up at 4:00 every morning, then school, then after school games, then I had my job where I baby sat for 4 terrors, then home at 10 when I did my homework until the wee hours of the morning and I managed to keep a 4.0 grade average. Yeah. I know I'm a basket case, and I can hide it pretty well but not from Fulton. He thinks he's Mr. Sensitive and he can sort out anyone's emotional problems, well he can't.
I noticed the male heads of the team turn as I walked into the Cafeteria, how typical. I mean it could be that I was a new face and they'd only seen me in my hockey gear, but I couldn't help getting a bit creepy out by the way Mendoza was staring at me…greasy little man. So I did the only thing I could think of and squeezed in between him and that goon Portman.
"My face is up here buddy" I snapped at Mendoza.
"Really? I didn't notice because I was too occupied watching the way you gracefully carried yourself into the room." He suavely replied.
I couldn't help but snort. This guy was a smooth talker, but from what I had seen he was better with his lines than his feet.
"Jealous that I can stop?" I asked, my voice dripping with sweetness.
That earned a glare from Mendoza and a chuckle from Portman.
"You know, you're good with the comebacks babe" he said. I turned in his direction.
"First of all, my name's not babe; second of all thank you. I try."
"What's your problem with guys? You don't seem to like us."
"Ever thought maybe I just didn't like you?"
"And she shoots a dagger through my poor heart" he dramatically acted out being shot in the heart.
"Oh knock it off Portman"
"You don't even know me." He said seriously
"I'm well aware of that fact."
"Why don't we go out for ice cream tonight and you can get to know me?" he suggested and edged a little closer to me.
"I don't think so."
"You know, I really don't know…babe" and with that I got up from the table, leaving Portman gaping behind me and made my way out of the room and outside towards the room I will be sharing with Julie and Connie, the two other girls on the team, until we left for Norway. It would be cramped but it was only for a little awhile. I hope they leave me alone.
God, is that shaking, me? I think I have enough left to cure that. I reached into my pocket.
Portman speaks:
Fulton was right his sister is cold and those blue eyes of hers are ice. I don't think I've done anything to her. Have I? No seriously, have I? I could feel her shaking beside me. I didn't think that I was that intimidating.
"Shot down Portman" Goldberg taunted from across the table.
"Yeah, yeah, funny little goalie, would you like to keep your spleen?" I shot back.
"Yes, sir" Goldberg slauted, looking a little scared.
Fulton slid into the seat that Melanie had just vacated with a tray piled with donuts, cookies, French fries, 3 hamburgers and 4 slices of pizza.
"Dude, is that all for you?" I asked.
"Yeah! Isn't that awesome."
"You are gonna get so sick man"
"Probably. Where did Mel go?"
"Oh the Ice Queen, she left."
"What'd you do?"
Why do they always blame me? "What do you mean what did I do" I asked defensively.
"He asked her out" Averman put in cheerily.
"Oh great…you what?" Fulton shouted at me.
"All I did, was see if she wanted to get ice cream with me and she said no and left. No harm done."
Fulton shrugged his shoulders and dove into the pile of food on his tray.
"I'll never understand her and the things she does" he sighed
"I doubt it bro"
I'll get the low down on her later from Fulton, even I know better than to interrupt him when he's carbo loading. I waved my good byes to everyone and headed towards the gym to pump a little iron and maintain my six pack.
Fulton speaks:
She's gone way too far this time. You'll never guess what fell out of Mel's pocket when I chased her. She needs help and fast.
Melanie speaks:
Shit, shit. Where is it?
Yea so this as turned to angst but hey its okay. The line "would you like to keep your spleen" was lovingly ripped off from America Psycho.