She stood in the courtyard underneath a bare sakura tree staring up at the violet sky speckled with tiny pricks of silver light. She wondered if the stars looked the same from every world. Perhaps even someone on a different world could be looking up at the same stars she was at the exact same moment. Another version of herself. Another version of him. Another version of Souma. She felt perhaps looking at the stars was something people did in every universe. She just wished she had someone special to share the beautiful night sky with.

Perhaps Kurogane was even looking up at the stars somewhere with someone he had grown to care about. She smiled a little at the thought of the gruff Kurogane sharing a romantic evening with someone. She wondered who could ever turn an evening with him into something romantic. Then again, she had always believed there was somebody for everyone out there in the universe. It was just possible Kurogane had found his special someone on one of his dimensional travels. She giggled as she imagined Kurogane attempting to be romantic with anyone. She supposed someone would one day love him enough to find any miserable attempts of his to be a romantic positively endearing. She, on the other hand, would always find them miserable and would have to fight not to laugh every time she thought about it.

She leaned back against the tree, looking up through the bare branches to the sparkling sky. She honestly did hope that Kurogane had found someone special to him. Someone who he could spend the rest of his life with. Someone he could laugh with, or at least someone to teach him how to laugh, someone to cry with, share every little secret with.

She wanted to find someone like that, someone she could dedicate her life to. Someone special just for her. She was starting to think that person did not exist for her in his world. If they did, Tomoyo certainly had not found that person yet.

She saw something flash through the sky, and she pushed herself away from the tree. Had that really been a shooting star? Just to be safe, she clasped her hands together and made a wish.

"Tomoyo-hime-sama, are you cold?" Souma asked, carrying a blanket towards her. She had not even noticed the ninja coming into the garden, but she smiled warmly at her, and allowed her to wrap the blanket around her shoulders.

She reached up to grab one of Souma's hands in hers, pressing it against her shoulder. "Souma, do you think it is childish or foolish to wish on a shooting star?"

"Of course not. Relying on the stars is merely another form of hope and faith. No matter how old or intelligent one may be, we always need something to believe in."

"Hmm…" She wanted Souma to stay; she no longer wanted to be alone with her thoughts. "Would you like to know what I wished for?"

"If you tell me, then your wish won't come true."

"That is just a silly superstition." She let go of Souma's hand, but the ninja left it on her shoulder. "I wished for yours and Kurogane's happiness."

"I suppose you wished nothing for yourself." Souma's hand slipped from her shoulder, and Tomoyo turned to her. Souma had closed her eyes and had clasped her hands together in front of her.

"Souma, what are you doing?" she asked, blinking her eyes in puzzlement.

"Making a wish for your happiness on every star in the universe and for the happiness of all those who share your soul."

Tomoyo smiled at her and reached over to take on of Souma's hands between hers, skin hardened by battle tickling her much smoother, silky palms pampered by court life. "Souma, would you like to stay here and watch the stars with me?"