Attack of the Experiment! Good or Bad?

Disclaimer: I do not own sailor moon or the characters but I do own the characters Neko and Tenshi. Thank you and enjoy the fan fic! Bye bye!

Neko: So Tenshi are what or we going to get this story going or what?

Tenshi: Sure! You wanna start?

Neko: Not really but if I have to…

*Tenshi puts up a sign saying:

Neko: Oh very nice Tenshi

*Tenshi laughs*

Tenshi: Well there it says that you have to start it!

Neko: Ok ok I will start it

*Neko quickly glances at Tenshi*

Tenshi: What?

Neko: You know!

Tenshi: Ok ok I will start next time ok?

Neko: Good! Ok lets get this show on the road!

Tenshi: Ok

Neko: Ok well one day Setsuna and Michiru were working in their lab.

Tenshi: During this time Haruka took Hotaru to the park.

Neko: Michiru and Setsuna were trying to make a robot that would cook and clean the house.

Tenshi: They wanted to make it as human like as possible.

Neko: But something terrible went wrong.

Tenshi: Well lets not tell the whole story lets go to the lab and let Setsuna and Michiru take the sory.

Neko: That's what I was planning to do.

*Neko hits Tenshi with her mallet*
Tenshi: Hey!!

*Tenshi hits Neko back with her mallet*

Neko: Hey! Well any ways lets get back to the story!

Tenshi: Right!

(Setsuna and Michiru's lab)
* Setsuna and Michiru stand next to each other as they take slow steps away from the bed where the experiment was being done*

Setsuna: Michiru do you know what went wrong with our calculations?

*Michiru looks at Setsuna *

Michiru: Nope. Everything, well I thought everything was correct and I thought it was going good until it started to change.

*Setsuna looks at the bed*

Setsuna: Yeah I know what you mean but I still don't know what to do about it

*Michiru looks at the bed*

Michiru: Yeah I know what you mean I just hope its not going to become evil or anything hey you know what?

*Setsuna looks at Michiru*

Setsuna: What?

Michiru: Maybe it can help us fight bad guys well that is if we ever have to fight again.

*Michiru and Setsuna laugh*

Setsuna: Yeah maybe it was a good thing that we messed up the calculations.

*Michiru and Setsuna both look at the table*

Setsuna: Or maybe not

Tenshi: The experiment has been changing forms. For example a person or an animal.

Neko: Yeah, but it always seems to go back to a gel like form I wonder what's going on.

Tenshi: Yeah I know what you mean.

Neko: Well come back next time to find out what the experiment turns out to be! Will it stay in the jell like form or will it change into a dog or maybe a cute little rabbit or maybe a big ugly monster! Find out next time on Attack of the Experiment!

Tenshi: You made that should like a tv show!

Neko: I guess I did oops!

*Neko puts her hand behind her head*

Neko: Sorry about that I promise not to do that again.

*Tenshi looks at her*

Tenshi: Yeah sure.

Neko: I promise I will try not too!

Tenshi: Well anyways we got to go now come back for the next chapter Bye!

Neko: Bye!

*They both wave*