Well everyone, I think it's about time I gave you the run-down on what's going to happen with this story.
At this point, I cannot continue it- especially with where the manga is concerned. I have been waiting all of this time, and I simply cannot figure out how to continue on while this current arc keeps going on with Pein.
Thus, I have come to the decision to end the story here, and to begin anew, using some of the things left behind in this story.
Though, I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself in my explanation. As of October, I got a job. I had to have time to get used to it. I think sometime in November was when the current Pain-and-Konoha arc occurred, and ever since I've been trying to ride it out to see how it concludes, but as those of you up-to-date can seeā¦ it's not going to be ending for a while.
In January I had 2 jobs, and I lost lots of creativity time, and during the end of December through now, I've been figuring out what to do, and the final decision is this in better terms:
-I want to continue the story, but I find I cannot since it is too close to the manga.
-To continue, I have to end this story by leaving it incomplete.
-The best way to go about this, is to write a whole new story, yet use themes I created/brought up in Hold Fast Hope.
-I want to do a better job of writing this couple/story.
So, in short, I will be doing a whole new story that will fall back onto things that happened in this one. The new story won't really be a sequal, but it would still be good to have read this story first to appreciate the re-working of this pairing and the story I spun as of so far.
-sighs- so yes. Finally, after about 2 weeks of deciding this, I've finally decided I should tell you all. I regret that I can't continue this story, but it will be much easier on me and probably all of you if I simply restart with a new timeline, and not hang onto the teathers of the manga.
Ok, I think that's about it. I will be starting this new story soon, and I will try to be good about updating.
Hope to see you all in the new story. (and sorry if I went in circles in my explanation. DX I didn't mean to.)
I'm in the LJ community 31_Days, and since I didn't want to leave you guys off with simply an A/N, I will write a short something using the prompt of the day.
February 16th, Naruto, Haunting Moon
Title: Haunting Moon
Day/Theme: Feb 16th, Change our bones to gases
Series: Naruto
Characters/Pairing: Naruto/Ino
Rating: G
She sat tracing his pale features under the moonlit stairs, hidden by their feeble planks.
Her hand caressed his hair like spun gold, its feel almost and yet not quite human. She wondered how having a beast sealed within caused one's physical nature to change as each year passed, and wondered not for the first time, if perhaps he might never get the chance to die like anyone else.
If perhaps one day, he might become a spirit, leaving his mortal flash and bones behind and becoming a manifestation of chakra, particles, and gas- all in the Kyuubi's feeble attempt to preserve itself in one shape or another.
She wondered, if perhaps, he might become something new.
But for now, all she had was him, and she would love and nurture every aspect of his being, even so far as long after she herself had been dead and buried.