A few weeks later…

"We're so glad you two could join us for dinner," Catherine said to Sofia and Wendy as she took Sara's hand in hers.

"Well, it's so nice to see the two of you happy," Wendy said.

"And together. Let's not forget that not only are they happy, they're together," Sofia added.

"You're right, baby. How could I forget that?" Wendy agreed with her girlfriend.

"How about we go dancing? Catherine has been after me for the last couple of weeks to go," Sara asked as she kissed Catherine's hand.

"I love it! Let's go," Sofia said as she excused herself to get their jackets.

"There's this little club downtown that Sofia and I go to sometimes. We could go there," Wendy offered.

"I like that idea. Do we want to ride together or take separate vehicles?" Catherine asked.

"I think we should take separate vehicles. Wendy lives on the other side of town and we'd probably just go there after the club. It makes the most sense," Sofia said.

"Sofia's right," Sara agreed. With that they left the restaurant in separate vehicles on their way to the club that Wendy had told them about. "See, I told you everything was okay between me and Sofia," Sara said as they drove to the club.

"Have you even apologized to her? Or did you just assume that she knows you're sorry?"

"We talked. I'm not sure I ever exactly apologized. I mean, she knows I'm sorry. You think I need to come right out and tell her I'm sorry?"

"I don't think it would hurt. You can't afford—we can't afford—for Sofia to be angry with you," Catherine said.

"Fine, I'll talk to her again—and apologize."

An hour later in the club…

Catherine and Sara were dancing on the floor when Wendy approached them and tapped Sara on the shoulder. "Can I cut in?"

"I don't normally give Catherine up so easily, but I'll make an exception for you," Sara said to Wendy. "Where's Sofia?"

"She's at the bar. Go keep her company," Wendy winked.

Sara approached the bar cautiously, still wary of how Sofia would treat her when no one else was around. She walked up behind her, put her hand on her shoulder and said, "Mind if I join you?"

Sofia motioned to the empty barstool beside her. Sara shook her head when the bartender walked over and asked her what she'd have to drink. "Still not drinking?" Sofia asked.

"No, I think it's in my best interest to stay as sober as possible. I've got a good thing going with Cath and I don't want to screw it up. Took me long enough to get her, now I don't want to lose her," Sara said soberly.

"I can understand that. Catherine's not the kind of woman you ever want to lose," Sofia said knowingly.

"Look, Sofia. I know we talked and all, but I want to make sure you know how sorry I am about what happened. I never should have hit you. I'm really, really sorry."

"Yeah, I get it. Look, what's done is done. It's over with, so let's forget it," Sofia said.

Arms snaked around Sara's waist and a mouth pressed to her ear, "Take me home, baby. I'm ready for bed." Catherine winked at Wendy and Sofia and said, "We're gonna hit the road. You two sticking around or going home?"

"I think we'll be going home, too," Sofia said as she wrapped a protective arm around Wendy. "Let's get out of here, sweetheart."

As they were walking out to their respective cars, Sara hand in hand with Catherine, turned to Sofia and said, "So, everything's cool between us, right?"

Sofia said, "Right." Sara turned her attention back to Catherine as they neared her car. As she was shutting the door behind Catherine, she heard Sofia call her name, "Oh, Sara?"

As she turned around, Sofia punched her square in the face. As Sara slid down the side of the car, effectively keeping Catherine from being able to open the door, Sofia said, "Now we're cool."

Sofia would leave Catherine to pick up the pieces and make sure Sara was okay. She was, after all, all that she needed.