Mush followed the others to the restaurant. Jack was still their leader and they were going to celebrate the success of their strike. The others with them were Racetrack, Crutchy, Davey, Les, and Kid Blink. Since Tibby's was closed they had to walk an extra couple of blocks to the next restaurant. They sat down and ordered their food, still discussing the strike.

"So did you really ride out on Teddy Roosevelt's carriage?" Davey asked Jack.

"Of course. You think I'm lyin'?" Jack replied.

"Jack wouldn't never lie to his fellow newsies!"

"Thanks Race," Jack said.

"Come on Davey, haven't you'se learned ta trust Jack yet?" Kid Blink asked.

"It's just a hard story to believe," Davey told them.

While this conversation continued, their waitress brought their food out. She set all seven plates on the table at once, and all the drinks. She held out the check.

"Who wants it?" she asked.

"Give it here," Jack said. She handed it to him and left. Mush's eyes never left her. He was still staring at here when Racetrack punched him in the arm.

"Wha' was dat for?" Mush asked.

"I asked if you'se had ten cents," Race answered. Mush dug into his pockets and found ten cents. "What was you'se looking at anyways?" Race asked after Mush handed over the change.

"Nuttin'," Mush said. He was looking at the waitress again while she waited for another table to pay their bill. The conversation at his table resumed but Mush was too busy watching the waitress to notice. She was yelling at the customers because they couldn't pay their bill.

"I know you'se got money. I already saw you'se stuff two bills in your back pocket so don't tell me you'se is broke."

"Look here goil," one of the customers said, "we ain't got no money so you'll just have to pay our bill for us."

"Hand over dat money now or I'll force you'se both to woik in the kitchen to pay off your bill." After a few more threats from the waitress the customers paid their bill and left. As she turned to head back into the kitchen she caught Mush's eye. Her eyes were very serious, which sparked Mush's interest even more. She quickly looked away and went back to the kitchen.

"That goil's got spunk," Jack commented.

"Yea, but too much for my taste," Race said before putting a cigar in his mouth. They paid their bill and left. They headed back for the lodging house where they met up with Specs, Boots, and the rest of the gang. They started a game of poker, but Mush didn't play.

"Why ain't you playin' poker wit da others?" Crutchy asked him, but Mush was too busy thinking to even hear Crutchy. He was still thinking about the waitress when he finally fell asleep.