Part two and the final chapter. Well, I think this story is a success, it's been one of my favourites to write so far, but I have a feeling my next story will be more fun. Anyway, please enjoy the final instalment of Become One With The Animal Inside You. Hope you had fun! And I just realised that I had Cho as a student in this story, so let's just say that she is in Harry's year ok?

Chapter 12: Costume Ball Part 2 & Parental Decisions

Last Time…

"So, still talking like a pirate?" Lily asked.

"Aye lass. But I think you're forgettin' one thing. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?"

Lily hit him. "That is bloody annoying now Sirius."

"Lils, you couldn't have waited until after midnight could you?" Sirius spoke normally.

"Why?" Lily asked, confused.

"Cos he said he could keep it up all night and I said that by midnight someone would hit him because of it. So, 10 galleons please." Phoebe held her hand out.

"I haven't got it on me. When we leave, I'll get it from the Hollow." Sirius told her, using the short name for Godric's Hollow.

"Fine." Phoebe said. "Now, do you want to keep dancing?"

"Yeah. Bye guys!" He dragged Phoebe back into the middle of the dancefloor.

Hogwart's Great Hall…

People had been asking Harry and Ginny to dance all night, even though no one knew who they were, but they just kept asking. Cho Chang had asked Harry to dance but, after receiving a death glare from Ginny, he declined. Ginny had Neville, Dean Thomas, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Stuart Reedley (a Ravenclaw sixth year) and at least 10 other boys she didn't recognise come and ask her. It was nearly midnight and they moved back together to dance to 'Never Had A Dream Come True' by S Club 7.

"Ginny, I've always known you were my dream come true." Harry said to her softly while she rested her head on his shoulder.

The next song was 'Hippogriff Rock' by The Four Wands which was followed by 'Could It Be Magic' by Take That. (A/N: This is actually a real song, not one I made up. I should know, it was in a musical I was in.) They slow danced until a new song came on. A Sum 41 song called 'Noots'.

"This is one of my favourites." Ginny said. Harry had to agree. He only knew it because Hermione and Ginny made him and Ron watch Fantastic 4 and it was in a scene on a mountain. Harry suspected Hermione and Ginny liked more than the song in THAT scene (A/N: Meaning a half naked Chris Evans! I was like 'Woah' in that scene, so they had a similar reaction) but Harry didn't care. He was here, dancing with a beautiful girl, without a care in the world.

When the song ended, Dumbledore in his Gandalf outfit stood in front of them all. "Now, it is 1 minute until midnight. All those with masks will have to remove them at the strike of 12." The first strike was heard. Masks were coming off everywhere and Harry and Ginny removed them before the 12th stroke. They were lucky, as anyone who was still wearing a mask had it fly off or dissolve. "Now that we are all de-masked, I would like to award prises for costumes."

Everyone started talking and only with two claps from Dumbledore did it go quiet. "Now, third place goes to Bradley Smyth and Isabella Gienti as Danny and Sandy from the muggle movie Grease." Claps went up as the two 4th year Hufflepuffs went up to receive a prize. "Second place goes to Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley as Prince Charming and Cinderella." More cheers went up as Harry and Ginny went up to receive their prize. "Our first prize winner is rather a strange one. He was an invited guest, not a student but the staff and myself feel that his costume is the best. Sirius Black as Captain Jack Sparrow from the muggle movie Pirates of the Caribbean." Every Gryffindor cheered and most Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Slytherins just ignored him.

3 minutes after this finished, music started playing again, 'This Broom Was Made For Flying' by Elisa Wayen started the dancing again. Everyone in the room seemed to scream like mad and made a dash to the dancefloor. This included Sirius and Phoebe, Piper and Leo, Remus and Paige, but the Kinetics sat at the table, with Lily and James.

"Harry, we haven't had a chance to tell you about the baby yet. Well, I went to the healer and they said they could find out if it was a boy or a girl." Lily told the four of them.

"Well? What is it, a boy or girl?" Harry asked.

"We're going to have a girl." James said, putting his hand in Lily's.

"I'm going to have a sister?" Lily nodded. "That's so cool."

"Harry, they aren't all great you know." Ron said. This earned him a hit on the arm from Hermione and a death stare from Ginny. "Leave me alone. Ok, I take it back. Happy?"

"No. cos you still said it, didn't you." Ginny said.

The song changed and '1985' by Bowling For Soup came on. (A/N: Sorry, I just love the song so much, I had to get it in there.)

"Ron come on. Let's dance." Hermione said, basically dragging him over to the dancefloor.

"Looks like Ron has no choice. You wanna dance?" Harry asked.

"When don't I?" Ginny and Harry walked over to where Ron and Hermione were dancing.

As the hours into the morning grew larger, the numbers in the hall grew smaller. The Kinetics had left around 3 and when the Charmed Ones, Leo, James, Lily, Sirius and Remus left, there were only around 25 people left, with about 3 professors.

Dumbledore had insisted that James, Lily, Sirius and Remus stay the night at the castle, so gave them the east tower to stay in. The next day, they spent all of half an hour talking to Harry and the others before they had to go to class, but promised to stay in touch. After seeing this, Piper and Phoebe decided to visit Victor at the Manor with the children sometime soon. Paige felt left out of this, even though she was invited she declined. She decided to take venture herself. She would invite her father, Sam, to Hogwarts for a visit.

Well, what can happen when Sam visits, If Sam visits? Well, it's my story so quite a lot. But you're all going to have to wait until the next story to find out, so stay tuned.

Next Instalment: What Do You Mean, Half Whitelighter? (Wonder what that means, ay? And it's not to do with Paige!)