Disclaimer: I don't own Shadow nor Maria

I usually dont' do the whole rhyming thing in my poetry, but this time it just turned out that way. So I hope ya'll like it, i might be adding more poetry relating to Sonic the Hedgehog and other charries in teh future. As for the italicized lines, that serves to seperate each stanza and has no additional meaning to this poem.

Little baby Shadow, you slept soundly in your crib

Slumbering so peacefully

With food still on your bib.

I watched your chest rise and fall,

As I stroked your tiny head

and then I left you lying there

on your little bed.

The days then passed too quickly

And my teaching was all for naught

Because as I stand here watching,

I see the evil you brought.

You're not the Shadow I once knew

You're tinged with so much hatred.

I wish I could fill you once again

With goodness unabated.

But as I lie in death's cold embrace

And guard you every night

Listening to your troubled dreams

As you squirm and cry in fright

I know you don't want to be this way

As you constantly struggle to remember

How your life used to be

Before your soul's December.

And once again I know there's hope

Even though I am dead

Because your heart still knows me

And how for you I bled.

So Shadow, listen closely,

To what I have to say:

Though your journey seems impossible,

There will always be a way.