Title: 5 things Shikamaru likes about living with Ino.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing/characters: Shikamaru/Ino
Word Count: 362
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the characters.
Summary: All in the title: 5 things Shikamaru likes about living with Ino. Written for this meme:You post a topic, list, category, whatever, in my comments section. (examples: "5 vampires Buffy ran away from", or "5 jobs Dwight has held"). Then, in a separate post, I'll post the answers to all your Top 5 ideas, according to me. Serious or fun! Then you post this offer in your own journal, if the mood takes you.
A/N: This hit me when I was tucked in bed one night. Just had to do it because it's fun.

5 things Shikamaru likes about living with Ino

5) How she stands next to him at the crack of dawn, staring at their reflection against the mirror as they brush their teeth, eyes half closed, cups threatening to slip right out of loose grips. When he looks at her the sun is just right, peeking through the soft curtains (Ino had picked them out) and she glows and so simply stunning. Tangled blond hair, cheeks flushed with the warm haze of slumber, clothes disarray. She spits and looks at him, and that's exactly how he wanted to start the day.

4) Shikamaru never bothered to learn how to cook. That was a woman's job, too troublesome for him anyways. He watched her when she worked, drifting away from her voice to focus on her motion. She was using knives now, and he couldn't help it. She was a ninja, yes, but was she really paying attention to how she was cutting? "Careful."

Ino paused and looked at him. "Oh, don't worry. My mother taught me a long time ago how to cook, there's this really simple technique you can use that involves your knucklesā€¦"

He holds his breath as she continues slicing. Sometimes he can't trust her when she rambles on like that.

3) With him alone, the house is too quiet. Ino is too loud. They balanced each other out. It's as simple as that.

2) How warm she is. She slipped into his bed one chilly night, clinging to him and he held her with blazing cheeks. He couldn't sleep for a while, he wasn't use to another presence or he just didn't want to forget by morning. How her ear was pressed against his bare chest, beating heart, and how he could feel her soft smile against it, arms wrapped around him, and how it just seemed absolutely right.

1) He didn't have to guess anymore if Ino was infuriated with him. His meals would consist of leftovers or frozen dinners, his ears replayed the sound of her room door slamming shut, but most of all she now had the privacy (although it had never stopped her before) to yell at him in his house- their house.