Title: 5 things Shikamaru hates about living with Ino.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing/characters: Shikamaru/Ino
Word Count: 167
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the characters.
Summary: All in the title: 5 things Shikamaru hates about living with Ino. Written for this meme:You post a topic, list, category, whatever, in my comments section. (examples: "5 vampires Buffy ran away from", or "5 jobs Dwight has held"). Then, in a separate post, I'll post the answers to all your Top 5 ideas, according to me. Serious or fun! Then you post this offer in your own journal, if the mood takes you.
A/N: When I was finished doing 5 Things Shikamaru likes about living with Ino, some of them had spurred on more ideas.

5) Not even his house was safe anymore when she was angry. He likes to stay out a little bit longer on those days.

4) Ino had once commented that he smelled like the forest and he wasn't sure if it was a compliment or not. But it drove his curiosity. If there could just be one day when the flowers around the house could just disappear, he would like to know what Ino smelled like. Thus why he hides most of her vases.

3) How he can't sleep knowing that one night, when she was with him, was the best he'd ever slept, and that both of them are too shy to ever try that again.

2) He'd been looking for toilet paper under the sink and found her tampons. He was not amused.

1) How dependant he was about her. Whenever she came back from long missions he would outright deny missing her. In all truth, though, who else would cook his dinners for him?