By: daiyumi69
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to the lucky lady Rumiko Takahashi.
Pairing: Sesshoumaru x Kouga, many others... (eventual)
Summary: Kouga is caught again by Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru decides to punish the wolf and claim back what's his. Their relationship eventually becomes an abusive one... M-preg
Warning(s): Yaoi (m/m), language, lime, naughtiness!
Dai Note: Originally meant to be a one-shot, this fic ventured off into something else…
Chapter 1 Firewood
Miroku stood there, frozen, in a daze, watching this scenario play on. He was mesmerized by it all. For the third time he questioned himself, was this really happening? He had to reach down and pinch himself just to be sure. Two of the most desirable full-blooded youkai demons to exist, in his view, were doing the things that he only fantasized about right in front of him knowing that he was watching! 'Am I one lucky guy? Or am I one lu-cky guy!' he mused.
"Kagome, I'm hungry!"
"Okay Shippo. Hold on."
Shippo smiled as she sighed, knowing that she'd answer his every beck and call.
"Make dog-boy go and fetch us something to eat!"
He began to flail his arms wildly, forcing tears to surge from his overly huge eyes. The whole thing looked overly staged.
Inuyasha's eyebrow twitched and a large vein jutted out excitedly throbbing on his forehead, but other than that, he looked calm and walked on ignoring them.
"Inuyasha? Inuyasha, we need to stop and take a break to rest, we're exhausted and poor Shippo's hungry," Kagome tried pleading with the leader of their small group.
"No! We can take a break after we get out of the Northern Lands. It reeks of that mangy wolf and his pack! And as far as Shippo is concerned, he can go and eat dead rats for all I care! We ain't stoppin' until I say-"
"Sit!" Kagome screamed the command at the top of her lungs casting the subduing spell on an irritated Inuyasha. Inuyasha lay face down in a crater of dirt created from the force of the blow. He rose up with a scowl on his face.
"Wench! Why the hell'd you-"
"Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!!!!"
This time, however, for at least a good two minutes, Inuyasha did not get up.
-Hours Later-
Miroku and Inuyasha trudged through the heavily wooded area in search of both firewood and dinner for the night. Kagome had won the dispute from earlier and ordered them to go hunt and fetch firewood. The atmosphere lay thick with uneasiness making Miroku fidget at the slightest turn of the hanyou's head. Inuyasha was fuming and Miroku had no clue as to how to lighten the mood. Dropping the whole idea he moved onto something more interesting. With a small smirk, he moved carefully, trying not to get himself caught. Miroku stole a glance at his good friend, eyes lighting up with mischief. Now when he said good friend, he meant it in a totally different way than what the others perceived. Miroku more so interpreted it as good look-ing.
Inuyasha bristled slightly when he suddenly got the awkward feeling that someone was watching him. Looking to his right, he didn't see the familiar face that was there only a few moments ago.
'Where'd Miroku go? Guess he went off in another direction.'
After a few more seconds of walking by himself, he still had that weird feeling. This time though, he looked behind him and that's when Miroku jumped into his view, contently staring at something.
'What's he staring at - HEY
Miroku was too occupied in looking at Inuyasha's rear end to even see or hear the footsteps in front of him come to an abrupt halt.
'Why did it stop moving?'
The confused monk looked up to see a half blushing, indignant hanyou. It didn't register that his feet were still moving, so when he looked up, he crashed right into his said friend, toppling them over.
"Watch where you're going stupid monk! And what were you starin' at my ass for?" he nearly screamed as he knocked Miroku on the head. Grope. Grope. Grope.
"What the hell do you think you're doing monk!" yelled an outraged hanyou.
"My apologies Inuyasha. I seem to have mistaken you for Sango. Bad, bad Miroku," he said in a non-believable tone of voice.
"I think I just may need a spanking Inuyasha." He winked at the flustered hanyou seductively.
"Get off me you lecher! Is that all you ever think about? You really are a hentai!"
"Well... Heh! Heh! You know, a man has his needs," Miroku responded in a masculine sort of tone.
Inuyasha's unconvinced expression turned serious.
"Be quiet. I smell Sesshoumaru nearby."
"The gir-"
Inuyasha quickly put a hand over the other's mouth to keep him quiet. "I told you to keep quiet monk."
'But the girls!' the houshi thought frantically. He bit down on Inuyasha's fingers sharply.
"Ow! Stupid monk!"
Inuyasha then slapped Miroku on the back of the head. An aggravated monk, who if not for Inuyasha moving, ended up slapping the hanyou in the face.
"You shouldn't have turned around!"
A resounding smack landed on the monk's left cheek, leaving him dazed for a few seconds.
An oncoming chain of slaps could be heard simultaneously throughout the dense forest. Both men were slapping each other repeatedly, and by the end of it, both of their faces were stained red from the assault.
-The Wolves' Den-
Kouga lay back relaxing under the constant beam of the sun. He proceeded to roll over onto his stomach to get the full effects of his tanning. He couldn't very well go walking around tan on one side and stark white on the other. No, Sesshoumaru wouldn't approve of it. He had to be in tip top shape with not even a hair out of place when it came to the great dog prince. Kouga had only about an hour left before his Lord arrived and needed to take a short nap to regain some of his lost energy. Just as he was about to fall into a light nap, he heard commotion a bit off to the east.
"Can't a prince take a nap once in a while in peace?!"
After fruitless attempts of trying to ignore the sounds, he decided that enough was enough. Sighing, the handsome wolf prince made his way over to the source to see exactly who had disturbed his midday nap.
-Sesshoumaru's POV-
Sesshoumaru was astonished, no appalled, that the idiot had actually smelled him. He gave him less credit than he originally thought the hanyou deserved. Surely he thought he would go undetected, only a mere twenty feet away. He frowned his disapproval.
'Why is it that that foul idiot hanyou half-brother of mine always seems to cross my path no matter where I may go?'
The daiyoukai was currently headed towards the mountains where he planned to meet up with a certain arrogant, toned, and just as good-looking wolf prince as himself. The only problem therein, was his filthy half-brother and that perverted monk who stood in his way. They were on the same path he needed to take to get to Kouga. The only path. At the mention of the monk, his loins began to stir. Sure he was human, but that was the only major flaw. It was the eyes that captivated his interest and not to mention his personality when no one else was looking. The monk liked sex just as much as he did, and who knows, maybe he could even keep up with him...
When Kouga arrived at the sight, all he could do was go into a fit of laughter. He'd never seen anything like it. Sesshoumaru, who'd arrived there a few moments before the wolf just rolled his eyes in annoyance at his brother's childish antics.
"Inuyasha, you idiot."
Inuyasha was so caught up in his duel with Miroku that the sound of his brother's voice utterly surprised him, making him freeze on the spot. That one false moved earned him one of the most brutal smacks across the face. In that moment, all living things and wildlife within the vicinity fluttered away and leaving nothing but silence.
"My-my... bad?" Miroku stuttered.
Inuyasha gave him one of the most horrifying death glares ever before raising his claws to tear the monk to shreds. The world and time itself seemed to slow down and play itself out in slow motion. Miroku didn't blink as he tore his body from its stationary position to one of someone blindly running for their lives.
A deep growl resonated from deep within the firm wall he'd just run into, and it sort of vibrated as it did. Miroku looked up past corded steel into the eyes of a creature that was obviously infuriated. They locked eyes with each other for a few seconds longer before the stoic beauty tore his eyes away to calmly look above the monk's head at something swiftly headed their way. Miroku knew what it was that he was looking at and whom its real target was. He didn't even bother to turn around and look. Instead, he ducked down and watched in horror as the hand intended for him came into contact with Sesshoumaru's pale cheek. Right then, time decided to return back to normal as realization set in. Kouga up until that moment had been laughing his head off.
"Aha! Ha! -cough- ahem..."
In less than a flash, Sesshoumaru had Tokijin in hand at Inuyasha's throat, only it didn't exactly reach its target as by some miracle at the last minute, the hanyou blocked his attack. Inuyasha flew to the ground as he was knocked there with a swift punch to the gut. Sesshoumaru was at his throat in less than half a second attempting to slice through him with Tokijin. He would have been successful had it not been for Inuyasha's quick blocking with the Tetsuaiga.
It was getting harder for Inuyasha to hold his brother off; he was using his weight as an advantage. In a burst of curiosity, Inuyasha trailed his eyes over his brother's features noting just how pissed off he was. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the smaller body beneath him and pushed even harder. Inuyasha grit his teeth as Sesshoumaru pushed with even more force, arms starting to give out. He tore his eyes away from mirrors that were piercing his own to observe the damage. Imprinted on the full (you don't have to say 'full youkai' because youkai means full demon, and hanyou means half demon) youkai's left cheek was a hand print the size of his own and the skin there looked almost as red as the markings next to it except not quite as deep in color.
Sesshoumaru noticed that Inuyasha's gaze had left his and was looking at the cheek that still burned with fire. The hanyou's expression changed from what looked to be shock to disbelief, then changed to triumphant. He growled to catch his attention, yet the hanyou seemed to be fascinated by what he'd accomplished.
"Damn it, stop looking at it!"
He all but yelled in his younger sibling's face as his eyes slowly turned red. Inuyasha saw the beginning of the transformation and paled. He had to get out of this position fast. With a burst of unexpected energy, he pushed the older demon off rolling to the side, and started after the monk who caused all of this.
-Miroku's P.O.V.-
"Miroku this is all your fault!"
The only thing that registered through Miroku's mind was 'run, get away', as two demons came running in his direction. Inuyasha pursued Miroku, while Sesshoumaru was hot on his trail.
"Get back here half-breed!"
With god-like speed, Sesshoumaru emerged in front of Inuyasha to finish off their one-on-one battle. Miroku used this chance to go and hide behind a huge boulder that you either had to squat or sit behind to not be seen. He sat with his knees to his chest, head down, and arms wrapped around himself in false protection.
The frightened monk panicked as clawed hands grabbed him and yanked him up in a firm hold. He tried reasoning with the enraged demon in a calm voice but all that came out was a petrified, high-pitched squeak. "Inuyasha, I'm sorry! It was an accident, ple-"
His captor began trembling and the sound of laughter reached his ears. Miroku peeked open one eye, then the other. He saw black hair that jiggled in its high ponytail and the brightest blue eyes close in laughter.
"That wasn't. Funny."
"Oh, but you should have seen the look on your face! -sigh- That was great!"
Kouga jumped when he felt something rubbing his bottom in small circles before it firmly squeezed and looked down.
"Hey monk! What the hell are you doing!"
"Huh? What? What are you talking about Kouga? Is there something wrong?"
The wolf made a face as he grabbed the molesting hand and held it in place.
Miroku looked down in embarrassment.
"He! He! Oh. That. You see my hand sometimes has a mind of its own, if you know what I mean..."
Kouga turned away from the lecherous monk as he went into a long speech trying to explain himself, to look at the two brothers spar. 'Inuyasha will never win. Sesshoumaru is just too powerful and strong...' he thought idly before his mind trailed off to other things. 'The last time I encountered that demon, he proved just how powerful he was.' He vaguely remembered being pushed face down into Sesshoumaru's plush boa and having the life pounded out of him. 'What rawpower!' He let out a silent groan; he was getting hard. He had to get out of here now to take care of something that needed his attention desperately.
Miroku also watched the brothers' lame attempts to once again kill each other. Whether or not it was done subconsciously, one of the monk's hands happily sauntered its way over to Kouga. As this transpired, he whistled a merry tune, pretending that nothing was going on.
Sesshoumaru could smell Kouga's arousal and sent a look his way as he swiftly passed him by and whispered so lowly in his ear that only the two of them could hear it.
"Oh fuck!" Kouga's legs almost gave out at the ripple of pleasure that cascaded down his body, caused by Sesshoumaru's promise of things to come later. 'That damn dog is such a tease! He knew exactly what he was doing.'
Inuyasha was still clueless as to where Kouga and Miroku were and even if he did know, he had his hands full at the moment.
Kouga turned around to go to a more secluded spot to relieve himself and wait up for Sesshoumaru. His plan though, was cut short by the probing hand of Miroku. A silent gasp threatened to escape his clenched jaw. His hands shot forward to grip Miroku's shoulder, claws tearing into them as he ground out the houshi's name in a strained voice.
Miroku felt around for those firm cheeks and after a while he smiled to himself when he did find something... hard. He gasped in pain as he felt claws dig into his shoulder. He looked over to Kouga to find that they were facing each other, face-to-face.
'Since when was Kouga's ass located on the… front of… his… bo-dy…' Realization hit him hard and fast. He stood up as quickly as humanly possible, hands upright, utterly mortified.
'I hope he doesn't think he's not going to finish what he started.'
Miroku felt Kouga's taut body move up against his, and that thing that was supposed to be a hard on, on his back.
Something within the confines of his priestly robes sprang to life. Kouga made the first move effortlessly guiding the monk forward, placing both of his hands on the boulder located in front of them. Kouga leaned over him placing his body against the one beneath his, rubbing his prominent erection on the houshi's backside. The wolf then boldly pulled the monk's head back by grasping his hair until he could see his face clearly and captured his mouth in a sloppy kiss. Kouga used his other hand to fondle the houshi through his robes, causing Miroku to moan and open his mouth wider. He pulled away growling, sending vibrations against Miroku's body and moved to turn him over onto his back.
Sesshoumaru was growing tired of the senseless fight his brother put up, more importantly, he needed to get to Kouga and fulfill what was promised earlier. He effortlessly dodged another one of Inuyasha's clumsy attacks and jumped high into the air, knowing the hanyou would follow. On cue, he sent a blast of energy downwards hitting Inuyasha right on target. Without a care in the world, he leisurely walked off leaving Inuyasha greatly weakened.
"Get back here Sesshoumaru! I'm not finished with you yet!"
Inuyasha struggled to stand his ground, intent on not giving up so easily. A little off to the right, a patch of bushes rustled and out stepped an annoyed looking Kagome.
"Inuyasha! What's taking you so long? You left out almost an hour ago!"
Forced and monitored by Kagome, Inuyasha made his way back to the campsite.
Sesshoumaru wasted no time in searching for his tan, tight-bodied wolf, and boy- did he find more than he bargained for. Miroku and Kouga were on the ground all over each other, Kouga completely naked, Miroku on his way there. An angry, but what sounded more like possessive than anything, growl rumbled deep from within the dog demon's torso. The two temporary lovers on the ground broke apart instantly. They stood up to make themselves look somewhat presentable in the other's company. Nervous blue and violet met gold that was tinged with an ever growing blood red color. Sesshoumaru snarled again startling the two, demanding an answer. Miroku spoke first.
"This isn't what it looks like."
Kouga jumped in to help. After all, Miroku wasn't the only guilty one there. "Yeah we can explain."
Sesshoumaru waited by for an explanation impatiently. "Then explain."
Kouga wracked his brain for answers only to come up empty. Miroku was having the same problem.
"I'm still waiting wolf!" barked the half-crazed demon, green venom pouring down his hand, drenching and destroying the soil.
"You see, while you and dog boy were-"
Kouga dashed off, seizing Miroku in the process of doing so and used the power of the jewel shards embedded in his legs to take him to full speed. Miroku was thrown lazily over his shoulder, slowing them down a bit. It wasn't the weight, just the fact that he was holding something.
Sesshoumaru's eyes, as of the current moment, were fully glazed over with red. He caught up with them easily enough, maneuvering to Kouga's side kicking out a leg, and tripping the frantic wolf making him drop Miroku a few feet ahead of them. The enraged demon was by side gripping him by the neck and slamming him back against a tree, before he could even regain his composure making the breath rush out of his lungs. He heard the monk scuffling behind them, hacking up dirt, but didn't bother to go after him. He wouldn't get too far anyways.
"I won't ask again."
Sesshoumaru could barely contain himself in his current form. It angered him to no end to see something that was his, that belonged to him, to be with another. He pulled back his lips baring his fangs at the very thought of it.
"You shouldn't have gotten me all worked up! Hell, I was horny!"
Sesshoumaru could have laughed at the irony of the situation but instead he just scoffed. He squeezed one last time for good measure. The redness in his eyes began to gradually disappear until it completely faded back to its original color.
'That still doesn't mean he's off the hook. I'll let him think that though...'
He tried to take the edge off of his voice before he spoke again, transforming it into a more seductive tone as he removed his hand from Kouga's throat to trail down his tanned chest.
"Oh," he said with an elegant raise of an eyebrow. "Is that all you wanted?"
-End Chapter-
Chapter Two Summary: Reprimanding.
Sesshoumaru shows Kouga who is in charge and teaches him a lesson. Miroku and the others head toward Kaede's village with an unconscious, injured wolf in their care…