(A/N- This is my list for Pokemon for the Naruto Characters and their explanations.)

Team 7

Naruto- Eevee that evolves into Jolteon because they both have spiky yellow hair. Also, a Vulpix later because it's a fox and it evolves into the Ninetales.

Sasuke- A Houndour because Sasuke and it are both dark and they use fire attacks. He gets an Umbreon because it is also dark and it has red eyes like Sasuke's sharingan.

Sakura- Eevee because it's normal and I have nothing else for her. It doesn't evolve. She gets a Teddiursa because it's normal and has no special attacks but it gets super strong when it evolves into Ursaring.

Team 10

Shikamaru- He gets a Meowth that evolves into a Persian because it kind of looks lazy. He gets a Furret because that pokemon is really smart and can get out of bad situations like Shikamaru. Also, Furrets and surprisingly Shika are really, really quick. And, I bet you thought I was going to give him an Abra and Slakoth. Never be predictable! Ahem...yeah.

Ino- She gets a Kirlia because it's psychic. Same thing for Espeon.

Chouji- A Makuhita and Munchlax. It's kinda obvious.

Team 8

Hinata- A Marill because...It seems like it could be shy. She gets a Mew because they're both really shy and hide a lot. (Mew's not going to be a legendary pokemon in this.)

Kiba- Poochyena, Growlithe later. Self-explanatory.

Shino- Nincada, Heracross later. Again: Self-explanatory.

Team Gai

Tenten- Sneasel, Scyther later. They both look like their hands are sharp...like weapons

Neji- Treeko because they both have attitudes and you can imagine them against a wall with their arms crossed. Also an Absol later because they're both mysterious.

Lee- Tyrouge, and Hitmontop later. Self-explanatory.

Team of the Sand

Gaara- Sandslash, Trapinch who doesn't evolve later. Self-explanatory.

Temari- A Pidgey. Skarmory is self-explanatory.

Kankarou- Shuppet and a Banette later because one's a puppet and the other's a...puppet.


Kakashi- Ditto (self-explanatory) and an Electrike that will evolve into a Manectric because... they just fit.

Asuma- Slugma, Macargo because...whatever.

Kurenai- Misdreavus, Vileplume...reeeeally couldn't think of something. Um...Vileplume because he is a sort of plant and Kurenai's genjutsus are mostly plants...So...yeah.

Gai- Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. Obvious.

Legendary Sennin

Tsunade- Gyarados, Charizard because they both have reeeeally bad tempers.

Jiraiya- Politoad, Politwrath. Obvious.

Orochimaru- Seviper, Arbok.


Shizune- Bellosom, Ivysaur. Let's just pretend she can use pollens and stuff from the flowers on their back/head for medical purposes.

Kabuto- Kabuto, Kabutops. Obvious.

Anko- Ekans, Zangoose. Just because I can.

They'll get more later. Oh, and I changed a little bit of some stuff.